将yeoman angular-fullstack项目部署到Azure

时间:2015-06-09 23:59:46

标签: angularjs git azure yeoman azure-web-sites

如何将angular-fullstack Yeoman生成器的输出部署到Azure?生成器生成这样的输出,即两个文件夹 - clientserver

├── client
│   ├── app                 - All of our app specific components go in here
│   ├── assets              - Custom assets: fonts, images, etc…
│   ├── components          - Our reusable components, non-specific to to our app
├── e2e                     - Our protractor end to end tests
└── server
    ├── api                 - Our apps server api
    ├── auth                - For handling authentication with different auth strategies
    ├── components          - Our reusable or app-wide components
    ├── config              - Where we do the bulk of our apps configuration
    │   └── local.env.js    - Keep our environment variables out of source control
    │   └── environment     - Configuration specific to the node environment
    └── views               - Server rendered views

我想将其部署到Microsoft Azure,理想情况下使用Git部署。我该怎么做呢?



enter image description here

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 在Azure中创建一个新的空白Web App。
  2. 在部署选项中,选择'设置持续部署'。
  3. 选择本地Git存储库'。
  4. 这将为您提供Git Remote空白天蓝色Web应用程序,以便您推送它。这意味着你可以这样做:

    git remote add azure [URL for remote repository]
    git push azure master

    Here是较长的版本(适用于节点应用程序 - 但适用相同的概念)。
