
时间:2015-06-11 20:03:19

标签: haskell

我不知道空元组来自哪里? 由于索引太大,我看不到结果的内容



*主>设bb = filter(\ n - > snd n == True)alltrees1

:74:39:     无法匹配预期类型(a0, Bool)' with actual type()'     预期类型:[(a0,Bool)]       实际类型:[()]     在filter', namely alltrees1'的第二个论点中     在表达式中:filter(\ n - > snd n == True)alltrees1


:l trees.hs
let allparams = replicateM 3 [1.0, 2.0]
let alltrees = [getAllTrees c | x <- allparams, c <- [x]]
eval(alltrees!!1!!1) == eval(alltrees!!1!!1)
let alltrees1 = forM_ [0..(sizeoflist alltrees)] $ \i -> forM_ [0..(sizeoflist (alltrees!!i))] $ \j -> [(alltrees!!i!!j, eval(alltrees!!i!!j) == eval(alltrees!!i!!j))]
let bb = filter (\n -> if n != () then snd n == True) alltrees1


import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Math.Combinat
import System.IO

data Operation
  = And
  | Or
  | MA
  | MB
  | Impl
    deriving Show

data Mree x
 = Meaf x
 | Mode (Mree x) Operation (Mree x)
   deriving Show

splits :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
splits xs = zip (inits xs) (tails xs)

getAllTrees :: [a] -> [Mree a]
getAllTrees [] = []
getAllTrees [x] = return $ Meaf x
getAllTrees xs = do
  (left, right) <- splits xs
  guard $ not (null left) && not (null right)
  leftT <- getAllTrees left
  rightT <- getAllTrees right
  op <- [And, Or]
  return $ Mode leftT op rightT

eval :: Mree Double -> Double
eval (Meaf x) = x
eval (Mode l And r) = eval l
eval (Mode l Or r) = eval r

sizeoflist :: [a] -> Int
sizeoflist = length

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


请注意,altrees的类型为[ [ Mree Double ] ]


allexprs :: [ Mree Double ]
allexprs = concat alltrees   -- a list of all the Mrees in alters

alltrees2 = [ (x, eval x == eval x) | x <- allexprs ]
   -- this is apparently what alltrees1 is doing

bb = [ x | (x, True) <- alltrees2 ]
   -- same as: filter (\(x,b) -> b == True) altrees2
   --          filter (\(x,b) -> b) alltrees2
   --          filter (\xb -> snd xb) alltrees2

答案 1 :(得分:0)

基本的haskell List(和大多数集合)不会让你在同一个列表中存储空元组和非空元组,因为它们是不同的类型 - 所以,在这种情况下,说它没有意义

\n -> if n != () then snd n == True


forM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => t a -> (a -> m b) -> m ()


forM_ :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [()]



map (map (\x -> (x, eval x == eval x))) allTrees

有关列表的详细信息,请参阅the chapter from the book learn you a haskell