关于数据透视表的报告 - 获取切片器,图表和过滤器的信息

时间:2015-06-29 16:09:14

标签: excel vba excel-vba pivot-table


因此,为了确保所有数据透视表都有正确的源和哪些切片器适用于每一个,我开始研究为每个数据透视表聚合有用信息的代码: / p>

let table = UITableView()

for cell in table.visibleCells() {


Sub Test_2_Pt_Report_by_sheet()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim pT As PivotTable, _
        Sl As Slicer, _
        RWs As Worksheet, _
        Ws As Worksheet, _
        pF As PivotFilter, _
        pFL As PivotField, _
        HeaDers As String, _
        TpStr As String, _
        Sp() As String, _
    ReDim A(20, 0)

Set RWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("PT_Report")

HeaDers = "Name/Sheet/Address/Version/Source/SlicerCache/Refreshed/Slicer_Number/Slicers/Slicers_Values" & _
            "ActiveFilters/Filters/ActiveValues/HasChart/Chart_Location/ / / / / / "
For i = LBound(A, 1) To UBound(A, 1)
    A(i, 0) = Split(HeaDers, "/")(i)
Next i

On Error Resume Next
For Each Ws In ThisWorkbook.Sheets
    For Each pT In Ws.PivotTables
        TpStr = vbNullString
        ReDim Preserve A(UBound(A, 1), UBound(A, 2) + 1)
        With pT
            A(0, UBound(A, 2)) = .Name
            A(1, UBound(A, 2)) = Ws.Name
            A(2, UBound(A, 2)) = Replace(.TableRange2.Address & " / " & .TableRange1.Address, "$", "")
            A(3, UBound(A, 2)) = .Version
            A(4, UBound(A, 2)) = .SourceData
            A(5, UBound(A, 2)) = ""         '.PivotCache.Name
            A(6, UBound(A, 2)) = .RefreshDate
            A(7, UBound(A, 2)) = .Slicers.Count

            For Each Sl In .Slicers
                TpStr = TpStr & "/" & Sl.Name '& " : " & Sl.Shape.Parent.Name
            Next Sl
            If Len(TpStr) > 0 Then A(8, UBound(A, 2)) = Right(TpStr, Len(TpStr) - 1)

            TpStr = vbNullString
            Sp = Split(A(8, UBound(A, 2)), "/")
            For i = LBound(Sp) To UBound(Sp)
                TpStr = TpStr & "/" & GetSelectedSlicerItems(Sp(i))
            Next i
            If Len(TpStr) > 0 Then A(9, UBound(A, 2)) = Right(TpStr, Len(TpStr) - 1)

            If .Version = xlPivotTableVersion12 Then
                TpStr = vbNullString
                For Each pF In .ActiveFilters
                    TpStr = TpStr & "/" & pF.PivotField.Name
                Next pF
                If Len(TpStr) > 0 Then A(10, UBound(A, 2)) = Right(TpStr, Len(TpStr) - 1)
            End If

            TpStr = vbNullString
            For Each pFL In .DataFields
                TpStr = TpStr & "/" & pFL.Name
            Next pFL
            If Len(TpStr) > 0 Then A(11, UBound(A, 2)) = Right(TpStr, Len(TpStr) - 1)

            'A(12, UBound(A, 2)) = .VisibleFields
            'A(13, UBound(A, 2)) =
'            A(14, UBound(A, 2)) =
'            A(15, UBound(A, 2)) =
'            A(16, UBound(A, 2)) =
'            A(17, UBound(A, 2)) =
'            A(18, UBound(A, 2)) = .PivotChart.HasChart
'            A(19, UBound(A, 2)) = .PivotChart.Chart.Shapes.Name
'            A(20, UBound(A, 2)) =
        End With
    Next pT
Next Ws

RWs.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(A, 2) + 1, UBound(A, 1) + 1).Value = Application.Transpose(A)

Set Ws = Nothing
Set RWs = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "done"
End Sub



Public Function GetSelectedSlicerItems(SlicerName As String) As String Dim oSc As SlicerCache Dim oSi As SlicerItem Dim lCt As Long Application.Volatile On Error Resume Next Set oSc = ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_" & Replace(SlicerName, " ", "")) If Not oSc Is Nothing Then For Each oSi In oSc.SlicerItems If oSi.Selected Then GetSelectedSlicerItems = GetSelectedSlicerItems & oSi.Name & ", " lCt = lCt + 1 ElseIf oSi.HasData = False Then lCt = lCt + 1 End If Next If Len(GetSelectedSlicerItems) > 0 Then If lCt = oSc.SlicerItems.Count Then GetSelectedSlicerItems = "All Items" Else GetSelectedSlicerItems = Left(GetSelectedSlicerItems, Len(GetSelectedSlicerItems) - 2) End If Else GetSelectedSlicerItems = "No items selected" End If Else GetSelectedSlicerItems = "No slicer with name '" & SlicerName & "' was found" End If End Function 只有在切片器与数据透视表位于同一工作表上时才有效。我似乎无法比在一张纸上更准确地找到它(不是戏剧性的)。

当我使用Sl.Shape.Parent.NamepT.Slicers(1).Parent.Name时,我会获得表的名称,但我想要SlicerCache的名称。 (也许我可以循环使用SlicerCaches而不是Sheets,并使用其中一个表达式来获取工作表名称)


我很难使用 Pivot Charts ,因为属性pT.Parent.Name已经在数据透视图对象中...我想知道是否有一个,其中它是什么,如何命名。我想到了一个错误处理功能,以避免中断,但我不确定这是最好的方法。





我在Excel 2013中创建了几个数据透视表并且通常在2010年工作,我尝试使用版本进行过滤,但它们都具有相同的ActiveFilters(值= 4),除了一个给出5没有任何常数来形容它... 编辑:在Excel 2013上,我发现了这个:xlPivotTableVersion14


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

Worbook对象中有 SlicerCaches 集合。

Dim sc As SlicerCache

For Each sc In ThisWorkbook.SlicerCaches
    Debug.Print sc.Parent.Name ' returns the workbook name
    For Each pt In sc.PivotTables
        Debug.Print pt.Name ' returns the pivot table name
        Debug.Print pt.SourceData ' returns the source range
        Debug.Print pt.Parent.Name ' returns the sheet name


对于图表,最好的选择是使用 Shapes 对象。

Dim sh As Shape
Dim ch As ChartObject

For Each sh In Sheet1.Shapes
    If sh.Type = msoChart Then
        Set ch = sh.OLEFormat.Object
        On Error Resume Next
        ' source pivot table
        Debug.Print ch.Chart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.Name
        ' location of the pivot table
        Debug.Print ch.Chart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.Parent.Name
        ' source range
        Debug.Print ch.Chart.PivotLayout.PivotTable.SourceData
        On Error GoTo 0

        ' how it is named
        Debug.Print ch.Chart.Parent.Name
        ' location of the chart
        Debug.Print ch.Chart.Parent.Parent.Name
    End If

当然,如果碰巧有正常的图表,你需要使用OERN + OEG0 这将导致运行时,因为没有PivotLayout与之关联。

对于 ActiveFilters ,这是一个集合。 要获取所有活动过滤器,您可以尝试:

Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pf As PivotFilter

Set pt = Sheet1.PivotTables("PivotTable1")

For Each pf In pt.ActiveFilters
    Debug.Print pf.FilterType ' returns the filter type
    Debug.Print pf.Value1 ' returns the value
    On Error Resume Next
    Debug.Print pf.DataField.Name ' returns the field name
    On Error GoTo 0

