
时间:2015-06-18 15:09:02

标签: powershell azure parallel-processing workflow


在Azure自动化Runbook中,我试图在Parallel块中使用不同的参数运行相同的活动。我设法将问题细化到基本构建块,它也发生在没有涉及Azure的Powershell Workflow中。


如果我在并行块之外运行相同的代码段(有或没有序列块),它可以正常工作。 (您可以在下面的代码中看到注释掉的块。)




  1. 为什么会发生这种行为?
  2. 什么是允许其正常工作的变通方法/修复方法?
  3. 以下是几次运行的输出:

    运行一个     PS U:>测试

    Name                           Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    ----                           -----                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    Tag                            P4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    Location                       {Hi, LP4, System.Collections.Hashtable}                                                                                                                                                                                           
    Tag                            P5                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    Location                       Hi, LP5                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
    Tag                            P6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    Location                       Hi, LP6  

    运行两次     PS U:>测试

    Name                           Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    ----                           -----                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    Tag                            P1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    Location                       Hi, LP1  

    运行三 (使用详细信息,请注意" HashTable"引用)

    PS U:\> Test -Verbose
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:Parallel Run:
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P2] Location before call: ''
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P1] Location before call: ''
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P4] Location before call: ''
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P3] Location before call: ''
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P5] Location before call: ''
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P6] Location before call: ''
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P7] Location before call: ''
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P8] Location before call: ''
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P9] Location before call: ''
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P2] Location after call: 'Hi, LP2'
    Name                           Value                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    ----                           -----                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    Tag                            P2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    Location                       Hi, LP2                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P3] Location after call: 'Hi, LP3'
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P1] Location after call: 'Hi, LP1'
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P4] Location after call: 'Hi, LP4 System.Collections.Hashtable'
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P6] Location after call: 'Hi, LP6 System.Collections.Hashtable'
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P5] Location after call: 'Hi, LP5 System.Collections.Hashtable'
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P8] Location after call: 'Hi, LP8'
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P7] Location after call: 'Hi, LP7'
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[P9] Location after call: 'Hi, LP9'
    VERBOSE: [localhost]:[Test] Location Value After Parallel (Proves that Location doesn't leak to root workflow): ''


    workflow TestGetLocationValue
        $myLocation = "Hi, $tag"
        Write-Output $myLocation
    workflow TestChild
        <#Write-Verbose "[$tag] MyLocation before call (Proves that mylocation doesn't leak to testchild workflow): '$myLocation'"#>
        Write-Verbose "[$tag] Location before call: '$location'"
        $location = TestGetLocationValue -tag "L$tag"
        <# This works: $location = "Hi, $tag" #>
        Write-Verbose "[$tag] Location after call: '$location'"
        <#Write-Verbose "[$tag] MyLocation after call Value (Proves that mylocation doesn't leak to testchild workflow): '$myLocation'"#>
        Write-Output @{
            Tag = $tag
            Location = $location
    workflow Test
        $location = $null
        Write-Verbose "Normal Run:"
        TestChild -tag "N1"
        TestChild -tag "N2"
        TestChild -tag "N3"
        TestChild -tag "N4"
        TestChild -tag "N5"
        TestChild -tag "N6"
        TestChild -tag "N7"
        TestChild -tag "N8"
        TestChild -tag "N9"
        Write-Verbose "[Test] Location Value After Normal (Proves that Location doesn't leak to root workflow): '$location'"
        Write-Verbose "Parallel Run:"
            TestChild -tag "P1"
            TestChild -tag "P2"
            TestChild -tag "P3"
            TestChild -tag "P4"
            TestChild -tag "P5"
            TestChild -tag "P6"
            TestChild -tag "P7"
            TestChild -tag "P8"
            TestChild -tag "P9"
        Write-Verbose "[Test] Location Value After Parallel (Proves that Location doesn't leak to root workflow): '$location'"
        Write-Verbose "Sequence Run:"
            TestChild -tag "S1"
            TestChild -tag "S2"
            TestChild -tag "S3"
            TestChild -tag "S4"
            TestChild -tag "S5"
            TestChild -tag "S6"
            TestChild -tag "S7"
            TestChild -tag "S8"
            TestChild -tag "S9"
        Write-Verbose "[Test] Location Value After Sequence (Proves that Location doesn't leak to root workflow): '$location'"

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