最近,我正在使用 webpack , sass , bower 和 foundation5 开发快速前端开发工具链。
我遇到了一个问题: sass-loader仅使用下划线前缀加载scss文件。
node v0.12.4
webpack 1.9.11
node-sass 3.2.0
sass-loader 1.0.2
os osntoo 3.18
var webpack = require('webpack');
var path = require('path');
var getDir = function() {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
return path.join.apply(path, [__dirname].concat(args));
module.exports = {
// webpack options
context: getDir('./src'),
entry: {
test: "./style/test.scss"
output: {
path: getDir('./build'),
filename: "[name].js"
module: {
loaders: [
{ test: /\.scss$/, loader: "style!css!sass?outputStyle=expanded&includePaths[]=" + getDir('bower_components', 'foundation', 'scss')}
progress: false, // Don't show progress
// Defaults to true
failOnError: true, // don't report error to grunt if webpack find errors
// Use this if webpack errors are tolerable and grunt should continue
watch: true, // use webpacks watcher
// You need to keep the grunt process alive
keepalive: false, // don't finish the grunt task
// Use this in combination with the watch option
devtool: 'eval'
@import "settings";
@import "normalize";
@import "foundation/components/panels";
@import "foundation/components/type";
empty file
- bower_componets
- package.json
- src
- 风格
--- test.scss
--- settings.scss
- webpack.config.js
当我运行 webpack 命令时,我收到错误:
错误 ../~/css-loader!../~/sass-loader?outputStyle=expanded&includePaths[]=/home/ray/test/testsassloader/bower_co mponents /基础/ SCSS!./风格/ test.scss
模块构建失败:@import“normalize”; ^ 要导入的文件未找到或不可读:./_ normalize.scss 在/home/ray/test/testsassloader/src/style/test.scss(第2行,第9列)@ ./style/test.scss 4:14-220
虽然,我将 bower_components / foundation / scss / normalize.scss 复制到 bower_components / foundation / scss / _normalize.scss ,但它确实有效。
./node_modules/node-sass/bin/node-sass --include-path=$(pwd)/bower_components/foundation/scss/ src/style/test.scss
我的结论是webpack解析器导致问题! 任何人都可以帮我解决问题?副本做得对吗?
答案 0 :(得分:2)
resolve: {
modulesDirectories: ['./bower_components', 'node_modules']
module: {
@import "settings";
@import "~foundation/scss/normalize";
@import "~foundation/scss/foundation";