No errors on console but html doesn't loading

时间:2015-06-25 19:07:17

标签: angularjs ng-view

I have no idea why this doesn't work. What I'm doing wrong here? I have no errors in console but html from main.html and about.html doesn't load. When I use controller directly in html it does work well but when I use above code ng-view doesn't get html from main.html and about.html files. app.js angular .module('invoice2', [ 'ngRoute' ]) .config(function ($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/', { templateUrl: 'views/main.html', controller: 'MainCtrl' }) .when('/about', { templateUrl: 'views/about.html', controller: 'InvoiceController' }) .otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' }); }); about.js angular.module('finance2', []) .factory('currencyConverter', function() { var currencies = ['USD', 'EUR', 'CNY']; var usdToForeignRates = { USD: 1, EUR: 0.74, CNY: 6.09 }; var convert = function (amount, inCurr, outCurr) { return amount * usdToForeignRates[outCurr] / usdToForeignRates[inCurr]; }; return { currencies: currencies, convert: convert }; }); angular.module('invoice2', ['finance2']) .controller('InvoiceController', ['currencyConverter', function(currencyConverter) { this.qty = 1; this.cost = 2; this.inCurr = 'EUR'; this.currencies = currencyConverter.currencies; = function total(outCurr) { return currencyConverter.convert(this.qty * this.cost, this.inCurr, outCurr); }; = function pay() { window.alert("Thanks!"); }; }]); index.html <body ng-app="invoice2"> <div class="container"> <div ng-view=""></div> </div> </body>

1 个答案:

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You can't define a module more than once You are doing angular .module('invoice2', [ 'ngRoute' ]) and later angular.module('invoice2', ['finance2']) which overwrites the first one. Instead, have one array of dependencies, and fetch the module later. // define it once angular.module('invoice2', ['ngRoute', 'finance2']) // and get that instance later var app = angular.module('invoice2');