在一个句子中逐字排序字符串ASC / DSC

时间:2015-06-12 11:41:42

标签: assembly x86-16


输入:一句话(字符串) 输出:逐字逐句排序或按用户希望降序


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



您需要做的第一件事就是要求用户输入。在DOS中有几种方法可以做到这一点,根据您的需要,您必须选择最适合的方法。我认为缓冲输入是最好的选择,使用INT 21/AH=0ah。您可以使用Ralph Brown Interrupt List的在线版本作为参考。

你有一个带有输入字符串的缓冲区,你需要扫描它并识别单词。单词由特定字符分隔,让我们假设只有一个空格(ASCII代码20h)字符用作单词分隔符。您不能假设在两个连续的单词之间只出现一个空格 识别单词的开头和结尾很容易,但是一旦你开始和结束,你如何保存一个单词? 单词是字符串,字符串的问题是它们具有可变长度,因此您无法将它们复制到固定大小的缓冲区中,因为您必须交换它们才能对需要使用间接层的单词进行排序。

Example of a tokenized input

现在你可以减少排序指向字符串数组的问题,这是一项简单的任务 首先需要一个字符串比较器,比如strcmp,一个比较字符串A和B的函数,如果A<则返回-1。 B,如果A = B,则为0;如果A> B,则为1。 B.字符串上有许多命令,字典顺序是问题所针对的。您可以在互联网上找到有关此主题的教程 在比较器之后你需要一个排序算法,冒泡排序效率很低但很容易实现。这里的技巧是你比较字符串,但交换指针!


我做了一个简单的DOS COM程序来解决你的问题。我警告你,你应该只使用它作为样本,它使用原始8086中没有的许多指令,并在堆栈上创建输入缓冲区和数组。无论如何这里是它的输出(在DOSBox中)和在源代码下面(对于NASM)

enter image description here

;COM binaries are loaded in a new segment starting at offset 100h
;The area between the start of the segment and the offset 100h is the PSP (Program segment prefix)
org 100h

;Data and code is in one section 
section .text

   ;Set the stack as far away as possible from the code but still in the same segment 
   mov ax, cs
   mov ss, ax
   xor sp, sp

   ;All other segment registers points to CS segment
   push cs
   pop ds
   push es
   pop ds 

   ;Be sure DF is 0

   mov ah, 09h
   mov dx, strInputSentence
   int 21h

   ;Allocate space for 255 byte buffer (the max) but keep the SP aligned at WORD boundary
   sub sp, 100h
   push 00ffh               ;Push the Buffer structure for INT 21/0ah
   mov WORD [buffer], sp
   ;Get the input string 
   mov dx, sp
   mov ah, 0ah
   int 21h

   ;Reserve an array of 256 WORD
   sub sp, 200h
   mov WORD [tokens], sp

   ;Tokenize the string
   mov bx, WORD [buffer]        
   movzx ax, BYTE [bx+01h]      ;String length
   add bx, 02h                  ;String start

   push ax
   push bx
   push WORD [tokens]           ;Output array
   push 0ffh                    ;Max items in output array
   call tokenize
   mov WORD [tokens_num], ax    ;Words found

   test ax, ax
   jz .no_words

   call show_original
   call show_ascending
   call show_descending

jmp .end

   mov ah, 09h 
   mov dx, strNoWords
   int 21h

   mov ax, 4c00h
   int 21h 

strInputSentence    db "Please, type a sentence: ", 24h
buffer              dw 0   
tokens              dw 0   
tokens_num          dw 0
strOriginalOrd      db 0dh, 0ah, "Here are the words as typed: " 
strCRLF             db 0dh, 0ah, 24h
strNoWords          db 0dh, 0ah, "No words typed!", 24h  
strAscendingOrd     db "Here are the words sorted in ascending order:", 0dh, 0ah, 24h  
strDescendingOrd    db "Here are the words sorted in descending order:", 0dh, 0ah, 24h    

   mov dx, strOriginalOrd
   mov ah, 09h
   int 21h 

   mov si, WORD [tokens]
   mov cx, WORD [tokens_num];

   mov dx, WORD [si]
   int 21h 
   mov dx, strCRLF
   int 21h
   add si, 02h 
loop .orig_ord


   mov dx, strAscendingOrd
   mov ah, 09h
   int 21h 

   push strcmp
   push WORD [tokens]
   push WORD [tokens_num]
   call bubble_sort

   mov si, WORD [tokens]
   mov cx, WORD [tokens_num];

   mov dx, WORD [si]
   int 21h 
   mov dx, strCRLF
   int 21h
   add si, 02h 
loop .asc_ord


   mov dx, strDescendingOrd
   mov ah, 09h
   int 21h 

   push stricmp
   push WORD [tokens]
   push WORD [tokens_num]
   call bubble_sort

   mov si, WORD [tokens]
   mov cx, WORD [tokens_num];

   mov dx, WORD [si]
   int 21h 
   mov dx, strCRLF
   int 21h
   add si, 02h 
loop .asc_ord


;Number of char   
;Array of pointers
;Array items
    push bp
    mov bp, sp

    sub sp, 02h

    push di
    push es
    push cx
    push si
    push bx
    push dx 

    mov dx, WORD [bp+0ah]
    mov cx, WORD [bp+04h]
    mov di, WORD [bp+06h]
    mov si, WORD [bp+08h]
    xor bx, bx

    mov BYTE [bp-02h], 00h  ;Status, 0 = Looking for a word start, 1 = Looking for word end

    ;DX = Character left to parse
    ;CX = Entries available in output array 
    ;DI = Ptr to Output array current entry
    ;SI = Ptr to current char in input string 
    ;BX = Words found

    test cx, cx
    jz .end 

    test dx, dx
    jz .end 

    dec dx

    ;   char is 20h    Status
    ;   0               0     found start 
    ;   0               1     jump back 
    ;   1               0     jump back 
    ;   1               1     found end 

    cmp al, 20h
    sete ah
    xor ah, BYTE [bp-02h]
    jnz .look_for

    ;Change status (0->1, 1->0)
    mov ah, BYTE [bp-02h]
    not ah 
    and ah, 01h 
    mov BYTE [bp-02h], ah
    jnz .found_start

    ;Found word end

    mov BYTE [si-01h], 24h      ;24h terminate the word

jmp .look_for

    ;Found word start 
    lea ax, [si-01h]
    stosw                       ;Save the pointer to the word
    dec cx                      ;Less available entries
    inc bx                      ;One more word found
jmp .look_for 

    mov BYTE [si], 24h      ;24h terminate last word
    mov ax, bx

    pop dx
    pop bx
    pop si
    pop cx
    pop es
    pop di 

    add sp, 02h

    pop bp
    ret 08h

    push bp
    mov bp, sp

    push si
    push di 
    push bx 

    mov si, WORD [bp+06h]
    mov di, WORD [bp+04h]

    mov ah, BYTE [di]
    inc di 

    ;AH = String 2 char
    ;AL = String 1 char

    ;If String1 is ended, check the other string
    cmp al, 24h
    mov bl, ah              ;Value to check as terminator
    mov bh, 0ffh            ;Return value if the other string is not ended
    jz .strend

    ;If String2 is ended, check the other string
    cmp ah, 24h
    mov bl, al              ;Value to check as terminator
    mov bh, 01h             ;Return value if the other string is not ended
    jz .strend 

    sub al, ah
    jz .compare             ;If equals, repeat
jmp .end                    ;Result is computed, just end

    xor al, al              ;Equals

    pop bx 
    pop di 
    pop si 

    pop bp
    ret 04h 

    cmp bl, 24h             ;Other string is ended, too?
    jz .preend              ;Success!

    mov al, bh              ;Return appropriate value
jmp .end 

;Like strcmp but negated
    push bp
    mov bp, sp 

    push WORD [bp+06h]
    push WORD [bp+04h]
    call strcmp 
    neg al 

    pop bp
    ret 04h

    push bp
    mov bp, sp

    sub sp, 02h 


    cmp WORD [bp+04h], 2    ;Less than 2 element -> Already ordered
    jb .end

    mov di, WORD [bp+08h]   ;Comparer

    mov BYTE [bp-02h], 00h  ;No swap done
    mov cx, WORD [bp+04h]   ;Elements in array
    mov si, WORD [bp+06h]   ;Array
    dec cx                  ;Elements are compared in pairs

    push ax
    push ax
    call di                 ;Compare current and next string

    sub si, 02h             ;Get back to next string 
    cmp al, 00h
    jg .swap                ;If current > next, swap

    dec cx                  ;Elements left to compare
jnz .sort

    ;If no swap, the array is sorted
    cmp BYTE [bp-02h], 00h
    jne .cycle  

jmp .end

    ;Naive swap
    mov ax, WORD [si-02h]
    mov bx, WORD [si]
    mov WORD [si], ax
    mov WORD [si-02h], bx 

    ;At least one swap done
    mov BYTE [bp-02h], 01h

jmp .continue   


    add sp, 02h 

    pop bp
    ret 06h