
时间:2015-06-14 08:13:36

标签: c sorting



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

/* handy typedefs */
typedef unsigned char card;
typedef unsigned char pairs;

/* arrays for the names of things */
static char *suits[4] = {"Hearts","Diamonds","Clubs","Spades"};
static char *values[13]= {"Ace","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven",/
static char *colour[2]= {"Black","Red"};
int compareface(const void* c1,const void *c2);

int main()
 card deck[52][24],*deckp;
 int s, c, a;

 for(s = 0; s < 4; s++)//for filling a deck of 52 cards
   for(c = 0; c < 13; c++)
    if (s== 0 || s== 1)
    sprintf(deck[s * 13 + c], "%s of %s", values[c], suits[s]);
    if (s== 2 || s== 3)
    sprintf(deck[s * 13 + c], "%s of %s", values[c], suits[s]);

    for(a = 0; a < 52; a++)
    printf("%s\n", deck[a]);

    int hand,cd,winner;
    int irand;

     srand(time(NULL));       /* seed the random number generator */

    for (hand=0;hand<5;hand++)
     printf("Hand %i:\n",hand+1 );
      for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      irand = (rand() % 52);
      //   qsort(deck, 52, sizeof(int), compareface);
      if ( (irand >= 0) && (irand <26))
      printf(" %s, is Red.\n ", deck[irand]);
      if ( (irand >= 26) && (irand <52))
      printf(" %s, is Black.\n ", deck[irand]);
    /* determine the winner and print it */
      return 0;

      void shuffle(card deck[52])
    int i,rnd;
    card c;

    /* generate a random number between 0 & 51 */
     rnd=rand() * 52.0 / RAND_MAX;
     c = deck[i];
     deck[i] = deck[rnd];
     deck[rnd] = c;

    int compareface(const void* c1, const void *c2)
     /* This function extracts the two cards face values
     and returns 1 if cd1 > cd2, 0 if cd1 == cd2, and
     -1 otherwise. The weird argument types are for
      compatibility with qsort(), the first two lines
       decode the arguments back into "card".
      card cd1,cd2;
      cd1=*((card*) c1);
      cd2=*((card*) c2);

      cd1= (cd1&0x1e)>>1;
      cd2= (cd2&0x1e)>>1;

      if (cd1>cd2)
        return 1;

      if (cd1==cd2)
        return 0;

        return -1;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

如果您为每张卡提供一个数值并将此值保存在卡座阵列中会更容易。 现在,一种方法是: 1 =黑桃王牌,2 =黑桃王牌...... 13 =黑桃王,14 =红心王牌等等,但是订购起来比较难。

然而,另一种方式是: 0 =两个钻石,1 =两个球杆,2 =两个心脏,3 =两个黑桃, 4 =三颗钻石等等。

如果您使用这种方式,(card number) / 4会为您提供值(带偏移量),(card number) % 4会为您提供诉讼。

此外,return (card1 number) - (card2 number)为您提供了所需的比较功能。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

正如Shay Gold所说,使用int作为牌的价值更为简单。编辑:他的方法在这篇文章的最后描述,他的方法似乎自动在一个值排序中进行西装排序。


  • 价值卡&lt; 26是黑色,其他是红色,您可以使用value / 26获得颜色。

  • 价值卡&lt; 13是心,值> = 13且&lt; 26是钻石,其值> = 26且&lt; 39是俱乐部,其值> = 39且&lt; 52是黑桃。你可以通过value / 13获得诉讼。

  • 可以使用value % 13获取卡片的价值(从0到12)。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

/* handy typedefs */
typedef unsigned char card;
typedef unsigned char pairs;

/* arrays for the names of things */
static char *suits[4] = {"Hearts","Diamonds","Clubs","Spades"};
static char *values[13]= {"Ace","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven",
static char *colour[2]= {"Black","Red"};

int compareface(const void * c1, const void * c2);
int comparesuit(const void * c1, const void * c2);
void shuffle(int deck[52]);

int main()
  int deck[52];
  int s, c, a, i, j;

    for(a = 0; a < 52; a++) //for filling a deck of 52 cards
      deck[a] = a;
      printf("\n%s:", colour[ deck[a] / 26 ]);
      printf(" %s of", values[ deck[a] % 13 ]);
      printf(" %s", suits[ deck[a] / 13 ]);

    int hands[5][5],h,cd,winner;
    int irand;

    srand(time(NULL));       /* seed the random number generator */

    // shuffle the deck before to get the hands:
    j = 0;
    for (h=0;h<5;h++)
      printf("\nHand %d:",h+1 );
      for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        hands[h][i] = deck[j];
        printf("\n    (%s)", colour[ hands[h][i] / 26 ]);
        printf(" %s of", values[ hands[h][i] % 13 ]);
        printf(" %s", suits[ hands[h][i] / 13 ]);
    // sort the cards by card value:
    for (h=0;h<5;h++)
      qsort(hands[h], 5, sizeof(int), compareface);
    // print the hands:
    for (h=0;h<5;h++)
      printf("\nHand %d:",h+1 );
      for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        printf("\n    (%s)", colour[ hands[h][i] / 26 ]);
        printf(" %s of", values[ hands[h][i] % 13 ]);
        printf(" %s", suits[ hands[h][i] / 13 ]);

    // sort the cards by card suit:
    for (h=0;h<5;h++)
      qsort(hands[h], 5, sizeof(int), comparesuit);
    // print the hands:
    for (h=0;h<5;h++)
      printf("\nHand %d:",h+1 );
      for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        printf("\n    (%s)", colour[ hands[h][i] / 26 ]);
        printf(" %s of", values[ hands[h][i] % 13 ]);
        printf(" %s", suits[ hands[h][i] / 13 ]);

    /* determine the winner and print it */
      return 0;

void shuffle(int deck[52])
    int i,rnd;
    int c;

    /* generate a random number between 0 & 51 */
     rnd=rand() * 52.0 / RAND_MAX;
     c = deck[i];
     deck[i] = deck[rnd];
     deck[rnd] = c;

int compareface(const void * c1, const void * c2)
  const int cd1 = *(const int*)c1;
  const int cd2 = *(const int*)c2;
  if(cd1 % 13 > cd2 % 13) return 1;
  if(cd1 % 13 == cd2 % 13) return 0;
  return -1;

int comparesuit(const void * c1, const void * c2)
  const int cd1 = *(const int*)c1;
  const int cd2 = *(const int*)c2;
  if(cd1 / 13 > cd2 / 13) return 1;
  if(cd1 / 13 == cd2 / 13) return 0;
  return -1;


for (h=0;h<5;h++)
  for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    for(j = i+1; j < 5; j++) {
      // if the cards have the same values but a suit higher than the following card,
      // then exchange the cards:
      if( (hands[h][i] / 13 > hands[h][j] / 13) && (hands[h][i] % 13 == hands[h][j] % 13) ) {
        c = hands[h][i];
        hands[h][i] = hands[h][j];
        hands[h][j] = c;


for (h=0;h<5;h++)
  qsort(hands[h], 5, sizeof(int), comparesuit);

for (h=0;h<5;h++)
  for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    for(j = i+1; j < 5; j++) {
      // if it is the same suit and the card have a higher value
      // then exchange the cards:
      if( (hands[h][i] % 13 > hands[h][j] % 13) && (hands[h][i] / 13 == hands[h][j] / 13) ) {
        c = hands[h][i];
        hands[h][i] = hands[h][j];
        hands[h][j] = c;

Shay Gold方法:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

/* handy typedefs */
typedef unsigned char card;
typedef unsigned char pairs;

/* arrays for the names of things */
static char *suits[4] = {"Hearts","Diamonds","Clubs","Spades"};
static char *values[13]= {"Ace","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven",
static char *colour[4]= {"Red","Red","Black","Black"};

int compareface(const void * c1, const void * c2);
void shuffle(int deck[52]);

int main()
  int deck[52];
  int s, c, a, i, j;

    for(a = 0; a < 52; a++) //for filling a deck of 52 cards
      deck[a] = a;
      printf("\n%s:", colour[ deck[a] % 4 ]);
      printf(" %s of", values[ deck[a] / 4 ]);
      printf(" %s", suits[ deck[a] % 4 ]);

    int hands[5][5],h,cd,winner;
    int irand;

    srand(time(NULL));       /* seed the random number generator */

    // shuffle the deck before to get the hands:
    j = 0;
    for (h=0;h<5;h++)
      printf("\nHand %d:",h+1 );
      for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        hands[h][i] = deck[j];
        printf("\n    (%s)", colour[ hands[h][i] % 4 ]);
        printf(" %s of", values[ hands[h][i] / 4 ]);
        printf(" %s", suits[ hands[h][i] % 4 ]);
    // sort the cards by card value:
    for (h=0;h<5;h++)
      qsort(hands[h], 5, sizeof(int), compareface);
    // print the hand:
    for (h=0;h<5;h++)
      printf("\nHand %d:",h+1 );
      for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        printf("\n    (%s)", colour[ hands[h][i] % 4 ]);
        printf(" %s of", values[ hands[h][i] / 4 ]);
        printf(" %s", suits[ hands[h][i] % 4 ]);

    /* determine the winner and print it */
      return 0;

void shuffle(int deck[52])
    int i,rnd;
    int c;

    /* generate a random number between 0 & 51 */
     rnd=rand() * 52.0 / RAND_MAX;
     c = deck[i];
     deck[i] = deck[rnd];
     deck[rnd] = c;

int compareface(const void * c1, const void * c2)
  const int cd1 = *(const int*)c1;
  const int cd2 = *(const int*)c2;

  return cd1 - cd2;