
时间:2015-06-15 10:38:41

标签: sql-server sql-server-2005 sql-cte


tablename:ChildID ChildCommonID ParentID 1 2 0 2 3 0 3 4 1 4 5 3 5 6 4

ChildID= 5


我有一个孩子ID示例:ChildID 5 4 3 1

所以如果它包含父母,我需要检查它是否有父母 然后检查相应的parentid,在这种情况下,parentID是4所以需要检查 孩子4有任何父母,在这种情况下,孩子4的父母ID是3,所以获得支票子3有任何父母 在这种情况下,孩子3有父1,所以检查孩子1有任何父母在这里孩子1是最大的父母,它没有父母所以停止过程 并将所有子项最多返回1


with getallparent as (
   select * 
   from ExampleTable 
   where ChildID  = 5 
  union all 
  select *
   from ExampleTable c 
     Left join getallparent p on p.ChildID = c.ParentID 
select *
from getallparent;


create table ExampleTable(ChildID int,ChildCommonID int ,ParentID int )
insert into ExampleTable values(1,2,0)
insert into ExampleTable values(2,3,0)
insert into ExampleTable values(3,4,1)
insert into ExampleTable values(4,5,3)
insert into ExampleTable values(5,6,4)


SELECT  SUM(COALESCE(sr.Income, 0)) AS Income,
        SUM(i.repairCharge) AS Labour,
        SUM(i.shippingCharge) AS Carriage
FROM    Invoices AS i
        LEFT JOIN
        (   SELECT  InvNo, SUM((price-discount)*quantity) AS Income
            FROM    SalesRecords
            GROUP BY InvNo
        ) AS sr
            ON sr.InvNo = i.ID
WHERE   i.dateTime BETWEEN 1434326474 AND 1434361694;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

与我的评论一样,您的列在加入时不正确。使用getallparent p on p.ParentID = c.ChildID

with getallparent as (
   select ChildID,ParentID
   from ExampleTable 
   where ChildID  = 5 
  union all 
  select C.ChildID,C.ParentID
   from ExampleTable c 
     inner join getallparent p on p.ParentID = c.ChildID 
select *
from getallparent;
