LINQ to SQL实现中不能使用本地序列

时间:2015-06-15 01:27:19

标签: linq


Public Property FirstName As String = ""
Public Property LastName As String = ""
Public Property Address1 As String = ""
Public Property Address2 As String = ""
Public Property City As String = ""
Public Property State As System.Int32 = "0"
Public Property Zip As String = ""
Public Property Title As String = ""
Public Property Phone As System.Decimal = "0"
Public Property Id As System.Int32 = "0"
Public Property UserType As System.Int32 = "0"
Public Property SSN As System.Int32 = "0"
Public Property Email As String = ""
Public Property UserName As String = ""
Public Property IsLockedOut As Boolean = False
Private Loaded As Boolean = False



JobId   numeric(18,0)
AccountId   numeric(18,0)
Name    varchar(50)
Frequency   int
Modifier    varchar(90)
Active  bit
sDate   date
eDate   date


AccountId   numeric(18,0)
CompanyId   numeric(18,0)
ContactId   varchar(256)
Type    int
Name    varchar(256)
Address1    varchar(50)
Address2    varchar(50)
City    varchar(50)
State   int
Zip varchar(5)
AuthCode    varchar(10)
Comments    text


Local sequence cannot be used in LINQ to SQL implementations of query operators except the Contains operator.


    <System.Web.Services.WebMethod(EnableSession:=True)> _
Public Shared Function JobSearch(jSon As String) As String
    Dim DamnSer As New JavaScriptSerializer
    Dim Search As SearchString = DamnSer.Deserialize(Of SearchString)(jSon)
    Dim myDB As New MyDbDataContext
    Dim pro As New Mems(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name)

    Dim acc = From a In myDB.Accounts Where a.CompanyId = pro.Id Select a

    Dim accList = acc.Where(Function(r) r.AccountId).[Select](Function(r) r.AccountId.ToString()).ToArray()

    Dim q = From u In Util.GetMems Join a In acc On a.ContactId Equals u.UserName
            Where u.FirstName.ToLower.Contains(Search.FirstName.ToLower) And
            u.LastName.ToLower.Contains(Search.LastName.ToLower) And
            a.Name.ToLower.Contains(Search.Name.ToLower) And
            a.ContactId.ToLower.Contains(Search.Email.ToLower) And
            u.Phone.ToString.Contains(Search.Phone.ToLower) And
            Select New With {.FirstName = u.FirstName,
                                      .LastName = u.LastName,
                                      .Name = a.Name,
                                      .Email = u.Email,
                                      .Phone = u.Phone,
                                      .AccountId = a.AccountId,
                                      .City = a.City,
                                      .State = (From s In myDB.States Where s.StateId = a.State Select s.StateAbbr).Single
    'This is the only line i added between what I have working and this new section and it is where the error happens
    Dim qq = From j In myDB.Jobs Where accList.Contains(j.AccountId) Select New With {j.JobId, j.Name, (From z In q Where z.AccountId = j.AccountId).Single}

    Return DamnSer.Serialize(qq)
End Function

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    <System.Web.Services.WebMethod(EnableSession:=True)> _
Public Shared Function JobSearch(jSon As String) As String
    Dim DamnSer As New JavaScriptSerializer
    Dim Search As SearchString = DamnSer.Deserialize(Of SearchString)(jSon)
    Dim myDB As New MyDbDataContext
    Dim pro As New Mems(HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name)

    Dim acc = From a In myDB.Accounts Where a.CompanyId = pro.Id Select a

    Dim q = From u In Util.GetMems Join a In acc On a.ContactId Equals u.UserName
            Where u.FirstName.ToLower.Contains(Search.FirstName.ToLower) And
            u.LastName.ToLower.Contains(Search.LastName.ToLower) And
            a.Name.ToLower.Contains(Search.Name.ToLower) And
            a.ContactId.ToLower.Contains(Search.Email.ToLower) And
            u.Phone.ToString.Contains(Search.Phone.ToLower) And
            Select New With {.FirstName = u.FirstName,
                                      .LastName = u.LastName,
                                      .Name = a.Name,
                                      .Email = u.Email,
                                      .Phone = u.Phone,
                                      .AccountId = a.AccountId,
                                      .City = a.City,
                                      .State = (From s In myDB.States Where s.StateId = a.State Select s.StateAbbr).Single,
                                      .zip = a.Zip,
                                      .Locations = (From l In myDB.Locations Where l.AccountId = a.AccountId Select New With {l.AccountId, l.Address1, l.Address2, l.City, l.Comments, l.LocationId, .State = (From s In myDB.States Where s.StateId = l.State Select s.StateAbbr).Single, l.Zip,
                                          .JobCount = (From j In myDB.Jobs Where j.LocationId = l.LocationId Select j).Count}

    Return DamnSer.Serialize(q)
End Function