std :: thread()和std :: ref()以及PIMPL:C ++ 11线程语义

时间:2015-06-15 23:45:22

标签: c++11 stdthread pimpl-idiom



  1. 提供的ResourceA和ResourceB由指向结构的成员指针所拥有,该结构将在两个单独的线程上进行修改。在将不可复制的父对象传递给std :: thread时,是否必须使用std :: ref。
  2. 如果我执行两个用例之间的语义差异(将其作为指针传递或使用std :: ref()?
  3. 由于在第二个线程上创建ResourceB和ResourceB之后必须重新创建ResourceA,如果我不使用std :: ref(),主线程上的ResourceA会看到对ResourceB所做的更改吗?
  4. 有问题的课程将被定义为:

    class Foo : public non_copyable // You can still move
        struct FooImpl;
        FooImpl *m_foo;
        void Run();
        bool Init();


    struct Foo::FooImpl
        ResourceA ra;
        ResourceB rb;
    Foo::Foo() :
        m_foo(new FooImpl())
        delete m_foo;
    void Foo::Run()
        [Create Resource B in an advanced state needed to recreate A]
        [Notify condition on main thread so Resource B can be recreated]
        [Conditionally wait for A to be recreated on main thread]
        [Do stuff with B and this]
    bool Foo::Init()
        [Create Resource A in Preparation for Resource B this must be done on this thread]
        std::thread t(std::bind(&Foo::Run, this)); // Note here I am not passing 
                                                   // by std::ref. This is the line in
                                                   // question
        [Conditionally wait for Resource B to be created on thread t]
        [Recreate Resource A now that B has been created]
        [Notify condition on thread t that A has been recreated]
        [Handle A stuff and do stuff with this]

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