是否可以使用Apache Spark进行递归计算?

时间:2015-06-17 13:24:39

标签: scala recursion apache-spark chess

我正在使用Scala和Apache Spark开发国际象棋引擎(我需要强调的是,我的理智不是这个问题的主题)。我的问题是Negamax算法本质上是递归的,当我尝试天真的方法时:

class NegaMaxSparc(@transient val sc: SparkContext) extends Serializable  {
  val movesOrdering = new Ordering[Tuple2[Move, Double]]() {
    override def compare(x: (Move, Double), y: (Move, Double)): Int =
      Ordering[Double].compare(x._2, y._2)

  def negaMaxSparkHelper(game: Game, color: PieceColor, depth: Int, previousMovesPar: RDD[Move]): (Move, Double) = {
    val board = game.board

    if (depth == 0) {
      (null, NegaMax.evaluateDefault(game, color))
    } else {
      val moves = board.possibleMovesForColor(color)
      val movesPar = previousMovesPar.context.parallelize(moves)

      val moveMappingFunc = (m: Move) => { negaMaxSparkHelper(new Game(board.boardByMakingMove(m), color.oppositeColor, null), color.oppositeColor, depth - 1, movesPar) }
      val movesWithScorePar = movesPar.map(moveMappingFunc)
      val move = movesWithScorePar.min()(movesOrdering)

      (move._1, -move._2)

  def negaMaxSpark(game: Game, color: PieceColor, depth: Int): (Move, Double) = {
    if (depth == 0) {
      (null, NegaMax.evaluateDefault(game, color))
    } else {
      val movesPar = sc.parallelize(new Array[Move](0))

      negaMaxSparkHelper(game, color, depth, movesPar)

class NegaMaxSparkBot(val maxDepth: Int, sc: SparkContext) extends Bot {
  def nextMove(game: Game): Move = {
    val nms = new NegaMaxSparc(sc)
    nms.negaMaxSpark(game, game.colorToMove, maxDepth)._1


org.apache.spark.SparkException: RDD transformations and actions can only be invoked by the driver, not inside of other transformations; for example, rdd1.map(x => rdd2.values.count() * x) is invalid because the values transformation and count action cannot be performed inside of the rdd1.map transformation. For more information, see SPARK-5063.


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



def step(rdd: Rdd[Move], limit: Int) =
  if(0 == limit) rdd
  else {
    val newRdd = rdd.flatMap(...)
    step(newRdd, limit - 1)


答案 1 :(得分:2)





从那里开始,驱动程序必须依次平面映射n,并且生成的RDD [Moves]将为我们并行执行所有操作。



/* one modification to the board */
case class Move(from: String, to: String)

case class PieceColor(color: String)

/* state of the game */ 
case class Board {

    // TODO
    def possibleMovesForColor(color: PieceColor): Seq[Move] = 
        Move("here", "there") :: Move("there", "over there") :: Move("there", "here") :: Nil

    // TODO: compute a new instance of board here, based on current + this move
    def update(move: Move): Board = new Board

/** Solution, i.e. a sequence of moves*/ 
case class Moves(moves: Seq[Move], game: Board, color: PieceColor) {    
    lazy val score = NegaMax.evaluateDefault(game, color)

    /** @return all valid next Moves  */
    def nextPossibleMoves: Seq[Moves] = 
        board.possibleMovesForColor(color).map { 
            nextMove => 
              play.copy(moves = nextMove :: play.moves, 
                        game = play.game.update(nextMove)


/** Driver code: negaMax: looks for the best next move from a give game state */
def negaMax(sc: SparkContext, game: Board, color: PieceColor, maxDepth: Int):Moves = {

    val initialSolution = Moves(Seq[moves].empty, game, color)

    val allPlays: rdd[Moves] = 
        (1 to maxDepth).foldLeft (sc.parallelize(Seq(initialSolution))) {
        rdd => rdd.flatMap(_.nextPossibleMoves)

    allPlays.reduce { case (m1, m2) => if (m1.score < m2.score) m1 else m2}
