iOS - JSQMessagesViewController聊天气泡高度不调整(文本截止)

时间:2015-06-17 00:40:09

标签: ios objective-c xcode jsqmessagesviewcontroller

我使用#import "ChatViewController.h" #import "JSQMessage.h" #import "JSQMessagesTimestampFormatter.h" #import "JSQMessagesBubbleImage.h" #import "JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory.h" #import "User.h" #import "AuthenticationHelper.h" #import "Chat.h" @interface ChatViewController () @property(strong, nonatomic)NSMutableArray* messagesArray; @property(strong, nonatomic)User* myUser; @property(strong, nonatomic)NSTimer* updateTimer; @end @implementation ChatViewController #pragma mark - View lifecycle /** * Override point for customization. * * Customize your view. * Look at the properties on `JSQMessagesViewController` and `JSQMessagesCollectionView` to see what is possible. * * Customize your layout. * Look at the properties on `JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout` to see what is possible. */ - (void)viewDidLoad { NSLog(@"CHAT VIEW DID LOAD"); [super viewDidLoad]; User* me = ([AuthenticationHelper sharedInstance]).loggedInUser; self.title = @"JSQMessages"; self.messagesArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; self.senderId = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%i", [ intValue]]; self.senderDisplayName = me.fullName; self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.incomingAvatarViewSize = CGSizeZero; self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.outgoingAvatarViewSize = CGSizeZero; self.showLoadEarlierMessagesHeader = NO; self.inputToolbar.contentView.leftBarButtonItem = nil; self.inputToolbar.maximumHeight = 150; //TODO: create scheduled task to pull messages from the server. } -(void)updateMessages { [Chat SuccessCallback:^(NSArray* chats){ self.messagesArray = [chats mutableCopy]; dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self.collectionView reloadData]; }); } errorCallback:^(NSString* error) { }]; } - (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWillAppear:animated]; self.updateTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 5.0 target: self selector: @selector(updateMessages) userInfo: nil repeats: YES]; [self.updateTimer fire]; } - (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:animated]; self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.springinessEnabled = NO; } - (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewWillDisappear:animated]; self.updateTimer = nil; } #pragma mark - JSQMessagesViewController method overrides - (void)didPressSendButton:(UIButton *)button withMessageText:(NSString *)text senderId:(NSString *)senderId senderDisplayName:(NSString *)senderDisplayName date:(NSDate *)date { NSLog(@"SENDER ID IS %@", senderId); NSLog(@"SENDER DISPLAY NAME IS %@", senderDisplayName); NSLog(@"DATE IS %@", date.description); [Chat createChat:@{@"to_user_id" :, @"from_user_id" : ([AuthenticationHelper sharedInstance]), @"message" : text} successCallback:^(Chat* chat) { [self.messagesArray addObject:chat]; dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self finishSendingMessageAnimated:YES]; }); } errorCallback:^(NSString* error) { }]; } #pragma mark - JSQMessages CollectionView DataSource - (id<JSQMessageData>)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView messageDataForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { return [self.messagesArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.item]; } - (id<JSQMessageBubbleImageDataSource>)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView messageBubbleImageDataForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { /** * You may return nil here if you do not want bubbles. * In this case, you should set the background color of your collection view cell's textView. * * Otherwise, return your previously created bubble image data objects. */ Chat* chat = [self.messagesArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.item]; if ([chat.toUserId intValue] == [ intValue]) { return [[[JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory alloc] init] outgoingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"tableBackground.png"]]]; } return [[[JSQMessagesBubbleImageFactory alloc] init] incomingMessagesBubbleImageWithColor:[UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"TopNavBarBackground.png"]]]; } - (id<JSQMessageAvatarImageDataSource>)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView avatarImageDataForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { return nil; } - (NSAttributedString *)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView attributedTextForCellTopLabelAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { /** * This logic should be consistent with what you return from `heightForCellTopLabelAtIndexPath:` * The other label text delegate methods should follow a similar pattern. * * Show a timestamp for every 3rd message */ if (indexPath.item % 3 == 0) { JSQMessage *message = [self.messagesArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.item]; return [[JSQMessagesTimestampFormatter sharedFormatter]]; } return nil; } - (NSAttributedString *)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView attributedTextForMessageBubbleTopLabelAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { JSQMessage *message = [self.messagesArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.item]; if ([message.senderId isEqualToString:self.senderId]) { return nil; } if (indexPath.item - 1 > 0) { JSQMessage *previousMessage = [self.messagesArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.item - 1]; if ([[previousMessage senderId] isEqualToString:message.senderId]) { return nil; } } return [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:message.senderDisplayName]; } - (NSAttributedString *)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView attributedTextForCellBottomLabelAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { return nil; } #pragma mark - UICollectionView DataSource - (NSInteger)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView numberOfItemsInSection:(NSInteger)section { return [self.messagesArray count]; } - (UICollectionViewCell *)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { /** * Override point for customizing cells */ JSQMessagesCollectionViewCell *cell = (JSQMessagesCollectionViewCell *)[super collectionView:collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:indexPath]; /** * Configure almost *anything* on the cell * * Text colors, label text, label colors, etc. * * * DO NOT set `cell.textView.font` ! * Instead, you need to set `self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout.messageBubbleFont` to the font you want in `viewDidLoad` * * * DO NOT manipulate cell layout information! * Instead, override the properties you want on `self.collectionView.collectionViewLayout` from `viewDidLoad` */ /* JSQMessage *msg = [self.demoData.messages objectAtIndex:indexPath.item]; if (!msg.isMediaMessage) { if ([msg.senderId isEqualToString:self.senderId]) { cell.textView.textColor = [UIColor blackColor]; } else { cell.textView.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; } cell.textView.linkTextAttributes = @{ NSForegroundColorAttributeName : cell.textView.textColor, NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName : @(NSUnderlineStyleSingle | NSUnderlinePatternSolid) }; } */ // cell.textView.text = ((Chat*)[self.messagesArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]).message; return cell; } #pragma mark - Adjusting cell label heights - (CGFloat)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView layout:(JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout *)collectionViewLayout heightForCellTopLabelAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { /** * Each label in a cell has a `height` delegate method that corresponds to its text dataSource method */ /** * This logic should be consistent with what you return from `attributedTextForCellTopLabelAtIndexPath:` * The other label height delegate methods should follow similarly * * Show a timestamp for every 3rd message */ if (indexPath.item % 3 == 0) { return kJSQMessagesCollectionViewCellLabelHeightDefault; } return 0.0f; } - (CGFloat)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView layout:(JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout *)collectionViewLayout heightForMessageBubbleTopLabelAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { /** * iOS7-style sender name labels */ JSQMessage *currentMessage = [self.messagesArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.item]; if ([[currentMessage senderId] isEqualToString:self.senderId]) { return 0.0f; } if (indexPath.item - 1 > 0) { JSQMessage *previousMessage = [self.messagesArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.item - 1]; if ([[previousMessage senderId] isEqualToString:[currentMessage senderId]]) { return 0.0f; } } return kJSQMessagesCollectionViewCellLabelHeightDefault; } - (CGFloat)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView layout:(JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout *)collectionViewLayout heightForCellBottomLabelAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { return 0.0f; } #pragma mark - Responding to collection view tap events - (void)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView header:(JSQMessagesLoadEarlierHeaderView *)headerView didTapLoadEarlierMessagesButton:(UIButton *)sender { NSLog(@"Load earlier messages!"); } - (void)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView didTapAvatarImageView:(UIImageView *)avatarImageView atIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { NSLog(@"Tapped avatar!"); } - (void)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView didTapMessageBubbleAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { NSLog(@"Tapped message bubble!"); } - (void)collectionView:(JSQMessagesCollectionView *)collectionView didTapCellAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath touchLocation:(CGPoint)touchLocation { NSLog(@"Tapped cell at %@!", NSStringFromCGPoint(touchLocation)); } @end 在我的应用中与服务器通信的聊天功能。但是,聊天气泡非常难以预测,其大小永远无法正确调整。文本总是被切断,因为聊天气泡没有增加其宽度和高度以适合我的消息。我有以下代码:


我调整了细胞标签的高度,就像演示一样,但文字不断被切断,因为气泡没有调整大小。这是我使用JSQMessage对象而不是import twitter import json ckey = 'Your consumer key' csecret = 'your consumer secret' atoken = 'your token' asecret = 'your secret token' auth = twitter.oauth.OAuth(atoken, asecret, ckey, csecret) twitter_api = twitter.Twitter(auth=auth) q = "question" count = 200 search_results =, count=count, lang="nl") statuses = search_results['statuses'] for _ in range(25): try: next_results = search_results['search_metadata']['next_results'] except KeyError, e: # No more results when next_results doesn't exist break kwargs = dict([ kv.split('=') for kv in next_results[1:].split("&") ]) # Create a dictionary from the query string params search_results =**kwargs) statuses += search_results['statuses'] # Obtain the text status_texts = [ status['text'] for status in statuses ] # The file to write output as newline-delimited JSON documents OUT_FILE = q + "5.json" # Write one tweet per line as a JSON document. with open(OUT_FILE, 'a') as outfile: json.dump(status_texts[0:], outfile) 对象的方式吗?


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