display result divs based on web form radio button selections

时间:2015-06-30 19:27:22

标签: javascript php jquery ajax json

I would like to simply .show() a div based on a web forms radio button (user) selections.

For brevity lets take below (but note I'm looking for somewhat scaleable advice as my web form will have 7 questions and 5 answers each. And I have 5 results divs)

Note:// So, basically there will be 7 questions and 5 answers each. so I will need an array with 5 possible answer combinations via user radio button selection, ideally using the input 'value' field; so I can simply change the values of what value combos would equal what div results screen. The div results screens will just be 5 unique sets of content inside the div, that's it.


<div class="page1">
  <form class="sampler">
    <input type="radio" name="sex" value="male" checked>Male
    <input type="radio" name="sex" value="female">Female

<div class="page2">
  <form class="sampler">
    <input type="radio" name="food" value="tacos" checked>Tacos
    <input type="radio" name="food" value="spicynuts">Rotten Spicy Peanuts

<div id="resultsONE"><!-- one results div is display none by default sample but there would be much more content here  -->
  <p>Congratulations, you are NOT the father</p>

I know the below is terrible syntax; but this was the logic I was thinking about starting with on JS side. Note I will have 5 unique results #divs.

function resultsdivONE () { 
  if ($input value == "male" & "tacos") {
  } else if () {
    // do
  } else {
    // do

As I mentioned above; I'm looking for a method where I can simply use the SELECTED input value=""; so they can be changed somewhat easily.


if ("male" & "tacos" & "nextanswer" & "nextanswerafter") { // etc up to 7
 }  // first results div

May be open to php options.

Thanks for taking a look!

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)




var logics = {
    idOfDiv: [{idOfInput: valueOfInput ,name:'asd',gender:'female'} , {name:'bbb'}],
    ifn2: [{num:1}],
    ifn3: [{gender:'male'}],
    ifn4: [{name:'zxc'}]

basically give ids to divs that you want to show conditionally starting with ifn and in array put logic [{formEleId: value, ...},{...or logic..}]

var rules = Object.keys(logics);
var divs = $('div[class^=ifn]').hide();
var form = $("#inputs");


form.on('input change', function () {

function updateForm() {
    rules.forEach(function (k) {
        var ele = divs.filter("." + k);
        logics[k].forEach(function(l) {

function applyRules(l, ele){
    var ids = Object.keys(l);
    var valid = true;
        var input = form.find('#'+id);
        if (input.children('input:radio').length>0){
            input = input.children('input[type=radio]:checked');
        if (input.val() != l[id]) valid = false;
    if (valid) ele.show();

答案 1 :(得分:3)



所以基本上,所搜索的是一个包含单选按钮和结果的简单表单,它应该与无线电选择的组合相匹配。根据问题,问题应该易于维护和改变,而不总是触及脚本或其初始逻辑。 投票支持外包问题和逻辑 - 将其与DOM分开。


在问题标签中提到并且进一步可见的是php和ajax。鉴于可能希望完全外包问题并通过ajax从php中获取它们。 外包投票。


  • 是否需要任何框架和/或库?不一定,但它可能是有用的
    • 检索JSON
    • 创建DOM元素
  • 我们是否一直需要DOM中的所有问题和答案?不是真的


  1. 我建议动态创建DOM,因为 - 直到现在 - 没有理由一直保留它,这使得HTML文件本身看起来更加纤薄和整洁。
  2. 此外,还可以分离布局,结构,逻辑和数据,最终允许您通过更改一个文件来更改答案和问题。
  3. 使用这样的方法,您可以使用不同的问题创建更多表单,但代码相同。
  4. 如果您尚未使用任何库/框架,请不要仅为此脚本添加一个。
  5. 结论


    There is a Fiddle available for it


            <!-- optional styles -->
                    left: 50%;
                    position: absolute;
                    text-align: center;
                    top: 50%;
                    transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
                //This is out simple AJAX routine to not overload it by any framework.
                //If you are already using jQuery, just use $.get()
                ;var AJAX = {
                    getXmlDoc: function(){return ((window.XMLHttpRequest) ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"))},
                    //u:=url, f:=callback, c:=any param to pass to callback
                    Get: function(u, f, c){
                        var tDoc = this.getXmlDoc();
                        tDoc.open('GET', u, true);
                        tDoc.onreadystatechange = function(){
                            if (tDoc.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && tDoc.status === 200) f(tDoc, c);
                //This is going to be the namespace holding our functionality.
                //In the end one should outsource this to a script file, yet we leave it here in the example for a better overview.
                ;var Quiz = {
                    mContainer: null, //In this container the quiz gets created in
                    mCurrent: null, //Stores the current displayed question
                    mJSON: null, //In here we are going to store the JSON result
                    //Handling logical errors, like missing data or json
                    _Error: function(m){
                    //The event called on the radio change event
                    _onChange: function(e){
                        if (e && this.mJSON.questions[this.mCurrent]){
                            //We are going to those the result of this question in the JSON
                            this.mJSON.questions[this.mCurrent].value = e.value;
                            //If the question is not the last, we are going to display the next one
                            if (this.mCurrent < this.mJSON.questions.length - 1){
                                this.showQuestion(this.mCurrent + 1)
                                //Else we are going to show the result
                        else this._Error('_onChange(): Invalid parameters')
                    //The function to initialise our quiz.
                    //We are going to grab the json data and analyse it.
                    //c:=container element || document.body, l:=link || 'JSON.js'
                    Init: function(c, l){
                        this.mContainer = (c || document.body);
                        var tL = (l || 'JSON.js');
                        AJAX.Get(tL, function(r, l){
                            Quiz.mJSON = JSON.parse(r.response);
                            if (Quiz.mJSON && Quiz.mJSON.questions)
                                Quiz._Error('Init(): No questions found with "' + l + '"')
                        }, tL)
                    //Hiding the previously asked questions (remove from dom)
                    hideQuestions: function(){
                        while(this.mContainer.firstChild) this.mContainer.removeChild(this.mContainer.firstChild)
                    //Going to show the result according to the asked questions
                    showResult: function(){
                        var tValues = []; //Storing our answers
                        for(var i=0, j=this.mJSON.questions.length; i<j; i++)
                            if (this.mJSON.questions[i].value) tValues.push(this.mJSON.questions[i].value)
                        //Going to store the result text
                        var tResult = 'No match for ' + tValues.join(',');
                        //Looping through all requirements to get a match
                        for(var i=0, j=this.mJSON.answers.length; i<j; i++){
                            //The requirements which need to match the values
                            var tR = this.mJSON.answers[i].requirement;
                            //For this we filter all the elements which do not match the requirements
                            var tF = tValues.filter(function(e){return tR.indexOf(e) === -1})
                            //If that list is empty, all elements matched and we can stop
                            if (!tF || tF.length === 0){
                                tResult = this.mJSON.answers[i].message;
                        //Now we are going to dislpay the result
                        var tH = document.createElement('h1');
                        tH.innerHTML = tResult;
                    //This creates and shows a question of our question array
                    //i:=JSON.questions array index
                    showQuestion: function(i){
                        if (i >= 0 && i<this.mJSON.questions.length){
                            this.mCurrent = i;
                            var tQ = this.mJSON.questions[i];
                            var tN = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(tQ)[0]; //The property name is going to become the radio group name
                            //We are going to create a title (h1) and multiple radios (input & label) for each question
                            var tF = document.createDocumentFragment();
                            //Creating the header
                            var tH = document.createElement('h1');
                            tH.innerHTML = tQ.label;
                            //Creating the questions
                            for(var i=0, j=tQ[tN].length; i<j; i++){
                                var tR = document.createElement('input');
                                tR.type = 'radio';
                                tR.value = tQ[tN][i];
                                tR.name = tN;
                                tR.onchange = function(){Quiz._onChange(this)};
                                var tL = document.createElement('label');
                                tL.for = tR.name;
                                tL.innerHTML = tR.value;
                            //Now we are going to assign it to the dom.
                            this.mCurrent = null;
                            this._Error('showQuestion(' + i.toString() + '): No such question loaded')
        <body onload = "Quiz.Init(document.querySelector('#Container'))">
            <div id = 'Container'>
                <!-- Container for the quiz -->


        "questions": [
            {"sex": ["male", "female"], "label": "What are you?"},
            {"food": ["tacos", "spicynuts"], "label": "What do you eat?"},
            {"team": ["team a", "team b", "team rocket"], "label": "Where do you belong to?"}
        "answers": [
            {"requirement": ["male", "tacos", "team a"], "message": "one has chosen male, tacos and team a"},
            {"requirement": ["female", "tacos", "team a"], "message": "one has chosen female, tacos and team a"}







    {"requirement": ["male", "spicynuts", "team a"], "message": "one has chosen male, spicynuts and team a"},
    {"requirement": ["female", "spicynuts", "team a"], "message": "one has chosen male, spicynuts and team a"}



        "requirement": [
            ["male", "tacos", "team rocket"],
            ["male", "spicynuts", "team rocket"],
            ["female", "tacos", "team rocket"],
            ["female", "spicynuts", "team rocket"]
        "message": "team rocket rocks my socks!"





    //Going to show the result according to the asked questions
    showResult: function(){
        var tValues = []; //Storing our answers
        for(var i=0, j=this.mJSON.questions.length; i<j; i++)
            if (this.mJSON.questions[i].value) tValues.push(this.mJSON.questions[i].value)
        //Going to store the result text
        var tResult = 'No match for ' + tValues.join(',');
        //Looping through all requirements to get a match
        var tBreak = false; //We use this to double break both loops
        for(var i=0, j=this.mJSON.answers.length; i<j && !tBreak; i++){
            //The requirements which need to match the values
            var tR = this.mJSON.answers[i].requirement;
            //We put simple arrays in a nested array to keep the same logic/process
            var tRR = (typeof tR[0] === 'string') ? [tR] : tR;
            for(var k=0, l=tRR.length; k<l && !tBreak; k++){
                //For this we filter all the elements which do not match the requirements
                var tF = tValues.filter(function(e){return tRR[k].indexOf(e) === -1})
                //If that list is empty, all elements matched and we can stop
                if (!tF || tF.length === 0){
                    tResult = this.mJSON.answers[i].message;
                    tBreak = true;
            //If that list is empty, all elements matched and we can stop
            if (!tF || tF.length === 0){
                tResult = this.mJSON.answers[i].message;
        //Now we are going to dislpay the result
        var tH = document.createElement('h1');
        tH.innerHTML = tResult;


        "questions": [
            {"sex": ["male", "female"], "label": "What are you?"},
            {"food": ["tacos", "spicynuts"], "label": "What do you eat?"},
            {"team": ["team a", "team b", "team rocket"], "label": "Where do you belong to?"}
        "answers": [
            {"requirement": ["male", "tacos", "team a"], "message": "one has chosen male, tacos and team a"},
            {"requirement": ["female", "tacos", "team a"], "message": "one has chosen female, tacos and team a"},
            {"requirement": ["male", "spicynuts", "team a"], "message": "one has chosen male, spicynuts and team a"},
            {"requirement": ["female", "spicynuts", "team a"], "message": "one has chosen male, spicynuts and team a"},
                "requirement": [
                    ["male", "tacos", "team rocket"],
                    ["male", "spicynuts", "team rocket"],
                    ["female", "tacos", "team rocket"],
                    ["female", "spicynuts", "team rocket"]
                "message": "team rocket rocks my socks!"

答案 2 :(得分:2)


var val1=$('input[name="sex"]:checked', '#page1').val()
var val2=$('input[name="food"]:checked', '#page1').val()

 if (val1 == "male" && val2== "tacos") {
  } else if () {
    // do
  } else {
    // do



答案 3 :(得分:1)


<div class="page1" data-answer-div="results-one">
    <form class="sampler">
        <input type="radio" name="sex" value="male" checked="checked" data-answer="a1" />Male
        <input type="radio" name="sex" value="female" data-answer="a2" />Female

<div id="results-one">
    <div class="a a1">
        <p>Congratulations, you are NOT the father</p>
    <div class="a a2">
        <p>Congratulations, you are NOT the mother</p>


$('input').change(function () {
    var answerDiv = $(this).closest('div').data('answer-div');
    $('#' + answerDiv).find('div.a').hide();
    $('#' + answerDiv).find('div.' + $(this).data('answer')).show();

Here's a fiddlehere's a fiddle with multiple forms.

答案 4 :(得分:1)


angular.module('angularSolution', []).controller('angularController', function($scope) {

  // initialize values
  $scope.sex = "male";
  $scope.food = "tacos";
  $scope.hideResultsONE = false;

  // function called when a radio button is clicked
  $scope.radioChange = function() {

    // this could be one line of code, but I find it easier to read using all five lines
    if ($scope.sex == "male" && $scope.food == "tacos") {
      $scope.hideResultsONE = false;
    } else {
      $scope.hideResultsONE = true;



基本上,这与其他人给出的答案相同,但AngularJS具有绑定变量的双向数据。 AngularJS还会为您做很多其他事情,但这超出了这个问题的范围。

如果你回头查看问题中的原始代码,那就非常接近了。数据绑定意味着$ scope中的变量已经设置了值,并且显示或隐藏仅仅意味着设置另一个变量,而不是直接调用函数,但实际上留在函数中的所有内容都是您描述的逻辑。

答案 5 :(得分:1)






<div class="page">
    <form class="sampler">
        <input type="radio" name="sex" value="1" />Male
        <input type="radio" name="sex" value="2" />Female</form>
<div class="page">
    <form class="sampler">
        <input type="radio" name="food" value="1" />Tacos
        <input type="radio" name="food" value="2" />Rotten Spicy Peanuts</form>
<input id="submitBtn" type="button" value="submit"/>
<div class="results">
    <div data-selection="1,1" >
        <p>You are a male who likes Tacos</p>
    <div data-selection="2,1">
        <p>You are a female who likes Tacos</p>
    <div data-selection="1,2">
        <p>You are a male who likes Rotten Spicy Peanuts</p>
    <div data-selection="2,2">
        <p>You are a female who likes Rotten Spicy Peanuts</p>

JavaScript(使用jQuery for selectors):

    // create an empty array
    var selectedData = [];
    // iterate each page
        // place the selections in an array

    // clear previous results
    $(".results > div").hide();

    // find the div using the data attribute
    $(".results").find("[data-selection='" + selectedData + "']").show();

答案 6 :(得分:0)


            .result{display: none}
            .page{margin: 10px}

            //Binding the radio change even on all radio boxes contained in page classes
            function Init(){
                var tL = document.querySelectorAll('.page input[type="radio"]');
                for(var i=0, j= tL.length; i<j; i++) tL[i].onchange = function(){evalAnswers()}

            function evalAnswers(){
                //Getting all checked radio buttons
                var tL = document.querySelectorAll('.page input[type="radio"]:checked');

                //Combining the values to get the result name
                var tS = [];
                for(var i=0, j=tL.length; i<j; i++) tS.push(tL[i].value);

                //Getting the result div
                var tR = document.querySelector('[name="' + tS.join('-') + '"]');

                //If we have no result for the combination showing the __unhandled named div
                if (!tR) tR = document.querySelector('[name="__unhandled"]');

                //Hiding all results again (might not be needed if no replay option)
                var tL = document.querySelectorAll('.result');
                for(var i=0, j=tL.length; i<j; i++) tL[i].style.display = 'none';

                //Showing the result
                if (tR) tR.style.display = 'block';

    <body onload = 'Init()'>
        <!-- page1 looks more like an id than a class -->
        <div class = 'page' id = 'page1'>
            <input type = 'radio' name = 'sex' value = 'male' checked>Male
            <input type = 'radio' name = 'sex' value = 'female'>Female

        <div class = 'page' id = 'page2'>
            <input type = 'radio' name = 'food' value = 'tacos' checked>Tacos
            <input type = 'radio' name = 'food' value = 'spicynuts'>Spicynuts

        <div class = 'page' id = 'page3'>
            <input type = 'radio' name = 'color' value = 'red' checked>Red
            <input type = 'radio' name = 'color' value = 'blue'>Blue

        <!-- the name is the combinations of answers, with this we can select the correct div -->
        <div class = 'result' name = 'male-tacos-red'>

        <div class = 'result' name = 'female-tacos-blue'>

        <div class = 'result' name = '__unhandled'>
            unhandled result

