C ++中的递归深度优先搜索(DFS)算法

时间:2015-06-26 09:09:25

标签: c++ algorithm recursion depth-first-search


// for a Graph x, node v
string x.get_node_value(v)  //returns the the label of the node
queue x.neighbors(v) //returns a queue with the adjacent nodes to the node v (nodes index on the graph starts from 1)




int Search::DFSr(const std::string search_key, Graph& x, int starting_node){
    Color * visited_nodes = new Color[x.size()];
    for(int i=0; i<x.size(); i++){visited_nodes[i] = WHITE;}
    bool goal_f = 0;
    int goal = DFSUtil(search_key, x, starting_node, visited_nodes, goal_f);
    if(goal_f) return goal;
    else return -1;


int Search::DFSUtil(std::string search_key, Graph& x, int current_node, Color(visited_nodes)[], bool& goal_f){
    visited_nodes[current_node-1] = GREY; //-1 because array index start from 0 but nodes index on the graph starts from 1
    if(x.get_node_value(current_node) == search_key ){
        goal_f = 1;
        return current_node;
        std::queue <int> childs =  x.neighbors(current_node);
        while(!childs.empty() && !goal_f){
            if(visited_nodes[childs.front()-1] == WHITE){
                return DFSUtil(search_key, x, childs.front(), visited_nodes, goal_f);
        visited_nodes[current_node-1] = BLACK;


enter image description here


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

The following change to your code should help:

int Search::DFSUtil(std::string search_key, Graph& x, int current_node, Color(visited_nodes)[], bool& goal_f){
    visited_nodes[current_node-1] = GREY; //-1 because array index start from 0 but nodes index on the graph starts from 1
    if(x.get_node_value(current_node) == search_key ){
        goal_f = 1;
        return current_node;
        std::queue <int> childs =  x.neighbors(current_node);
        while(!childs.empty() && !goal_f){
            if(visited_nodes[childs.front()-1] == WHITE){
                int result = DFSUtil(search_key, x, childs.front(), visited_nodes, goal_f);
                if( result >= 0 ) {
                    return result;
        visited_nodes[current_node-1] = BLACK;
    return -1;

You can further remove goal_f variable from parameters and statements involving it. A return value is sufficient.

EDIT: the problem was in this line of code

return DFSUtil(search_key, x, childs.front(), visited_nodes, goal_f);

Here the function was returning even if the goal had not been found. So the remaining (in the queue) neighbors were not getting visited. The fix makes the function to return only if the goal has been reached. In the fix, there is also "return -1" statement in the end of the function, which indicates that the function finished without reaching the goal.

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