Query to get the customers who haven't transacted in the past two months

时间:2015-06-25 18:20:06

标签: sql sql-server

I have some data in the following format (table name - ORDERS):

║ OrderID  ║ CustNum ║ OrderDate                   ║
║ 1        ║ 100     ║ 2015-02-05 00:00:00.0000000 ║
║ 2        ║ 101     ║ 2015-03-05 00:00:00.0000000 ║
║ 4        ║ 102     ║ 2015-04-05 00:00:00.0000000 ║
║ 5        ║ 102     ║ 2015-05-05 00:00:00.0000000 ║
║ 6        ║ 102     ║ 2015-06-05 00:00:00.0000000 ║
║ 10       ║ 101     ║ 2015-06-05 00:00:00.0000000 ║
║ 34       ║ 100     ║ 2015-06-05 00:00:00.0000000 ║

and I have a customers table having customer information in the following format:

║ CustNum ║ CustName ║
║ 100     ║ ABC      ║
║ 101     ║ DEF      ║
║ 102     ║ GHI      ║

This data spans many years, the ORDERS table itself has 5 Million+ records. I would like to know the number of customers who haven't transacted (or placed an order) in the past two months.

In the above example, CustNum 100 and 101 haven't transacted for the past two months (if we look at June 2015) and 102 had transacted in the past two months (again, if we look at June 2015), so I would like the output to be in the following format:

Time        NumberOfCustNotPlacingOrders
Apr-2014    1 (CustNum 102, didnt place orders in Feb and Mar)
May-2014    1 (CustNum 100, didnt place orders in Mar and Apr)
Jun-2014    2 (CustNum 100 and 101, didnt place orders in Apr and Mar)

In other words, I would like to look at an entire month, let's say June 2015 in this case. I would now look to peek 2 months back (April and May) and count how many customers (CustNum) didn't place orders, 100 and 101 in this case. I would like to do this for all the months, say starting Jan 2012 till Jun 2015.

I would post the initial query that I would have tried, but I really don't have any idea how to achieve this, so it's pretty much a blank slate for me. Seems like a self join maybe in order, but I'm not entirely sure.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

Here is the first solution, which could be used as a working base. CREATE TABLE #orders(OrderId int identity(1,1), CustNum int, Orderdate date) -- using system columns to populate demo data (I'm lazy) INSERT INTO #orders(CustNum,Orderdate) SELECT system_type_id, DATEADD(month,column_id*-1,GETDATE()) FROM sys.all_columns -- Possible Solution 1: -- Getting all your customers who haven't placed an order in the last 2 months SELECT * FROM ( -- All your customers SELECT DISTINCT CustNum FROM #orders EXCEPT -- All customers who have a transaction in the last 2 months SELECT DISTINCT CustNum FROM #orders WHERE Orderdate >= DATEADD(month,-2,GETDATE()) ) dat DROP TABLE #orders Based on the fact that a customer table is available, this can also be a solution: CREATE TABLE #orders(OrderId int identity(1,1), CustNum int, Orderdate date) -- using system columns to populate demo data (I'm lazy) INSERT INTO #orders(CustNum,Orderdate) SELECT system_type_id, DATEADD(month,column_id*-1,GETDATE()) FROM sys.all_columns CREATE TABLE #customers(CustNum int) -- Populate customer table with demo data INSERT INTO #customers(CustNum) SELECT DISTINCT custNum FROM #orders -- Possible Solution 2: SELECT COUNT(*) as noTransaction FROM #customers as c LEFT JOIN( -- All customers who have a transaction in the last 2 months SELECT DISTINCT CustNum FROM #orders WHERE Orderdate >= DATEADD(month,-2,GETDATE()) ) t ON c.CustNum = t.CustNum WHERE t.CustNum IS NULL DROP TABLE #orders DROP TABLE #customers You'll receive a counted value of each customer which hasn't bought anything in the last 2 months. As I've read it, you try to run this query regularly (maybe for a special newsletter or something like that). If you won't count, you'll getting the customer numbers which can be used for further processes. Solution with rolling months After clearing the question, this should make the thing you're looking for. It generates an output based on rolling months. CREATE TABLE #orders(OrderId int identity(1,1), CustNum int, Orderdate date) -- using system columns to populate demo data (I'm lazy) INSERT INTO #orders(CustNum,Orderdate) SELECT system_type_id, DATEADD(month,column_id*-1,GETDATE()) FROM sys.all_columns CREATE TABLE #customers(CustNum int) -- Populate customer table with demo data INSERT INTO #customers(CustNum) SELECT DISTINCT custNum FROM #orders -- Possible Solution with rolling months: -- first of all, get all available months -- this can be also achieved with an temporary table (which may be better) -- but in case, that you can't use an procedure, I'm using the CTE this way. ;WITH months AS( SELECT DISTINCT DATEPART(month,orderdate) as allMonths, DATEPART(year,orderdate) as allYears FROM #orders ) SELECT m.allMonths,m.allYears, monthyCustomers.noBuyer FROM months m OUTER APPLY( SELECT N'01/'+m.allMonths+N'/'+m.allYears as monthString, COUNT(c.CustNum) as noBuyer FROM #customers as c LEFT JOIN( -- All customers who have a transaction in the last 2 months SELECT DISTINCT CustNum FROM #orders -- to get the 01/01/2015 out of 03/2015 WHERE Orderdate BETWEEN DATEADD(month,-2, CONVERT(date,N'01/'+CONVERT(nvarchar(max),m.allMonths) +N'/'+CONVERT(nvarchar(max),m.allYears))) -- to get the 31/03/2015 out of the 03/2015 AND DATEADD(day,-1, DATEADD(month,+1,CONVERT(date,N'01/'+ CONVERT(nvarchar(max),m.allMonths)+N'/'+ CONVERT(nvarchar(max),m.allYears)))) -- NOTICE: the conversion to nvarchar is needed -- After extracting the dateparts in the CTE, they are INT not DATE -- A explicit conversion from INT to DATE isn't allowed -- This way we cast it to NVARCHAR and convert it afterwards to DATE ) t ON c.CustNum = t.CustNum WHERE t.CustNum IS NULL -- optional: Count only users which were present in the counting month. AND t.CustRegdate >= CONVERT(date,N'01/'+CONVERT(nvarchar(max),m.allMonths)+N'/'+CONVERT(nvarchar(max),m.allYears)) ) as monthyCustomers ORDER BY m.allYears, m.allMonths DROP TABLE #orders DROP TABLE #customers

答案 1 :(得分:0)

If you want the customers that have not placed orders you are going to need a customer table and use an outer join to the orders table. This should be a starting point until you make your requirements clearer... http://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/3aeb9/12 select c.CustNum ,odata.omonth from Customer c left outer join (select o.CustNum, REPLACE(RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), o.OrderDate, 106), 8), ' ', '-') as OMONTH from Orders o where o.OrderDate between '2015-05-01' and '2015-06-30' ) odata on c.CustNum = odata.CustNum where odata.omonth is null; Note that your code will need to be more complicated than this... but it should give you an idea of how to start.

答案 2 :(得分:0)

   select TOP 2 year(orderdate), month (orderdate),  
   (select count (*) FROM CUTOMER)  - count (distinct custnum) 
    from orders 
   group by  year (orderdate),month (orderdate)
   order by year (ORDERDATE),MONTH (ORDERDATE)

答案 3 :(得分:0)


select  b.mobile_number, max(b.bill_number), max(b.created_on), c.name from MasterBill as b, MasterCustomer as c  WHERE b.created_on < NOW() - INTERVAL 60 DAY and b.mobile_number = c.mobile_number group by mobile_number;