
时间:2015-06-11 18:54:38

标签: python string perl date datetime


[random string] was [failed/passed] 1y 2mo 3d 1h 51m 2s ago [some string]

现在我要做的是用6个变量(年,月,日,小时,分钟,秒)提取持续时间,以计算具有“日期”功能的日期。 我还希望在变量中获得通过/失败(例如O / 1)。


  • 我无法读取包含这些字符串的文件中的每一行(for循环不能很好地工作......可能会有一段时间会更好)
  • 如果我设法读取一个字符串,我尝试用剪切解析它,但我不知道如何摆脱字母(y,mo,h ...)并且只保留号。

  • 持续时间格式是可变的;它可以是不到一年的1mo 2h 3s,或1y 3d 58m 3s,或3h 5s ......等等。我不知道如何处理这种变化。我猜这个命令必须检查字母并分配功能,并将0分配给不存在的字母。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


my $string = <STDIN>;
chomp $userword; # Get rid of newline character at the end
@arr = $string =~ /(passed|failed).+?([\d]+[yY].)?([\d]+(?:mo|MO).)?([\d]+[dD].)?([\d]+[hH].)?([\d]+[mM].)?([\d]+[sS])/g;
$arr_len = scalar @arr;
print "Result: $arr[0]\n";
    if ( $2 eq "y" | $2 eq "Y" ) {
        print "Year is $1\n";
    } elsif ( $2 eq "mo" | $2 eq "MO") {
        print "Month is $1\n";
    } elsif ( $2 eq "d" | $2 eq "D") {
        print "Day is $1\n";
    } elsif ( $2 eq "h" | $2 eq "H") {
        print "Hour is $1\n";
    } elsif ( $2 eq "m" | $2 eq "M") {
        print "Minute is $1\n";
    } elsif ( $2 eq "s" | $2 eq "S" ) {
        print "Second is $1\n";


[random string] was failed 1y 2mo 3d 1h 51m 2s ago [some string]

[random string] was passed 2mo 3d 1h 51m 2s ago [some string]

asd  sd asdg s passed 1y 2mo 3d 1h 2s

[random string] was failed 1y 4d 5h 3m 2s ago [some string]


Result: failed
Year is 1
Month is 2
Day is 3
Hour is 1
Minute is 51
Second is 2

Result: passed
Month is 2
Day is 3
Hour is 1
Minute is 51
Second is 2

Result: passed
Year is 1
Month is 2
Day is 3
Hour is 1
Second is 2

Result: failed
Year is 1
Day is 4
Hour is 5
Minute is 3
Second is 2


  1. 我没有使用switch,因为它可能会出错Can't locate Switch.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Switch module)
  2. 我尽可能地尽量简化正则表达式,所以如果有人可以建议选择更好的正则表达式,请发表评论。
  3. 这也是我第一次尝试在perl编程。如果有人找到改进代码的方法,请建议我。我将非常感激。