Integrating spring security in a web application which uses angularjs for routing

时间:2015-06-26 10:15:14

标签: angularjs spring-security

My Web application uses angular routing .The problem which i face on spring security integration is, once the security XML file is in to action it doesn't prevent the intercept url's specified. Please give a solution.

spring security xml:

    <http auto-config="true">
    <intercept-url pattern="/admin**" access="ROLE_USER" /> 

        password-parameter="password" />
    <logout logout-success-url="/rest/testing/login"  />
    <!-- enable csrf protection -->

            <user name="admin" password="admin" authorities="ROLE_USER" />

Angular routing:


    // route for the home page
    .when('/', {
        templateUrl : 'transform.jsp',
        controller : 'ViewController'

    // route for the search page
    .when('/search', {
        templateUrl : 'search.jsp',
        controller : 'SearchController'

    // route for the about page
    .when('/admin', {
        templateUrl : 'audits.jsp',
        controller : 'AuditController'

    .when('/login', {
        templateUrl : 'login.jsp',


In the above js file '/admin' url pattern is not intercepted by spring security xml

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