
时间:2015-06-11 10:56:38

标签: reporting-services deployment





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


创建使用SSRS Web服务的自定义应用程序

您可以使用Reporting Services Web服务执行此任务除非您有其他方式未涵盖的特定需求,否则我不会推荐它。

有2个可用的Web服务,要管理报表服务器项,您需要ReportingService2010ReportingService2005,具体取决于您的Reporting Service实例。



您可以编写脚本(.rss)并使用RS.exe导入它们 此工具基于前面提到的Web服务。


rs.exe实用程序处理您在输入文件中提供的脚本。   使用此实用程序自动执行报表服务器部署和   管理任务。

请注意,SQL Server 2008 R2 +支持Sharepoint模式。

Sample Reporting Services rs.exe Script to Migrate Content between Report Servers


这是我最喜欢的一个,已经从服务器A编写了几个工具来编写脚本项并将其恢复到服务器B,其中一个是RSScripter。 您可以找到有关如何使用它的教程here


  1. 启动RSScripter可执行文件
  2. 在选项
  3. 中配置SSRS实例
  4. 点击"获取目录"显示实例的所有项目
  5. 选择要编写脚本的项目(Reports,DataSources,Policies,...)
  6. 点击"脚本",这将生成一个包含所选资源(rdl,rss,...)和批处理文件的文件夹
  7. 使用新的实例详细信息编辑批处理文件
  8. 如果适用,请将目录移动到可以访问服务器的位置
  9. 运行批处理文件并等待完成。如果您有大量报告,这可能需要一些时间,您可以在日志文件中看到进度。
  10. 还有来自Microsoft的Reporting Service Migration Tool,它似乎有一些额外的功能,但我从未测试过它。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


        private static string UploadReportFiles(string[] args)
        string results = String.Empty;
        string filesFolder = String.Empty;
        string fileName = String.Empty;
        if (args.Count() > 14)
                //args[0] - Command
                //args[1] - Switch Should be /S Server Name
                string serverName = args[2];
                //args[3] - Switch Should be /U User Name
                string userName = args[4];
                //args[5] - Switch Should be /P User Password
                string password = args[6];
                //args[7] - Switch Should be /M Server Manager Folder
                string managerFolder = args[8];
                //args[9] - Switch Should be /R Server Reports Folder
                string reportFolder = args[10];
                //args[11] - Switch Should be /D Server Data Sources Folder
                string dataSourceFolder = args[12];
                //args[13] - Switch Should be /F Files Folder
                filesFolder = args[14];

                ReportingService2005 rs = new ReportingService2005();

                string url = <ProjectNamespace>.Properties.Settings.Default.RDLManager_ReportService_ReportingService2005.Replace("localhost", serverName).Replace("ReportServer", managerFolder);

                rs.Url = url;

                NetworkCredential networkCredential = new NetworkCredential(userName, password);
                rs.Credentials = networkCredential;

                CatalogItem[] rootItems = rs.ListChildren("/", false);

                IEnumerable<string> rootNames = from x in rootItems.AsEnumerable()
                                                select x.Name;

                if (!rootNames.Contains(reportFolder))
                    rs.CreateFolder(reportFolder, "/", null);

                CatalogItem[] items = rs.ListChildren("/" + reportFolder, false);

                IEnumerable<string> itemNames = from x in items.AsEnumerable()
                                                select x.Name;

                string[] reportFiles = Directory.GetFiles(filesFolder);
                foreach (string file in reportFiles)
                    string returnMessage = String.Empty;
                        if (file.EndsWith(".rdl") && !file.Contains("Backup"))
                            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file);
                            fileName = fi.Name.Replace(".rdl", "");
                            System.Xml.XmlDocument doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();                               

                            string reportFilePath = Path.Combine(filesFolder, fileName);
                            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(reportFilePath + ".rdl", FileMode.Open))
                                // Read the source file into a byte array.
                                byte[] bytes = new byte[fs.Length];
                                int numBytesToRead = (int)fs.Length;
                                int numBytesRead = 0;
                                while (numBytesToRead > 0)
                                    // Read may return anything from 0 to numBytesToRead.
                                    int n = fs.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);

                                    // Break when the end of the file is reached.
                                    if (n == 0)

                                    numBytesRead += n;
                                    numBytesToRead -= n;
                                numBytesToRead = bytes.Length;

                                string reportName = fileName.Replace(".rdl", "");

                                Warning[] publishErrors;

                                if (itemNames.Contains(reportName))
                                    System.Console.WriteLine("Uploading Report File - " + fileName);

                                    string report = "/" + reportFolder + "/" + reportName;
                                    DataSource[] existingDataSources = null;
                                    DataSource existingDataSource = null;
                                    existingDataSources = rs.GetItemDataSources(report);
                                    if (null != existingDataSources)
                                        existingDataSource = existingDataSources[0];

                                    publishErrors = rs.SetReportDefinition(report, bytes);

                                    DataSource[] publishedDataSources = null;
                                    publishedDataSources = rs.GetItemDataSources(report);

                                    if (null != existingDataSource)
                                        List<DataSource> replacementDataSources = new List<DataSource>();
                                        DataSourceReference dsr = new DataSourceReference();
                                        string dataSourcePath = "/" + dataSourceFolder + "/" + existingDataSource.Name;
                                        dsr.Reference = dataSourcePath;

                                        foreach (DataSource publishedDataSource in publishedDataSources)
                                            DataSource ds = new DataSource();
                                            ds.Item = (DataSourceDefinitionOrReference)dsr;
                                            ds.Name = publishedDataSource.Name;

                                        rs.SetItemDataSources(report, replacementDataSources.ToArray());
                                    publishErrors = rs.CreateReport(reportName, "/" + reportFolder, true, bytes, null);
                                    fileName = fileName + " - NEW REPORT UPDATE DATASOURCE MANUALLY!";
                                    System.Console.WriteLine("Uploading Report File - " + fileName);

                                if (null != publishErrors)

                                    foreach (Warning w in publishErrors)
                                        if (w.Severity != "Warning")
                                            returnMessage = "Warning: ";
                                            returnMessage = returnMessage + w.Message;
                    catch (SoapException ex)
                        returnMessage = "Error Uploading File:" + fileName + " Exception:" + ex.Detail.InnerXml.ToString();
                    catch (IOException ex)
                        returnMessage = "Error Uploading File:" + fileName + " Exception:" + ex.Message;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        returnMessage = "Error Uploading File:" + fileName + " Exception:" + ex.Message;

                    string logLineItem = "Uploaded " + fileName + " to " + serverName + ". " + returnMessage;
                    LogItem.LogMessage(logLineItem, filesFolder);

                results = "Upload Complete!";
            catch (SoapException ex)
                results = "Error Uploading Files Exception:" + ex.Detail.InnerXml.ToString();
            catch (IOException ex)
                results = "Error Uploading Files Exception:" + ex.Message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                results = "Error Uploading Files Exception:" + ex.Message;
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filesFolder))
            LogItem.LogMessage(results, filesFolder);
        return results;