
时间:2015-06-21 16:27:44

标签: python optimization

函数coinT()使用ADF测试和Hurst指数测试两个时间序列是否静止。时间序列存储在1511x6 CSV文件中,但是为了测试,函数stock()仅返回第5列的向量。共有50个文件。似乎该程序使用了太多内存,因为它在运行约30秒后使PC崩溃。它适用于15个文件,但在较大的集合(> 50)上崩溃。


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.tsa.stattools as ts
import csv
import timeit
from numpy import log, polyfit, sqrt, std, subtract
from pandas.stats.api import ols
import os

src = 'C:/Users/PC/Desktop/Magistr/Ibpython/testing/'
filenames = next(os.walk(src))[2] #load all stock file names into array
cointegratedPairs = []

def hurst(ts):
"""Returns the Hurst Exponent of the time series vector ts
    H<0.5 - The time series is mean reverting
    H=0.5 - The time series is a Geometric Brownian Motion
    H>0.5 - The time series is trending"""

    # Create the range of lag values
    lags = range(2, 100)

    # Calculate the array of the variances of the lagged differences
    tau = [sqrt(std(subtract(ts[lag:], ts[:-lag]))) for lag in lags]

    # Use a linear fit to estimate the Hurst Exponent
    poly = polyfit(log(lags), log(tau), 1)

    del lags
    del tau

    # Return the Hurst exponent from the polyfit output
    return poly[0]*2.0

#Convert file into an array
def stock(filename):
    #read file into array and get it's length
    delimiter = ","
    with open(src + filename,'r') as dest_f:
        data_iter = csv.reader(dest_f, 
                            delimiter = delimiter, 
                            quotechar = '"')
        data = [data for data in data_iter]
    data_array = np.asarray(data)[:,5]
    return data_array

   del data
   del data_array

#Check if two time series are cointegrated
def coinTest(itemX, itemY):
    indVar = map(float, stock(itemX)[0:1000]) #2009.05.22 - 2013.05.14
    depVar = map(float, stock(itemY)[0:1000]) #2009.05.22 - 2013.05.14

    #Calculate optimal hedge ratio "beta"
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df[itemX] = indVar
    df[itemY] = depVar

    res = ols(y=df[itemY], x=df[itemX])
    beta_hr = res.beta.x
    alpha = res.beta.intercept
    df["res"] = df[itemY] - beta_hr*df[itemX] - alpha

    #Calculate the CADF test on the residuals
    cadf = ts.adfuller(df["res"])

    #Reject the null hypothesis at 1% confidence level
    if cadf[4]['1%'] > cadf[0]:

    #Hurst exponent test if residuals are mean reverting
        if hurst(df["res"]) < 0.4:
    del indVar
    del depVar  
    del df[itemX]
    del df[itemY]
    del df["res"]   
    del cadf  

#Main function
def coinT():
    limit = 0
    TotalPairs = 0

    for itemX in filenames:
        for itemY in filenames[limit:]:
            TotalPairs +=1
            if itemX == itemY:
                coinTest(itemX, itemY) 

        limit +=1  

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