有没有办法在visual studio中做一个diff(比较)图像?

时间:2015-06-16 17:04:18

标签: visual-studio tfs version-control imagemagick comparison

我需要能够确定在我使用Visual Studio的集成源代码控制的应用程序中对某些图像所做的更改。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


@echo off
REM Have to change to ImageMagick directory so that correct EXEs are selected and DLLs are found.
cd /d "D:\Program Files\ImageMagick-7.0.8-Q16"

set cmp1="%temp%\comp1.png"
set cmp2="%temp%\comp2.png"
set img1=%1
set img2=%2
set batTmp="%temp%\comp.bat"

magick identify -format "set img1width=%%w\nset img1height=%%h\n" %1> %batTmp%
magick identify -format "set img2width=%%w\nset img2height=%%h\n" %2>>%batTmp%
call %batTmp%

if %img1width% == %img2width% (
  set width=%img1width%
) else (
  if %img1width% lss %img2width% (
    set resize1=1
    set width=%img2width%
  ) else (
    set resize2=1
    set width=%img1width%

if %img1height% == %img2height% (
  set height=%img1height%
) else (
  if %img1height% lss %img2height% (
    set resize1=1
    set height=%img2height%
  ) else (
    set resize2=1
    set height=%img1height%

REM Have to use separate ifs otherwise var assignment will not be seen.
if %resize1%. == 1. (
  set img1="%temp%\img1.png"
  set /a "dwidth=%width%-%img1width%"
  set /a "dheight=%height%-%img1height%"
if %resize1%. == 1. (
  magick convert %1 -gravity southeast -background red -splice %dwidth%x%dheight% %img1%

REM Have to use separate ifs otherwise var assignment will not be seen.
if %resize2%. == 1. (
  set img2="%temp%\img2.png"
  set /a "dwidth=%width%-%img2width%"
  set /a "dheight=%height%-%img2height%"
if %resize2%. == 1. (
  magick convert %2 -gravity southeast -background red -splice %dwidth%x%dheight% %img2%

REM Sets if images are put one on top of the other or side by side.
if %width% leq %height% (
  set spacer=2x0
  set append=+append
) else (
  set spacer=0x2
  set append=-append

REM Comparing image %img1% and %img2% and outputing to %cmp1%.
magick compare %img1% %img2% %cmp1%

REM Splicing original image 1, original image 2 and compared image next to each
REM other with a YELLOW spacer in between.
REM -splice is applied to each image, placing it at top left.  -chop is applied to the entire image.
magick convert %img1% %img2% %cmp1% -background yellow -splice %spacer% %append% -chop %spacer% %cmp2%

REM View image
REM Using start on the image file doesn't wait for the executed programme to terminate
start "" /wait imdisplay %cmp2%
:start "" imdisplay %cmp2%

REM Pause for a second to allow imdisplay time to load the file.
:ping -w 1 -n 2 -S > NUL

REM Clean up temp files
del  %batTmp%
if not %1 == %img1% del %img1%
if not %2 == %img2% del %img2%
del %cmp1%
del %cmp2%


  1. 在Visual Studio中,转到Tools->Options->Source Control->Visual Studio Team Foundation Server并按Configure User Tools...
  2. Add
  3. 对于扩展程序,请为所有图像文件类型添加扩展名,例如.png .jpg .bmp
  4. Operation保留在Compare
  5. 对于Command,请键入批处理文件的完整路径和批处理文件的名称,或按...按钮并导航到批处理文件。
  6. Arguments可以保留为%1 %2
  7. 您现在可以在图像文件之间进行比较。输出从上到下或从左到右(取决于纵横比)显示原始第1图像,原始第2图像和图像比较,红色差异,每个图像用黄线分隔。如果一个图像比另一个图像大,则调整它们的大小,红色作为填充颜色。