目前我有2页要求分页。 我也做了一些研究,如设置或模型做自定义查询。然而,Paginator无法工作。
现在我正在尝试将自定义查询分页器添加到索引页面。 (我需要使用分组) 我还尝试向查看页面添加自定义查询分页器。 (我需要基于id)
public function index() {
$setting = $this->Paginator->settings = $this->Report->query('
SELECT SUM( seats_occupied ) as totalOccupied, event_date, r.event_date_id
FROM reports r, event_dates ed WHERE r.event_date_id = ed.event_date_id
GROUP BY event_date
public function view($eventDateId = null){
if (!$eventDateId) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid post'));
// We only want single post so we use FindById.
$post = $this->Report->findAllByEventDateId($eventDateId);
// debug($this->Paginator->paginate($post));
if (!$post) {
//if user requet fypcakephp/view without id will throw the not found except
throw new NotFoundException(__('Invalid post'));
$setting = $this->Paginator->settings = $this->Report->query("
FROM reports where event_date_id='$eventDateId' order by period asc
//array( 'conditions' => array( 'event_date_id' => $post));
$this->set('viewData', $setting); //Then send this data
//To custom the paginate display the thing you want. (This one return)
//public function paginate($conditions, $fields, $order, $limit, $page = 1,
// $recursive = null, $extra = array())
// $recursive = 0;
// // Mandatory to have
// $this->useTable = false;
// $sql = '';
// $sql .= " select * from reports;";
// $sql .= " SELECT SUM( seats_occupied ) as totalOccupied, event_date,r.event_date_id
// FROM reports r, event_dates ed WHERE r.event_date_id = ed.event_date_id
// GROUP BY event_date; ";
// // Adding LIMIT Clause
//// $sql .= (($page - 1) * $limit) . ', ' . $limit;
// $results = $this->query($sql);
// return $results;
//public function paginateCount($conditions = null, $recursive = 0, $extra = array())
// $sql = '';
// $sql .= "SELECT SUM( seats_occupied ) as totalOccupied, event_date ,r.event_date_id
// FROM reports r, event_dates ed WHERE r.event_date_id = ed.event_date_id
// GROUP BY event_date";
// $this->recursive = $recursive;
// $results = $this->query($sql);
// return count($results);