
时间:2015-06-11 02:56:45

标签: c# multithreading thread-safety


  • Thread9(主线程)
  • Thread9
  • Thread9
  • Thread10(Worker StartNew Thread)
  • Thread11(Worker ContinueWith Thread)
  • Thread11

我能够将一个对象从我的主线程(9)传递到一个工作线程(10),并从工作线程传递给工作者ContinueWith线程(11)[AKA完成工作线程(10) )]。我所做的一切都很好,有一个例外......我似乎无法使用类似事件的东西将该对象恢复到主线程。每当我尝试委托或调用回主线程时,它都无法工作。它总是在Thread11而不是Thread9上激活!



  • 我不能以任何方式使用.Wait()或暂停MainUI。
  • 我不能使用Task.WaitAll()或Task.WaitAny(),因为它也会冻结UI。
  • 调用无效,因为这是一个自定义类而不是表单。

更新 - 示例:

private SQLConnectionProperties sql = new SQLConnectionProperties();

private void SQLTest()
    //Being called from main UI thread 9
    sql.SQLErrorMessage = "FIRST CHANGE";
    Task<SQLConnectionProperties> taskConnect = Task.Factory
        .StartNew(() => threadConnect(sql), CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default)
        .ContinueWith((task) => threadConnect(task.Result, true));
    //Continue back to main UI (still in main UI thread 9)

private SQLConnectionProperties threadConnect(SQLConnectionProperties sql, bool bContinuation = false)
    if (!bContinuation)
        //In new thread 10
        sql.SQLErrorMessage = "SECOND CHANGE";
        //In new thread 11
        sql.SQLErrorMessage = "THIRD CHANGE";
    return sql;

使用上面的代码,我会得到我想要的所有内容,直到In new thread 11行。在SQLErrorMessage更改为&#34; THIRD CHANGE&#34;并且它返回我需要引发某种类型的事件或者将结果返回到主UI线程9。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


另外,根据你提到的内容,我认为你还需要通过&#34; false&#34;当调用上述任何一个函数时,它知道该函数不是从UI线程调用的。

_synchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current

答案 1 :(得分:0)

正如@ r00tdev所解释的那样,使用SynchronizationContext()类是我尝试做的解决方案。下面你将看到我如何使用它来将工作线程的结果返回到主UI线程的示例。谢谢你的答案@ r00tdev!


private void SQLTest()
    //Set up a sync context back to this main UI thread
    m_sql.SyncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;

    //Being called from main UI thread 9
    m_sql.SQLErrorMessage = "FIRST CHANGE";
    Task<SQLConnectionProperties> taskConnect = Task.Factory
        .StartNew(() => threadConnect(m_sql), CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default)
        .ContinueWith((task) => threadConnect(task.Result, true));
    //Continue back to main UI (still in main UI thread 9)

private SQLConnectionProperties threadConnect(SQLConnectionProperties sql, bool bContinuation = false)
    if (!bContinuation)
        //In new thread 10
        sql.SQLErrorMessage = "SECOND CHANGE";
        //In new thread 11
        sql.SQLErrorMessage = "THIRD CHANGE";

        sql.SyncContext.Post(threadConnectComplete, sql);
    return sql;

private void threadConnectComplete(object state)
    //Back in the main UI thread!  Save the changes to the sql object
    SQLConnectionProperties sql = state as SQLConnectionProperties;
    m_sql = sql;

    //See the results and use this area to update the main UI
    Debug.WriteLine("SQLErrorMessage:" + sql.SQLErrorMessage);

    //TESTING NON THREAD SAFE just to show you no runtime errors happen
    form_MainUI.textbox1.Text = sql.SQLErrorMessage;