import time
exitReq = False
while not exitReq:
print ('-' * 45)
print('The Caesar Cipher')
print('Tom Payne 10B 2015')
#Asks the user to enter all the information needed
message = input('Please enter the phrase you want to encrypt: ')
Encryption = ("Do you want to [E]ncrypt or [D]ecrypt")
shift_key = input('Please enter the keyword/phrase you would like to be your shift key : ')
def keyword_cipher(key, message):
if Encryption == ("E"):
if len(message) > len(key):
while len(message) > len(key):
length_to_add = len(message) - len(key)
key = key + key[0:length_to_add]
elif len(message) < len(key):
while len(message) < len(key):
length_to_sub = len(key) - (len(key) - len(message))
key = key[0:length_to_sub]
if Encryption == ("D"):
if len(message) > len(key):
while len(message) > len(key):
length_to_add = len(message) - len(key)
key = key - key[0:length_to_add]
elif len(message) < len(key):
while len(message) < len(key):
length_to_sub = len(key) - (len(key) - len(message))
key = key[0:length_to_sub]
#shift the characters
shifted_phrase = ''
for i in range(len(message)):
new_letter = (ord(key[i]) - 96) + (ord(message[i]) - 96) + 96
if new_letter > 122:
new_letter = chr(new_letter - 26)
new_letter = chr(new_letter)
shifted_phrase = shifted_phrase + new_letter
return shifted_phrase
#call it all to action
result = keyword_cipher(shift_key, message)
print ('Encrypted message:')
print (result)
print ('=' * 45)
exit = input('Would you like to exit: ')
if (exit) == 'yes':
exitReq = True
print('Thank You. Goodbye')
print ('-' * 45)
if (exit) == 'no':
exitReq = False
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "S:\Downloads\t2p.py", line 70, in <module>
result = keyword_cipher(shift_key, message)
TypeError: keyword_cipher() missing 1 required positional argument: 'message'