page ranking in Php

时间:2015-06-25 19:08:56

标签: php mysql

I am using a small module in PHP CURL which reads company name/website from the my database, generates total 9 social ranks( Alexa,facebook,Google rank,Google hit,Yahoo,Bing,Twitter,Linkedin,Google plus) for a company using social API platform link, then finally generated rank is updated in the database. Per day 3000 data are been updated in database like Mysql. I am looking for a better way to make the process faster and update up to minimum 50000 data per day. Is there any way to make the process faster or reduce the response time ? Is there any way to convert those script in any other language like python for obtaining my target. Output of my script is like Professionals{"Google_rank":0, "Google_hit":0, "Yahoo_hit":0, "Bing_hit":0, "Alexa_rank":0, "Facebook_hit":0, "Twitter_hit":0, "Linkedin_hit":1, "Googleplus_hit":0} Prue Jones Estate Agents{"Google_rank":3 , "Google_hit":0, "Yahoo_hit":0, "Bing_hit":0, "Alexa_rank":0, "Facebook_hit":0, "Twitter_hit":0, "Linkedin_hit":0, "Googleplus_hit":0} my script code is here: index.php <?php ignore_user_abort(TRUE); //(60 minutes * 24hrs * 2)=2days=172800 ini_set('max_execution_time', 580000); //300 seconds = 5 minutes require("pagerank.php"); include('database.php'); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ (E_WARNING | E_NOTICE)); /*------ For China table -------*/ //$urlarray=mysql_query("select * from amt_company_china_sample order by ID"); /*------ For Australia table -------*/ $urlarray=mysql_query("select * from amt_company_aus order by company_key DESC limit 3939,2000"); echo "Updating the social rank score...<br>"; echo "Processing...<br>"; while($urlfetch=mysql_fetch_array($urlarray)) { /*------ For China table -------*/ /*$companyid=$urlfetch['ID']; $url=$urlfetch['WebSite']; echo $urlname=$urlfetch['CompanyName'];*/ /*------ For Australia table -------*/ $companyid=$urlfetch['company_key']; $url=$urlfetch['website']; echo $urlname=$urlfetch['company_name']; $pr = new PR(); if($url!="") { $active=$pr->getcheckurl($url); $Google_rank=$pr->get_google_pagerank($url); $Google_hit=$pr->getIndexedPagesGoogle($url); $Yahoo_hit=$pr->getIndexedPagesYahoo($url); $Bing_hit=$pr->getIndexedPagesBing($url); $Alexa_rank=$pr->getAlexaRank1($url); $Facebook_hit=$pr->getIndexedPagesFacebook($url); $Twitter_hit=$pr->getIndexedPagesTwitter($url); $Linkedin_hit=$pr->getLinkedInShares($urlname); $Googleplus_hit=$pr->getGooglePlusOnes($url); } else { $active=0; $Google_rank=0; $Google_hit=0; $Yahoo_hit=0; $Bing_hit=0; $Alexa_rank=0; $Facebook_hit=0; $Twitter_hit=0; $Linkedin_hit=$pr->getLinkedInShares($urlname); $Googleplus_hit=0; } echo $jsontext='{"Google_rank":'.$Google_rank.', "Google_hit":'.$Google_hit.', "Yahoo_hit":'.$Yahoo_hit.', "Bing_hit":'.$Bing_hit.', "Alexa_rank":'.$Alexa_rank.', "Facebook_hit":'.$Facebook_hit.', "Twitter_hit":'.$Twitter_hit.', "Linkedin_hit":'.$Linkedin_hit.', "Googleplus_hit":'.$Googleplus_hit.'}'; echo "<br>"; $amt_rank = 0; $total_json_key=9; $json_value=array($Google_rank,$Google_hit,$Yahoo_hit,$Bing_hit,$Alexa_rank,$Facebook_hit,$Twitter_hit,$Linkedin_hit,$Googleplus_hit); for($i=0;$i<$total_json_key; $i++){ $value = $json_value[$i] == 0 ? 0.1 : $json_value[$i]; $amt_rank = $amt_rank + (1/$value); } /*------ For China table -------*/ /* $result = mysql_query("UPDATE amt_company_china_sample SET rank_json='$jsontext' WHERE ID= '$companyid'"); */ /*------ For Australia table -------*/ $result = mysql_query("UPDATE amt_company_aus SET rank_json='$jsontext',is_active='$active',amt_rank='$amt_rank' WHERE company_key= '$companyid'"); } echo "<br>update complete..."; ?> pagerank.php ?php class PR { public function get_google_pagerank($url) { $query="".$this->CheckHash($this->HashURL($url)). "&features=Rank&q=info:".$url."&num=100&filter=0"; $data=file_get_contents($query); $pos = strpos($data, "Rank_"); if($pos === false) { $pagerank = "0"; return $pagerank; } else { $pagerank = substr($data, $pos + 9); return $pagerank; } } public function getIndexedPagesGoogle($url) { $query1 = '' . $url; $data=file_get_contents($query1); if (preg_match('#about ([0-9\,]+) results#i', $data, $p)) { $hit=(int) str_replace(',', '', $p[1]); return $hit; } return 0; }//so on......... Is there any solution to reduce time to collect those info or what kinds of change should i do for gaining my target.

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