将字符串转换为数字(数组大小),该数组的输入并将其输出。 ASM

时间:2015-06-30 22:00:03

标签: arrays assembly masm tasm

在这个程序中,我很难将字符串转换为数字。我已经花了大约10个小时使用这个代码(是的,我是新手)而且我有一种强烈的感觉,我会非常接近它将要工作的那一点......请证明我是正确的或证明我错了! =)我试图在最复杂的(对我来说)部分代码中添加尽可能多的注释,这样你就可以节省时间,以防你有心情帮助我。如果有必要,我会很高兴解释代码。抱歉我的英文,让我们看看代码。

model tiny
    org 0100h
       mov ax,cs
       mov ds,ax

       mov dx,offset text
       mov ah,09h
       int 21h

       mov dx,offset x
       mov ah,3fh
       int 21h

       mov dh,byte ptr[x+di]   ; Loading first digit into elem.
       sub dh,48 
       mov ah,2

CH2INT:mov elem,dh

_TEST: push di

OFFST1:mov cl,ah
       dec cl
       add di,di
       loop OFFST1
       mov dh,byte ptr[x+di]   ; Loading next (x+di*2) digit into dh.
       pop di                  ; Inc ah for the next iteration.
       inc ah                  ; Here we see if next char is a digit or not,
       cmp dh,"0"              ; if it is (meaning that current digit isn't in the lowest position) -  
       jb INVAL                ; multiplying current digit by 10 (our base),
       cmp dh,"9"              ; if not - jump to INVAL where we go on to the next digit (if there is any).
       ja INVAL                ; Push-pop ax just for convinience, I'm almost out of free-to-use registers.
       push ax                 
       mov al,elem            
       mov ten,10
       imul ten
       mov elem,al
       pop ax
       jmp _TEST

INVAL: mov al,elem             ; Adding number we got to the sum which in the end (after jump to NEXT) 
       add sum,al              ; will containe inputt size of array as a number, not a char.
       push di

OFFST2:mov cl,ah
       dec cl
       add di,di
       loop OFFST2
       mov dh,byte ptr[x+di]   ; Move next digit into dh (x+ah(wich was incremented earlier)+di).
       pop di                  ; See if there is a next digit in x or previous one was the last one
       cmp dh,"0"              ; (I just hope that next value in memory after the inputt will not be a digit...
       jb NEXT                 ; I understand that it's not nice and a luck game, but I do not yet come up with smthn better).
       cmp dh,"9"              
       ja NEXT
       push di                 ; Next few lines write next char into dh (but with index less by 1 than in previous
                           ; few lines, where we checked is there any more digits in the inputt value left.
OFFST3:mov cl,ah               
       sub cl,2
       add di,di
       loop OFFST3
       mov dh,byte ptr[x+di]
       pop di
       sub dh,48
       jmp CH2INT              ; Jump to next iteration to work with next digit in the inputt value

NEXT:  mov dx,offset array
       mov ah,3fh
       int 21h
       mov cl,sum

L:     mov dh,byte ptr[array+di]
       inc di
       mov dl,dh
       mov ah,02h
       int 21h
       loop L

       mov ah,4Ch              ; Service 4Ch - Terminate with Error Code
       mov al,0                ; Error code
       int 21h                 ; Interrupt 21h - DOS General Interrupts


     array db 256 dup (?)      ; Array
     x     db ?                ; Size of the array
     ten   db ?
     text  db "Enter number of elements in array: $"
     elem  db ?                ; A single digit from the inputt value  
     sum   db 0                ; Inputt value transformed into number

     end start



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