
时间:2015-06-18 08:53:33

标签: c# unit-testing moq

我有一个存储库,其中包含一些私有方法,以帮助处理需要在该存储库中完成的一些常规内容(不要觉得您需要阅读所有代码) :

public class EFBlogRepository : EFGenericRepository<Blog>, IBlogRepository
    public EFBlogRepository( EFDbContext context )
        : base( context )
        this.context = context;

    // Problematic method
    private IQueryable<Blog> PrepareAllBlogsQuery( int page, int amount, string sort, string order, ISearchCriteria searchCriteria )
        var query = context.Blogs
            .Where( x => x.DeletedAt == null );


        return query;

    public IEnumerable<Blog> GetAllBlogs( int page, int amount, string sort, string order, ISearchCriteria searchCriteria )
        return this.PrepareAllBlogsQuery( page, amount, sort, order, searchCriteria )
            .Skip( ( page - 1 ) * amount )
            .Take( amount );

    public int CountAllBlogs( int page, int amount, string sort, string order, ISearchCriteria searchCriteria )
        return this.PrepareAllBlogsQuery( page, amount, sort, order, searchCriteria )


我必须制作PrepareAllBlogsQuery publicvirtual才能使其正常工作(您只需阅读注释位):

// Arrange
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

var mockDbContext = new Mock<EFDbContext>();
var blogRepository = new Mock<EFBlogRepository>(mockDbContext.Object);

IDbSet<Blog> blogDbSet = new FakeDbSet<Blog>();

List<Blog> blogs = new List<Blog> {                 
    new Blog { BlogID = 1, Description = "1", Status = true, PublishDate = now },
    new Blog { BlogID = 2, Description = "2", Status = true, PublishDate = now },
    new Blog { BlogID = 3, Description = "3", Status = true, PublishDate = now },
    new Blog { BlogID = 4, Description = "4", Status = true, PublishDate = now },
    new Blog { BlogID = 5, Description = "5", Status = true, PublishDate = now },
    new Blog { BlogID = 6, Description = "6", Status = true, PublishDate = now },

IQueryable<Blog> blogsQueryable = blogs.AsQueryable();

mockDbContext.SetupGet(c => c.Blogs).Returns(blogDbSet);

// This Setup requires my method to be public and virtual :(
blogRepository.SetupGet(c => c.PrepareAllBlogsQuery(2, 2, SortDirection.DESC, null, null)).Returns(blogsQueryable);                 
// Act
List<Blog> result = blogRepository.Object.GetAllBlogs(2, 2, SortDirection.DESC, null, null).ToList();

// Assert     
Assert.AreEqual("3", result[0].Description);



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


public interface IEFBlogRepository
    IEnumerable<Blog> GetAllBlogs( int page, int amount, string sort, string order, ISearchCriteria searchCriteria )

public class EFBlogRepository : IEFBlogRepository


var mockRepository = new Mock<IEFBlogRepository>();
mockRepository.Setup(r => r.....);

var thing = new Thing(mockRepository.Object);



var blogs = new List<Blog> { ... };
var blogDbSet = new FakeDbSet<Blog>(blogs.AsQueryable());

mockDbContext.SetupGet(c => c.Blogs).Returns(blogDbSet);


答案 1 :(得分:0)


需要在正在测试的项目的AssemblyInfo.cs中提及以下属性。 [assembly:InternalsVisibleToAttribute("UnitTestAssemblyName")]


[assembly: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleTo("BoardEx_BusinessObjects.Tests, PublicKey=0024000004800000940000000602000000240000525341310004000001000100fb3a2")]

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