
时间:2015-06-15 16:48:30

标签: python list csv


以下是导致错误的函数,并且没有keyerror,因为它引用的列名没有问题。然后每个函数由secMastHandler()函数处理,我将每个函数引用为 inputData = secMastHandler()。我可以将每个函数的数据作为列表inputData [n]引用,它可以正常压缩zip(inputData [a],inputData [b])并执行条件(如果行[0] == line [1] :) 。


def frfSecDict(): ## function handling the frfpost data 
                  ## from the section file data set
    import csv
    reader = csv.DictReader(outData)
    for row in reader:
        frfpost = str(row['FRFPOST']) ## Line 61. There is not keyError here
        frfpostFlt = round(float(frfpost),3)
        yield frfpostFlt

line 61, in frfSecDict
    frfpost = str(row['FRFPOST'])
KeyError: 'FRFPOST'

def secMastHandler(): ## handler function for functions handling data from
                  ## multiple data sources
    gen0 = corrSecDict()
    gen1 = svySecDict() ## this is inputData[1]
    gen2 = frfSecDict() ## this is inputData[2]
    gen3 = trfSecDict()
    gen4 = corrMastDict()
    gen5 = svyMastDict() ## this is inputData[5]
    gen6 = frfMastDict() ## this is inputData[6]
    gen7 = trfMastDict()
    return gen0,gen1,gen2,gen3,\

def SecMastPrinter(): ## this function should yield output from multiple
                  ## datasets based upon the conditions from
                  ## the zipped inputData datasets.
    inputData = secMastHandler()
    for line in zip(inputData[1],inputData[5],\
                inputData[2],inputData[6]): ## doesnt seem to like this
                                            ## second line in the zip
        if line[0] == line[1] and line[2] == line[3]: ## this not possible?
            output = line[:]
            yield output

def frfSecMastPrinter():
    inputData = secMastHandler()
    for line in zip(inputData[2],inputData[6]): ## but just a one line
                                                ## zip works just fine
        if line[0] == line[1]:
            output = line[:]
            yield output

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