JQuery Validate with different conditions

时间:2015-06-30 13:49:08

标签: jquery jquery-validate

I have three fields. The validation should be like so

fieldOne - Required if fieldTwo not present

fieldTwo - Required if fieldOne not present

fieldThree - Always required

So fieldOne and fieldTwo depend on each other. Either one or the other can be provided, or they both can be provide. Whatever happens though, fieldThree is always required.

So far I have the following

var validator = $("#my_form").validate({
    groups: {
        datagroup: "fieldOne fieldTwo"
    rules: {
        fieldOne: {
            require_from_group: [1, '.datagroup'],
            email: true,
            maxlength: {
                param: 40,
                depends: function (element) {
                    var valTwo = $('#fieldTwo').val();
                    return !valTwo || (valTwo.length < 8) || (valTwo.length > 18);
        fieldTwo: {
            require_from_group: [1, '.datagroup'],
            minlength: {
                param: 8,
                depends: function (element) {
                    var valOne = $('#fieldOne').val();
                    return !valOne || (valOne.length > 40);
            maxlength: {
                param: 18,
                depends: function (element) {
                    var valOne = $('#fieldOne').val();
                    return !valOne || (valOne.length > 40);
        fieldThree: {
            required: true

Now fieldOne and fieldTwo are working well together, but I am having issues making fieldThree fit in. It kind of works, but if you only provide a value in fieldThree ,although the errors display, the form is still being submitted.

Is there any way to stop this from happening? I am not sure if this needs to be part of the group?



<form role="form" id="my_form">
   <div class="form-group">
     <label for="fieldOne" class="control-label">Field One</label>
     <input type="email" id="fieldOne" class="form-control datagroup" name="fieldOne">
   <div class="form-group">
     <label for="fieldTwo" class="control-label">Field Two</label>
     <input type="tel" id="fieldTwo" class="form-control datagroup" name="fieldTwo">
   <div class="form-group">
     <label for="fieldThree" class="control-label">Field Three</label>
     <input id="fieldThree" class="form-control datagroup" name="fieldThree" >
   <button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" id="submitButton">Check Information</button>
   <div id="error"></div>
   <div id="results"><span id="spanOne"></span><br><span id="spanTwo"></span></div>

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