
时间:2015-06-19 01:48:50

标签: java performance serialization

这个问题特别适用于快速序列化库。 https://github.com/RuedigerMoeller/fast-serialization

我在Windows 7上使用FSTLongOffheapMap(版本2.29),jdk 1.7来存储一些对象。我测试了存储物体的延迟,99.99百分位数达到约100微米。这是优秀,考虑到我在Windows上运行它+没有编写自定义序列化器+没有太多调整GC。





在此设置中,第99.99百分位延迟达到 ~135毫秒! 但最大的惊喜是,如果我只是评论执行放置的线路,延迟下降到~400微秒。这对我来说似乎不合逻辑,因为我从之前的测试中得知,地图中放置的延迟仅为100微秒。

以下是重现我的发现的测试,我将不胜感激任何建议/提示/想法。运行测试所需的唯一外部库是Gil Tene的HdrHistogram。 https://github.com/HdrHistogram/HdrHistogram

- 非常感谢

package com.mine.serialization.perf;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.nustaq.offheap.*;
import org.nustaq.serialization.simpleapi.*;

public final class MyFSTSerializer{

    private final boolean toStore;
    private final String fileName;
    private final long memorySize;
    private final FSTCoder fastCoder;
    private final FSTLongOffheapMap<MktDataEvent> offHeapMap;

    public MyFSTSerializer(  boolean toStore, String location, String journalName, FSTCoder fastCoder, long memorySize, int count ) throws Exception{
        this.toStore        = toStore;
        this.fileName       = location + File.separator + journalName + ".mmf";
        this.memorySize     = memorySize;
        this.fastCoder      = fastCoder;
        this.offHeapMap     = new FSTLongOffheapMap<>( fileName, memorySize, count, fastCoder );

    public final boolean toStore( ){
        return toStore;

    public final String getFilename( ){
        return fileName;

    public final void start( ){
        fastCoder.getConf().setCrossPlatform( false );
        fastCoder.getConf().setPreferSpeed( true );
        fastCoder.getConf().setShareReferences( false );
        fastCoder.getConf().registerClass( Long.class, MktDataEvent.class );    
        System.out.println("Journaling started at " + fileName + " with Memory " +  memorySize ) ;

    public final void storeEvent( MktDataEvent event ){
        offHeapMap.put( event.getSequenceId(), event );

    public final Collection<MktDataEvent> retrieveAllEvents( ){
        Map<Long, MktDataEvent> retrievedMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

        for( Iterator<MktDataEvent> iterator = offHeapMap.values(); iterator.hasNext(); ){
            MktDataEvent event = (MktDataEvent) iterator.next();
            retrievedMap.put( event.getSequenceId(), event ); 

        return retrievedMap.values();

    public final void stop( ){
            offHeapMap.free( );
            System.out.println("Stopped Journal and freed memory." );
        }catch( Exception e ){
            e.printStackTrace( );
package com.mine.serialization.perf;

import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

public final class MktDataEvent implements Serializable{

    private final long sequenceId;
    private final long creationTime;
    private final String symbol;
    private final double bidPrice;
    private final long bidQuantity;
    private final double askPrice;
    private final long askQuantity;

    private final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private final static AtomicLong SEQUENCE    = new AtomicLong();

    public MktDataEvent( String symbol, double bidPrice, long bidQuantity, double askPrice, long askQuantity ){

        this.creationTime   = System.nanoTime( );
        this.sequenceId     = SEQUENCE.incrementAndGet();
        this.symbol         = symbol;
        this.bidPrice       = bidPrice;
        this.bidQuantity    = bidQuantity;
        this.askPrice       = askPrice;
        this.askQuantity    = askQuantity;

       public final long getSequenceId( ){
        return sequenceId;

    public final long getCreationTime( ){
        return creationTime;

    public final String getSymbol(){
        return symbol;

    public final double getBidPrice( ){
        return bidPrice;

    public final long getBidQuantity( ){
        return bidQuantity;

    public final double getAskPrice( ){
        return askPrice;

    public final long getAskQuantity( ){
        return askQuantity;

// --------------------------------------------- -------------------

package com.mine.serialization.perf;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

public final class MktDataDispatcher implements Runnable{

    private volatile boolean keepDispatching;
    private final ExecutorService service;
    private final MyFSTSerializer serializer;
    private final MktDataListener listener;
    private final AbstractQueue<MktDataEvent> eventQueue;

    public MktDataDispatcher( int queueSize, MyFSTSerializer serializer, MktDataListener listener ){
        this.serializer     = serializer;
        this.listener       = listener;
        this.eventQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue<MktDataEvent>( queueSize );
        this.service        = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(  1 );

    public final void start( ){
        serializer.start( );
        keepDispatching = true;
        service.execute( this );

    public final boolean enqueue( final MktDataEvent event ){
        return eventQueue.offer( event );

    public final void run( ){

        while( keepDispatching ){

                MktDataEvent event  = eventQueue.poll();
                if( event == null ){

                if( serializer.toStore() ){
                    serializer.storeEvent( event );
                listener.update( event );

            }catch( Exception e ){
                e.printStackTrace( );                   

    protected final int getQueueSize( ){
        return eventQueue.size( );

    public final void stop(){
        serializer.stop( );
        keepDispatching = false;

    public interface MktDataListener{
        public boolean update( MktDataEvent event );

package com.mine.serialization.perf;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

import org.HdrHistogram.*;
import org.nustaq.serialization.simpleapi.*;

import com.mine.serialization.perf.MktDataDispatcher.*;

public final class TestFSTSerializer{

    protected static void printResult( Histogram histogram ){
        System.out.println( "\nDetail Result (in micros)");
        System.out.println( "------------------------------------------------------------------");

        histogram.outputPercentileDistribution( System.out, 1000.0 );
        double valueAt99Percentile  = histogram.getValueAtPercentile( 99.99d );

        System.out.println( "\nValue 99.99th percentile >> " + valueAt99Percentile/1000.0 );

    protected static MyFSTSerializer createFSTSerializer(  boolean toStore, int eventCount, int memorySizeOf1Object ) throws Exception{

        long expectedMemory     = memorySizeOf1Object * eventCount;
        String fileLocation     = "C:\\Temp";
        String journalName      = "Test";
        MyFSTSerializer ser     = new MyFSTSerializer( toStore, fileLocation, journalName, new DefaultCoder(), expectedMemory, eventCount );

        return ser;

    protected static void destroyFSTSerializer( MyFSTSerializer serializer ){

        if( serializer != null ){
            boolean deleted = new File( serializer.getFilename() ).delete();
            if( deleted ){
                System.out.println( "Deleted file from " +  serializer.getFilename());      
                throw new RuntimeException( "TEST FAILED as we failed to delete file " + serializer.getFilename() );


    public static void testOffHeapPersistence( ){

        MyFSTSerializer serializer= null;


            int eventCount          = 50000;
            int memorySizeOf1Object = 1000;
            Histogram  histogram    = new Histogram( TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS), 2);

            System.out.println( "Testing off heap persistence performance of FSTLongOffheapMap by storing " + eventCount + " events.");
            serializer              = createFSTSerializer( true, eventCount, memorySizeOf1Object );
            serializer.start( );

            for( int i =0; i<eventCount; i++ ){

                MktDataEvent event = new MktDataEvent( "EDM6", 99.0, (100 + i), 99.50, (200 + i) );
                serializer.storeEvent( event );
                histogram.recordValue(System.nanoTime() - event.getCreationTime() );


            int retrievedEventSize  = serializer.retrieveAllEvents().size();
            if( eventCount != retrievedEventSize )
                throw new RuntimeException("Store failed as we stored " + eventCount + " events but retrieved " + retrievedEventSize );

            printResult( histogram );

        }catch( Exception e ){
            throw new RuntimeException("TEST FAILED as ", e);

            destroyFSTSerializer( serializer );


    public static void testDispatchAndPersistence( boolean toStore ) throws Exception{

        int eventCount                  = 50000;
        int memorySizeOf1Object         = 1000;

        DummyListener listener          = new DummyListener( );
        MyFSTSerializer serializer      = createFSTSerializer( toStore, eventCount, memorySizeOf1Object );
        MktDataDispatcher dispatcher    = new MktDataDispatcher( eventCount, serializer, listener );

        if( toStore ){
            System.out.println( "Testing off heap persistence with dispathcer performance of FSTLongOffheapMap by storing " + eventCount + " events."); 
            System.out.println( "Testing off heap persistence with dispathcer performance of FSTLongOffheapMap WITHOUT storing " + eventCount + " events.");

        Thread.sleep( 3000 );

        for( int i = 0; i< eventCount; i++ ){
            MktDataEvent event = new MktDataEvent( "EDM6", 99.0, (100 + i), 99.50, (200 + i) );
            dispatcher.enqueue( event );

        //Let the listener get all the elements
        while( (dispatcher.getQueueSize() != 0) ){

        Thread.sleep( 2000 );
        destroyFSTSerializer( serializer );


    public static class DummyListener implements MktDataListener{

        private final Histogram histogram;

        public DummyListener( ){
            this.histogram  = new Histogram( TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS), 2);

        public final boolean update( MktDataEvent event ){
            histogram.recordValue( (System.nanoTime() - event.getCreationTime()) );
            return true;

        public final void generateLatencyStats( ){

            histogram.outputPercentileDistribution( System.out, 1000.0 );
            double valueAt99Percentile  = histogram.getValueAtPercentile( 99.99d );
            System.out.println( "\nValue at 99.99th percentile (micros) >> " + valueAt99Percentile/1000.0 );



    public static void main( String ... args ) throws Exception{

        testOffHeapPersistence( );

        Thread.sleep( 2000 );
        testDispatchAndPersistence( false );

        Thread.sleep( 2000 );
        testDispatchAndPersistence( true );



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



当在循环中运行同步(没有队列+线程上下文切换)测试时(=正确的预热)我得到 0.7 micros 的平均值和 14个微处理器的最大异常值(在地图中加倍数量的元素)存储单个事件   这是FST的性能,您看到的丢失和延迟是由排队/线程上下文切换引起的。此外,测试有一个缺陷:









    for( int i = 0; i< eventCount; i++ ){
        MktDataEvent event = new MktDataEvent( "EDM6", 99.0, (100 + i), 99.50, (200 + i) );
        dispatcher.enqueue( event );
        long nanos = System.nanoTime();
        while( System.nanoTime() - nanos < 3000 )



public static void main( String ... args ) throws Exception{

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        Thread.sleep( 2000 );
        System.out.println("start test ==>");
        testDispatchAndPersistence( true );


[平均值= 5.19,StdDeviation = 29.67]

[最大= 544.77,总计数= 50000]

[Buckets = 23,SubBuckets = 256]




答案 1 :(得分:0)

我的意思是你的LinkedHashMap应该初始化,其容量大约是事件数量级 你希望在检索之前推进。