VBA RecordCount问题

时间:2015-06-24 09:47:11

标签: vba if-statement record-count


如果rsDoctorData.RecordCount< 800然后




Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rsDoctorData As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsDoctorContact As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLDoctor800 As String
Dim strSQLDoctorContact As String

Dim DoctorID As Integer
Dim DoctorName As String
Dim ContactTaken As Boolean

strSQLDoctor800 = "SELECT TOP 800 tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.ID_Full_Data, Rnd  ([ID_Full_Data]) AS Random, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Reference,     tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.id_Site, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.id_Local, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Date, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Time, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Age, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Gender, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Complaint, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.LTM_Medicine, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Specialty, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Category, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Add_Training, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Comments, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Taken, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Second_Cat_Contact_id, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Second_Cat_Contact_Name" _
    & " FROM tbl_Full_Data_Doctor " _
    & " WHERE (((tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Taken) = False)) " _
    & " ORDER BY Rnd([ID_Full_Data]); "

strSQLDoctorContact = "SELECT TOP 1 tbl_Contacts.ID, tbl_Contacts.idSite, tbl_Contacts.role, tbl_Contacts.name, tbl_Contacts.email, tbl_Contacts.phone, tbl_Contacts.involvement, tbl_Contacts.Taken" _
& " FROM tbl_Contacts " _
& " WHERE (((tbl_Contacts.role)= 'Doctor') AND ((tbl_Contacts.involvement)=True) AND ((tbl_Contacts.Taken)=False)); "

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rsDoctorData = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLDoctor800)
Set rsDoctorContact = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLDoctorContact)

If rsDoctorContact.RecordCount <> 0 Then

DoctorID = DLookup("[ID]", "qry_Doctor_Contact_Taken")
DoctorName = DLookup("[name]", "qry_Doctor_Contact_Taken")
ContactTaken = DLookup("[Taken]", "qry_Doctor_Contact_Taken")

        If rsDoctorData.RecordCount < 800 Then

            While Not rsDoctorData.EOF

                With rsDoctorData
                    .Fields("Taken") = 1
                    .Fields("Second_Cat_Contact_id") = DoctorID
                    .Fields("Second_Cat_Contact_name") = DoctorName

                End With


                DoCmd.SetWarnings (False)

                    DoCmd.OpenQuery "upd_Doctor_Taken"

                DoCmd.SetWarnings (True)


            MsgBox "There are no more 800 records to update.", vbCritical

        End If



    MsgBox "There are no Doctors to assign", vbCritical, "PIED Project"

End If

Set rsDoctorData = Nothing
Set rsDoctorContact = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rsDoctorData As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsDoctorContact As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLDoctor800 As String
Dim strSQLDoctorContact As String

Dim DoctorID As Integer
Dim DoctorName As String
Dim ContactTaken As Boolean

strSQLDoctor800 = "SELECT TOP 800 tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.ID_Full_Data, Rnd  ([ID_Full_Data]) AS Random, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Reference,     " & _
                  "tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.id_Site, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.id_Local, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Date, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Time, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Age, " & _
                  "tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Gender, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Complaint, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.LTM_Medicine, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Specialty, " & _
                  "tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Category, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Add_Training, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Comments, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Taken, " & _
                  "tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Second_Cat_Contact_id, tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Second_Cat_Contact_Name " _
                & " FROM tbl_Full_Data_Doctor " _
                & " WHERE (((tbl_Full_Data_Doctor.Taken) = False)) " _
                & " ORDER BY Rnd([ID_Full_Data]); "

strSQLDoctorContact = "SELECT TOP 1 tbl_Contacts.ID, tbl_Contacts.idSite, tbl_Contacts.role, tbl_Contacts.name, tbl_Contacts.email, tbl_Contacts.phone, " & _
                      "tbl_Contacts.involvement, tbl_Contacts.Taken" _
                    & " FROM tbl_Contacts " _
                    & " WHERE (((tbl_Contacts.role)= 'Doctor') AND ((tbl_Contacts.involvement)=True) AND ((tbl_Contacts.Taken)=False)); "

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rsDoctorData = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLDoctor800)
Set rsDoctorContact = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLDoctorContact)

If rsDoctorContact.RecordCount <> 0 Then
    If rsDoctorData.RecordCount <> 0 Then   
        If rsDoctorData.RecordCount < 800 Then
            While Not rsDoctorData.EOF
                With rsDoctorData
                    .Fields("Taken") = 1
                    .Fields("Second_Cat_Contact_id") = DoctorID
                    .Fields("Second_Cat_Contact_name") = DoctorName
                End With

            DoCmd.SetWarnings (False)
            DoCmd.OpenQuery "upd_Doctor_Taken"
            DoCmd.SetWarnings (True)
            MsgBox "There are no more 800 records to update.", vbCritical
        End If
    End If
    MsgBox "There are no Doctors to assign", vbCritical, "PIED Project"
End If

Set rsDoctorData = Nothing
Set rsDoctorContact = Nothing
Set db = Nothing