@echo off
REM returns current date and time as var datestamp in YYYYMMDD_hhmm format
REM current date as variable date in YYYYMMDD format
REM current time as variable time in hhmm format
for /f "tokens=2,3,4 delims=/ " %%a in ('DATE /T') do set date=%%c%%a%%b
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=: " %%a in ('TIME /T') do set hr=%%a
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=: " %%a in ('TIME /T') do set mi=%%b
for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=: " %%a in ('TIME /T') do set ampm=%%c
set time=%hr%%mi%
IF %ampm% EQU PM (
REM in case of 12 PM we don't need to perform any actions
IF %hr% EQU 12 GOTO end
REM in case of another hour 1-11 PM we need to reformat it to 24-hour format by adding 12 hours
set /A hour=1%hr%+12-100
set time=%hour%%mi%
) ELSE (
REM only in case of 12 AM we need to reformat it to 24-hour format by extracting 12 hours (00 hours)
IF %hr% EQU 12 (
set /A temp=1%hr%-12-100
set hour=0%temp%
set time=%hour%%mi%
GOTO end
set datestamp=%date%_%time%
D:\utils\scripts>getDateStamp.cmd & echo %datestamp%
D:\utils\scripts>getDateStamp.cmd & echo %datestamp%
D:\utils\scripts>getDateStamp.cmd & echo %datestamp%
这可能是什么问题? 谢谢!