
时间:2015-06-17 14:56:30

标签: scala akka spray

我希望能够对多个数据存储库发出并发请求并合并结果。我试图了解我的方法是否完全有效,或者是否有更好的方法来解决这个问题。我绝对是Akka / Spray / Scala的新手,我真的希望更好地了解如何正确构建这些组件。任何建议/提示将不胜感激。试图围绕使用演员和未来进行此类实施。




trait DemoService extends HttpService with Actor with ActorLogging {
  implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds) // needed for `?` below
  val mongoMasterActor = context.actorOf(Props[MongoMasterActor], "redisactor")
  val dbMaster = context.actorOf(Props[DbMasterActor], "dbactor")

  val messageApiRouting =
        path("summary" / Segment / Segment) { (dataset, timeslice) =>
          onComplete(getDbResponses(dbMaster, dataset, timeslice)) {
            case Success(dbMessageResponse) => complete(s"The result was $dbMessageResponse")
            case Failure(ex) => complete(s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}")

  /** Passes the desired actor reference for a specific dataset and timeslice for summary data retrieval
    * @param mongoActor an actor reference to the RedisActor that will handle the appropriate request routing
    * @param dataset The dataset for which the summary has been requested
    * @param timeslice The timeslice (Month, Week, Day, etc.) for which the summary has been requested
  def getSummary(mongoActor: ActorRef, dataset: String, timeslice: String): Future[DbMessageResponse] = {
    log.debug(s"dataset: $dataset  timeslice: $timeslice")
    val dbMessage = DbMessage("summary", dataset + timeslice)
    (mongoActor ? dbMessage).mapTo[DbMessageResponse]

  def getDbResponses(dbActor: ActorRef, dataset: String, timeslice: String): Future[SummaryResponse] = {
    log.debug(s"dataset: $dataset  timeslice: $timeslice")
    val dbMessage = DbMessage("summary", dataset + timeslice)
    (dbActor ? dbMessage).mapTo[SummaryResponse]

  def getSummaryPayload(mongoSummary: DbMessageResponse, redisSummary: DbMessageResponse): String = {
    mongoSummary.response + redisSummary.response


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

在Jamie Allen阅读Effective Akka之后,我将尝试应用他的“Cameo”模式建议。

Slideshare的: http://www.slideshare.net/shinolajla/effective-akka-scalaio

Github上: https://github.com/jamie-allen/effective_akka



object SummaryResponseHandler {
  case object DbRetrievalTimeout

  def props(mongoDb: ActorRef, redisDb: ActorRef, originalSender: ActorRef): Props = {
    Props(new SummaryResponseHandler(mongoDb, redisDb, originalSender))

class SummaryResponseHandler(mongoDb: ActorRef, redisDb: ActorRef,
                             originalSender: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  import SummaryResponseHandler._
  var mongoSummary, redisSummary: Option[String] = None
  def receive = LoggingReceive {
    case MongoSummary(summary) =>
      log.debug(s"Received mongo summary: $summary")
      mongoSummary = summary
    case RedisSummary(summary) =>
      log.debug(s"Received redis summary: $summary")
      redisSummary = summary
    case DbRetrievalTimeout =>
      log.debug("Timeout occurred")

  def collectSummaries = (mongoSummary, redisSummary) match {
    case (Some(m), Some(r)) =>
      log.debug(s"Values received for both databases")
      sendResponseAndShutdown(DataSetSummary(mongoSummary, redisSummary))
    case _ =>

  def sendResponseAndShutdown(response: Any) = {
    originalSender ! response
    log.debug("Stopping context capturing actor")

  import context.dispatcher
  val timeoutMessager = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(
    250 milliseconds, self, DbRetrievalTimeout)

class SummaryRetriever(mongoDb: ActorRef, redisDb: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  def receive = {
    case GetSummary(dataSet) =>
      log.debug("received dataSet")
      val originalSender = sender
      val handler = context.actorOf(SummaryResponseHandler.props(mongoDb,redisDb, originalSender), "cameo-message-handler")
      mongoDb.tell(GetSummary(dataSet), handler)
      redisDb.tell(GetSummary(dataSet), handler)
    case _ => log.debug(s"Unknown result $GetSummary(datset)")



case class GetSummary(dataSet: String)
case class DataSetSummary(
   mongo: Option[String],
   redis: Option[String]

case class MongoSummary(
    summary: Option[String]

case class RedisSummary(
   summary: Option[String]

trait MongoProxy extends Actor with ActorLogging
trait RedisProxy extends Actor with ActorLogging

Mock Stubs:

class MongoProxyStub extends RedisProxy {
  val summaryData = Map[String, String](
    "dataset1" -> "MongoData1",
    "dataset2" -> "MongoData2")

  def receive = LoggingReceive {
    case GetSummary(dataSet: String) =>
      log.debug(s"Received GetSummary for ID: $dataSet")
      summaryData.get(dataSet) match {
        case Some(data) => sender ! MongoSummary(Some(data))
        case None => sender ! MongoSummary(Some(""))

class RedisProxyStub extends MongoProxy{
  val summaryData = Map[String, String](
    "dataset1" -> "RedisData1",
    "dataset2" -> "RedisData2")

  def receive = LoggingReceive {
    case GetSummary(dataSet: String) =>
      log.debug(s"Received GetSummary for ID: $dataSet")
      summaryData.get(dataSet) match {
        case Some(data) => sender ! RedisSummary(Some(data))
        case None => sender ! RedisSummary(Some(""))


object Boot extends App{

  val system = ActorSystem("DbSystem")

  val redisProxy = system.actorOf(Props[RedisProxyStub], "cameo-success-mongo")
  val mongoProxy = system.actorOf(Props[MongoProxyStub], "cameo-success-redis")
  val summaryRetrieverActor = system.actorOf(Props(new SummaryRetriever(redisProxy, mongoProxy)), "cameo-retriever1")

  implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
  val future = summaryRetrieverActor ? GetSummary("dataset1")
  val result = Await.result(future, timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[DataSetSummary]




akka.loglevel = "DEBUG"
akka.event-handlers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jEventHandler"]
akka.actor.debug.autoreceive = on
akka.actor.debug.lifecycle = on
akka.actor.debug.receive = on
akka.actor.debug.event-stream = on