
时间:2015-06-15 11:51:21

标签: python geometry computational-geometry

我有一个由许多点组成的多边形。我想找到多边形和圆的交点。提供[x0,y0]的圆心和r0的半径,我写了一个粗略的函数来简单地求解圆和线的二次方程。但是逐个找到多边形的每个线段的交点效率怎么样? 有更有效的方法吗?


def LineIntersectCircle(p,lsp,lep):
# p is the circle parameter, lsp and lep is the two end of the line
  x0,y0,r0 = p
  x1,y1 = lsp
  x2,y2 = esp
  if x1 == x2:
    if abs(r0) >= abs(x1 - x0):
        p1 = x1, y0 - sqrt(r0**2 - (x1-x0)**2)
        p2 = x1, y0 + sqrt(r0**2 - (x1-x0)**2)
        inp = [p1,p2]
        # select the points lie on the line segment
        inp = [p for p in inp if p[1]>=min(y1,y2) and p[1]<=max(y1,y2)]
        inp = []
    k = (y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2)
    b0 = y1 - k*x1
    a = k**2 + 1
    b = 2*k*(b0 - y0) - 2*x0
    c = (b0 - y0)**2 + x0**2 - r0**2
    delta = b**2 - 4*a*c
    if delta >= 0:
        p1x = (-b - sqrt(delta))/(2*a)
        p2x = (-b + sqrt(delta))/(2*a)
        p1y = k*x1 + b0
        p2y = k*x2 + b0
        inp = [[p1x,p1y],[p2x,p2y]]
        # select the points lie on the line segment
        inp = [p for p in inp if p[0]>=min(x1,x2) and p[0]<=max(x1,x2)]
        inp = []
  return inp

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

我想也许你的问题是关于理论如何以最快的方式做到这一点。但是如果你想快速做到这一点,你应该使用用C / C ++编写的东西。

我很习惯Shapely,所以我将提供一个如何使用此库执行此操作的示例。 python有许多几何库。我会在这个答案的最后列出它们。

from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import Point

p = Point(5,5)
c = p.buffer(3).boundary
l = LineString([(0,0), (10, 10)])
i = c.intersection(l)

print i.geoms[0].coords[0]
(2.8786796564403576, 2.8786796564403576)

print i.geoms[1].coords[0]
(7.121320343559642, 7.121320343559642)





对于那些感兴趣的人,有another Stackoverflow question详细介绍了这些库。


Shapely基于GEOS(trac.osgeo.org/geos),它是用C ++构建的,并且比你在python中本地编写的任何东西都要快得多。 SymPy似乎是基于mpmath(mpmath.org),它似乎也是python,但似乎有很多相当复杂的数学集成到它。实现这一点可能需要大量工作,并且可能不会像GEOS C ++实现那么快。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



  | |
  | |
  | |


A |B| C
  | |
F |G| H





AA => Outside
AB => Outside
AC => Outside
AJ => Intersects
BJ => Intersects
JJ => Inside



答案 2 :(得分:1)


def circle_line_segment_intersection(circle_center, circle_radius, pt1, pt2, full_line=True, tangent_tol=1e-9):
    """ Find the points at which a circle intersects a line-segment.  This can happen at 0, 1, or 2 points.

    :param circle_center: The (x, y) location of the circle center
    :param circle_radius: The radius of the circle
    :param pt1: The (x, y) location of the first point of the segment
    :param pt2: The (x, y) location of the second point of the segment
    :param full_line: True to find intersections along full line - not just in the segment.  False will just return intersections within the segment.
    :param tangent_tol: Numerical tolerance at which we decide the intersections are close enough to consider it a tangent
    :return Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]: A list of length 0, 1, or 2, where each element is a point at which the circle intercepts a line segment.

    Note: We follow: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-LineIntersection.html

    (p1x, p1y), (p2x, p2y), (cx, cy) = pt1, pt2, circle_center
    (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = (p1x - cx, p1y - cy), (p2x - cx, p2y - cy)
    dx, dy = (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1)
    dr = (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)**.5
    big_d = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1
    discriminant = circle_radius ** 2 * dr ** 2 - big_d ** 2

    if discriminant < 0:  # No intersection between circle and line
        return []
    else:  # There may be 0, 1, or 2 intersections with the segment
        intersections = [
            (cx + (big_d * dy + sign * (-1 if dy < 0 else 1) * dx * discriminant**.5) / dr ** 2,
             cy + (-big_d * dx + sign * abs(dy) * discriminant**.5) / dr ** 2)
            for sign in ((1, -1) if dy < 0 else (-1, 1))]  # This makes sure the order along the segment is correct
        if not full_line:  # If only considering the segment, filter out intersections that do not fall within the segment
            fraction_along_segment = [(xi - p1x) / dx if abs(dx) > abs(dy) else (yi - p1y) / dy for xi, yi in intersections]
            intersections = [pt for pt, frac in zip(intersections, fraction_along_segment) if 0 <= frac <= 1]
        if len(intersections) == 2 and abs(discriminant) <= tangent_tol:  # If line is tangent to circle, return just one point (as both intersections have same location)
            return [intersections[0]]
            return intersections

答案 3 :(得分:0)

I think that the formula you use to find the coordinates of the two intersections cannot be optimized further. The only improvement (which is numerically important) is to distinguish the two cases: |x_2-x_1| >= |y_2-y_1| and |x_2-x1| < |y_2-y1| so that the quantity k is always between -1 and 1 (in your computation you can get very high numerical errors if |x_2-x_1| is very small). You can swap x-s and y-s to reduce one case to the other.

You could also implement a preliminary check: if both endpoints are internal to the circle there are no intersection. By computing the squared distance from the points to the center of the circle this becomes a simple formula which does not use the square root function. The other check: "whether the line is outside the circle" is already implemented in your code and corresponds to delta < 0. If you have a lot of small segments these two check should give a shortcut answer (no intersection) in most cases.