
时间:2015-06-18 16:07:50

标签: bluetooth-lowenergy core-bluetooth



func writePosition(position: UInt16, characteristicUUID: CBUUID) {

    var position_low: UInt8 = 0
    var position_high: UInt8 = 0
    var position16: UInt16 = 0;

    position_low  = (UInt8) (position)  // (position)
    position_high = (UInt8)((position >> 8))

    // See if characteristic has been discovered before writing to it
    if self.positionCharacteristic == nil {
    var bytes:[UInt8] = [0x00, 0x00]

    bytes[1] = 0x01  //low byte is [1], high byte is [0] so reversed from LightBlue app

    bytes[1] = position_low  //low byte is [1], high byte is [0] so reversed from LightBlue app
    bytes[0] = position_high  //low byte is [1], high byte is [0] so reversed from LightBlue app

    let uuidsForBTService:  [CBUUID] = [characteristicUUID]
    //new code to try and set the correct UUID automatically
    for service in peripheral!.services
        if service.UUID == BLEServiceUUID
          peripheral!.discoverCharacteristics(uuidsForBTService, forService: service as! CBService)


    //find the correct characteristic to set to and then write to it
    //go through each characteristic and look at its UUID then if it matches, set us to that one so we write to it later on
    for characteristic in self.peripheral!.services {
        if characteristic.UUID == characteristicUUID//Position1PWMCharUUID
            self.positionCharacteristic = (characteristic as! CBCharacteristic)
            peripheral!.setNotifyValue(true, forCharacteristic: characteristic as! CBCharacteristic)

            // Send notification that Bluetooth is connected and all required characteristics are discovered

    //end of code to set the UUID

    // Need a mutable var to pass to writeValue function
    //var positionValue = position
   //let data = NSData(bytes: &positionValue, length: sizeof(UInt16))
    let data = NSData(bytes: bytes, length: 2)
   self.peripheral?.writeValue(data, forCharacteristic: self.positionCharacteristic, type: CBCharacteristicWriteType.WithResponse)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



var theService: CBService?

// Find service
for service in as! [CBService] {
    if service.UUID == BLEServiceUUID {
        theService = service


var theCharacteristic: CBCharacteristic?

// Find characteristic
for characteristic in theService?.characteristics as! [CBCharacteristic] {
    if characteristic.UUID == characteristicUUID {
        theCharacteristic = characteristic


// Write
if let characteristic = theCharacteristic {
    peripheral.writeValue(data, forCharacteristic: characteristic, type: .WithResponse)


另外,如果您需要更多帮助,我写了一个简单的swift class来管理中央连接,读写任务。
