我使用SOAP / WSDL的经验很少,我认为这可能就是为什么我不知道如何开始调试它。
Sub Main()
Dim service As AWIN.ApiService = New AWIN.ApiService
Dim columns As AWIN.getProductList
Dim AWresults() As AWIN.Product
Dim response As New AWIN.getProductListResponse
Dim total As Integer
Dim activerefine As AWIN.RefineByGroup
Dim refine As AWIN.RefineByGroup
Const token As String = "xxy"
Dim UA As AWIN.UserAuthentication = New AWIN.UserAuthentication
With UA
.sApiKey = token
End With
service.UserAuthenticationValue = UA
columns = New AWIN.getProductList
Dim stringsofthings As String() = {"sId", "iCategoryId", "iMerchantId", "sMerchantProductId", "iAdult", "bHotpick", _
"iUpc", "iEan", "sMpn", "iIsbn", "sName", "sDescription", "sSpecification", _
"sPromotion", "sBrand", "sModel", "sAwDeepLink", "sAwThumbUrl", "sAwImageUrl", _
"sMerchantThumbUrl", "sMerchantImageUrl", "sDeliveryTime", "fPrice", "sCurrency", _
"fStorePrice", "fRrpPrice", "fDeliveryCost", "bWebOffer", "bPreOrder", "sWarranty"}
columns.sColumnToReturn = stringsofthings
response = service.getProductList(columns)
For c = 0 To UBound(response.oProduct)
ReDim Preserve AWresults(c)
AWresults(c) = New AWIN.Product
AWresults(c) = response.oProduct(c)
End Sub