
时间:2015-06-30 16:10:39

标签: php yii yii2


我已尝试使用beforeAction,但似乎运行 AFTER behaviours代码,这对我没用。



class MyController extends Controller { 

    public $defaultAction = 'view';

    public function init() {

        // $this->action not available in here


    public function beforeAction() {

        // This is of no use as this runs *after* the 'behaviors' method


    public function behaviors() {
        return [
            'access' => [
                'class' => NewAccessControl::className(),
                'only' => ['view','example1','example2'],
                'rules' => [
                        'allow' => false,
                        'authManager' => [
                            'model' => $this->model,
                            'other_param' => $foo,
                            'other_param' => $bar,
                        'actions' => ['view'],
                    // everything else is denied

    public function viewAction() {

        // This is how it is currently instantiated, but we want to instantiate *before* the behavior code is run so we don't need to instantiate it twice
        // but to be able to do that we need to know the action so we can pass in the correct scenario

        $model = new exampleModel(['scenario' => 'view']);



authManager只是对member variable类扩展中AccessRule的引用。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)


public function behaviors()
    $model = MyModel::find()->someQuery();
    $action = Yii::$app->controller->action->id;
    return [
         'someBehavior' => [
             'class' => 'behavior/namespace/class',
             'callback' => function() use ($model, $action) {
                 //some logic here

因为behaviors()只是一个方法,你可以声明任何变量并添加你想要的任何逻辑,你必须遵循的唯一约定 - 返回类型必须是数组< / em>的。

如果您使用自定义行为,则可以使用events()方法,将行为方法绑定到某些事件。 E.g。

class MyBehavior extends Behavior
    public function events()
        return [
            \yii\web\User::EVENT_AFTER_LOGIN => 'myAfterLoginEvent',

    public function myAfterLoginEvent($event)
        //dealing with event

在此示例中,myAfterLoginEvent将在用户成功登录到应用程序后执行。 $event变量将由框架传递,根据事件类型,它将包含不同的数据。阅读about event object


正如我现在所看到的,我的答案对于事件和行为更为通用。现在,当您添加代码时,我建议您使用以下代码覆盖行为&#39> beforeAction($action)方法:

public function beforeAction($action)
    $actionID = $action->id;
    /* @var $rule AccessRule */
    foreach ($this->rules as &$rule) {
        $model = &$rule->authManager['model'];
        //now set model scenario maybe like this
        $model->scenario = $actionID;
    //now call parent implementation 

另请参阅 AccessControl implementation of beforeAction方法,它会调用每个规则allows方法,并将当前操作作为参数传递给它。因此,如果您有扩展 AccessRule 的类,您可以覆盖允许($ action,$ user,$ request)方法或matchCustom($action)方法来设置适当的模型场景。希望这会有所帮助。


覆盖控制器的runAction($id, $params = [])方法。这里$ id是 actionID - 正是您所需要的。检查ID,设置适当的模型方案并调用parent::runAction($id, $params);