How can I validate a field client-side using HTML5 that is read only?

时间:2015-06-26 09:50:47

标签: javascript jquery html5 validation

I have an input field that launches a datepicker. To make this work on a mobile device, I've made the field read only. This means that I can launch a date picker on click (or tap) using jQuery, and the tap doesn't open the keyboard on a mobile device.

However - a readonly attribute bypasses the HTML5 validation mechanisms. Can I add something that then either mimics the HTML5 validation look and feel, to keep consistency, or that forces HTML5 validation despite the field being readonly?

Edit: I'm looking for validating that the field is filled in (required) and preferably that it fits a certain date format.

2 个答案:

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readonly fields cannot have the required attribute, generally they will already contain some value.

Look at the HTML5 Standard Drafts

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