Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints - while trying to adjust dynamically cell height

时间:2015-06-25 18:34:44

标签: swift uitableview constraints

I would like to adjust a cell dynamically to show all text which I have provided to a label inside of this particular cell. I have a custom cell and it cuts me the text and shows 3 dots at the end.

While trying this in viewdidload:

tableView.estimatedRowHeight = tableView.rowHeight
tableView.rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension

a) it destroys me the whole layout

b) shows me this error msg:

Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints.
    Probably at least one of the constraints in the following list is one you don't want. Try this: (1) look at each constraint and try to figure out which you don't expect; (2) find the code that added the unwanted constraint or constraints and fix it. (Note: If you're seeing NSAutoresizingMaskLayoutConstraints that you don't understand, refer to the documentation for the UIView property translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints) 
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7faa6a5ab2f0 H:[UIImageView:0x7faa6a5ad100(135)]>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7faa6a5b9af0 UIImageView:0x7faa6a5ad100.leading == UITableViewCellContentView:0x7faa6a5acba0.leadingMargin>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7faa6a5b9c80 UILabel:0x7faa6a5b3f00'Mercedes-Benz G500 4x4\U00b2 s...'.trailing == UITableViewCellContentView:0x7faa6a5acba0.trailingMargin>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7faa6a5b9d20 H:[UIImageView:0x7faa6a5ad100]-(8)-[UILabel:0x7faa6a5b3f00'Mercedes-Benz G500 4x4\U00b2 s...']>",
    "<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7faa6a5c09c0 'fittingSizeHTarget' H:[UITableViewCellContentView:0x7faa6a5acba0(34)]>"

Will attempt to recover by breaking constraint 
<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7faa6a5ab2f0 H:[UIImageView:0x7faa6a5ad100(135)]>

Is there a way to check out from this error message whats the matter here?

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