
时间:2010-06-22 13:14:42

标签: f# equals icomparable compareto minimax

我在这里问一个特定的话题 - 我在网上找到的信息很少。 我正在实现一个F#版本的Minimax算法。我现在遇到的问题是我要比较我的树叶(下面的数据结构)。正在搜索VS给我的错误,我得到了这样的东西:


type TreeOfPosition =
    | LeafP   of Position
    | BranchP of Position * TreeOfPosition list


type staticValue = int
type TreeOfPosition =
    | LeafP   of Position * staticValue
    | BranchP of Position * TreeOfPosition list

    override x.Equals(yobj) = 
        match yobj with
        | :? TreeOfPosition as y -> (x = y)
        | _ -> false

    override x.GetHashCode() = hash (x)
    interface System.IComparable with
        member x.CompareTo yobj =
            match yobj with
            | :? TreeOfPosition as y -> compare (x) (y)
            | _ -> invalidArg "yobj" "cannot compare value of different types"



let p = new Position()
let a = LeafP(p,1)
let b = LeafP(p,2)

let biger = compare a b
printf "%d" biger

我在GetHashCode的覆盖中的“|:?TreeOfPosition as y - &gt; compare(x)(y)”中得到了一个System.StackOverflowException。



Pedro Dusso

嗯,我清楚地理解了这个想法,但我不能让它发挥作用。记住我想从叶子列表(“List.max”:P)获取具有最大静态值的叶子,我认为实现CompareToEquals将使List.max工作在他们身上,对吗? 我写了这样的事情:

let mycompare x y = 
  match x, y with
  // Compare values stored as part of your type
  | LeafP(_, n1), LeafP(_, n2) -> compare n1 n2
  //| BranchP(_, l1), BranchP(_, l2) -> compare l1 l2 //I do not need Branch lists comparison
  | _ -> 0 // or 1 depending on which is list...

[< CustomEquality;CustomComparison >]
type TreeOfPosition =
    | LeafP   of Position * int
    | BranchP of Position * TreeOfPosition list

    override x.Equals(yobj) = 
       match yobj with
       | :? TreeOfPosition as y -> (x = y)
       | _ -> false

    override x.GetHashCode() = hash (x)
    interface System.IComparable with
       member x.CompareTo yobj = 
          match yobj with 
          | :? TreeOfPosition as y -> mycompare x y
          | _ -> invalidArg "yobj" "cannot compare value of different types" 



2)(77,39):错误FS0039:未定义值或构造函数'mycompare',当我尝试ALT ENTER时,此消息出现在我的F#Interactive中。位置{77,39}对应于mycompare调用的开始(在GetHashCode中)。



Pedro Dusso

编辑3 - 解决了



type TreeOfPosition =
    | LeafP   of Position * int
    | BranchP of Position * TreeOfPosition list

    //Func: compare
    //Retu: -1: first parameter is less than the second
    //       0: first parameter is equal to the second
    //       1: first parameter is greater than the second
    static member mycompare (x, y) = 
        match x, y with
        // Compare values stored as part of your type
        | LeafP(_, n1), LeafP(_, n2) -> compare n1 n2
        | _ -> 0 // or 1 depending on which is list...

    override x.Equals(yobj) = 
        match yobj with
        | :? TreeOfPosition as y -> (x = y)
        | _ -> false

    override x.GetHashCode() = hash (x)
    interface System.IComparable with
       member x.CompareTo yobj = 
          match yobj with 
          | :? TreeOfPosition as y -> TreeOfPosition.mycompare(x, y)
          | _ -> invalidArg "yobj" "cannot compare value of different types" 


Pedro Dusso

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)



编辑:您可以编写辅助函数mycopare来进行比较(或者您只需更改CompareTo实现)。但是,如果你想使用一个函数,你需要在类型声明中移动它(以便它知道类型 - 注意在F#中,声明的顺序很重要!)


[<CustomEquality; CustomComparison >] 
type TreeOfPosition = 
  | LeafP   of Position * int 
  | BranchP of Position * TreeOfPosition list 

  override x.Equals(yobj) =  
     match yobj with 
     | :? TreeOfPosition as y -> 
        // TODO: Check whether both y and x are leafs/branches
        // and compare their content (not them directly)
     | _ -> false 
  override x.GetHashCode() = // TODO: hash values stored in leaf/branch

  interface System.IComparable with 
     member x.CompareTo yobj =  

       // Declare helper function inside the 'CompareTo' member
       let mycompare x y = 
         match x, y with
         // Compare values stored as part of your type
         | LeafP(_, n1), LeafP(_, n2) -> compare n1 n2
         | BranchP(_, l1), BranchP(_, l2) -> compare l1 l2
         | _ -> -1 // or 1 depending on which is list...

       // Actual implementation of the member
       match yobj with 
       | :? TreeOfPosition as y -> mycompare x y
       | _ -> invalidArg "yobj" "cannot compare value of different types" 
