
时间:2015-06-19 06:12:57

标签: node.js cordova npm

 npm ERR!     at SecurePair.<anonymous> (tls.js:1381:32)
 npm ERR!     at SecurePair.emit (events.js:92:17)
 npm ERR!     at SecurePair.maybeInitFinished (tls.js:980:10)

如何使用cordova解决此类型pf CERT_UNTRUSTED问题?


npm config set strict-ssl false

npm config set strict-ssl false

npm install -g cordova
npm ERR! registry error parsing json
npm ERR! SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
npm ERR! <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
npm ERR! <html>
npm ERR! <head>
npm ERR! <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859>
npm ERR! <title>Connect Error</title>
npm ERR! <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
npm ERR! </head>
npm ERR! <body>
npm ERR!
npm ERR! <div id="pagecontainer">
npm ERR!         <img class="icon" src="  cmd=get_file&arg=images/block.png&sid=40078573687B43FE5729956319CEF3479DB74"
npm ERR!         <h1>Could not connect to server</h1>
npm ERR!
npm ERR!         <div class="row">
npm ERR!                 <p class="label">Overview:</p>
npm ERR!                 <p class="item">Could not connect to registry.npmjs.
npm ERR!         </div>
npm ERR!         <div class="row">
npm ERR!                 <p class="label">Details:</p>
npm ERR!                 <p class="item">Peer suddenly disconnected found</p>
npm ERR!         </div>
npm ERR!
npm ERR!         <div id="options">
npm ERR!                 <p class="label">Options:</p>
npm ERR!                 <form action=""><input type="button" class="button"click="history.back();" value="   Go Back   "></form><p class="item">Pressing button allows you to go to the previous page.</p>
npm ERR!                 <p class="last-item">You can try to reload the page
check if the URL is correct.</p>
npm ERR!         </div>
npm ERR!
npm ERR!         <div><img class="logo" title="Websense" src=""alt="WebsenseLogo">
npm ERR!                 <div style="clear: both; overflow: hidden; height:1p

      错误的ERR!       错误的ERR!       错误的ERR!       错误的ERR!       错误的ERR!       错误的ERR! at Object.parse(native)       错误的ERR!在RegClient。 (C:\ Program Files \ nodejs \ node_modules \ n       node_modules \ NPM-注册表的客户端\ LIB \ request.js:274:23)       错误的ERR!在Request._callback(C:\ Program Files \ nodejs \ node_modules \ npm \ n       _modules \ NPM-注册表的客户端\ LIB \ request.js:246:65)       错误的ERR!在Request.self.callback(C:\ Program Files \ nodejs \ node_modules \ n       node_modules \请求\ request.js:236:22)       错误的ERR!在Request.emit(events.js:98:17)       错误的ERR!在请求。 (C:\ Program Files \ nodejs \ node_modules \ npm       de_modules \请求\ request.js:1142:14)       错误的ERR!在Request.emit(events.js:117:20)       错误的ERR!在IncomingMessage。 (C:\ Program Files \ nodejs \ node_mod       小号\ NPM \ node_modules \请求\ request.js:1096:12)       错误的ERR!在IncomingMessage.emit(events.js:117:20)       错误的ERR! at _stream_readable.js:944:16       错误的ERR!如果您需要帮助,可以报告此整个日志,       错误的ERR!包括npm和节点版本,位于:       错误的ERR!

npm ERR! System Windows_NT 6.1.7601
npm ERR! command "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\

EJS \ node_modules \ NPM \ BIN \ NPM-cli.js&#34; &#34;安装&#34; &#34; -g&#34; &#34;科尔多瓦&#34;     错误的ERR! cwd C:\ Users \ salangar     错误的ERR! node -v v0.10.35     错误的ERR! npm -v 1.4.28     错误的ERR!输入unexpected_token     错误的ERR!不好的代码0

node -v

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