Hibernate问题。在SQL Dev中工作正常但在Hibernate中没有

时间:2015-06-09 14:13:53

标签: hibernate pivot

            return em.createQuery("""
            select priority, Tube, Shelf, Snd, Notion FROM (
             select c.id, CASE WHEN c.priority between 1 and 10 then '1-10'
                            WHEN c.priority between 11 and 20 then '11-20'
                            WHEN c.priority between 21 and 30 then '21-30'
                            WHEN c.priority between 31 and 40 then '31-40'
                            WHEN c.priority between 41 and 50 then '41-50'
                            WHEN c.priority between 51 and 60 then '51-60'
                            WHEN c.priority between 61 and 70 then '61-70'
                            WHEN c.priority between 71 and 80 then '71-80'
                            WHEN c.priority between 81 and 90 then '81-90'
        WHEN c.priority between 91 and 100 then '91-100' end as Priority,
          from CountEntity c, SkillEntity s, SkillTypeEntity t
           where t.id=6 and t.id=s.skillType and c.skill=s.id )
                        count(id) for description in ('Shelf Count' as Shelf, 'Notion Count' as Notion, 'Tube Count' as Tube, '2nd Count' as Snd)
            Order by 1 """).getResultList()



在异常org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException中:意外令牌:(  靠近第2行第80列[

            select priority, Tube, Shelf, Snd, Notion FROM (
            select c.id, CASE WHEN c.priority between 1 and 10 then '1-10'
             WHEN c.priority between 11 and 20 then '11-20'
             WHEN c.priority between 21 and 30 then '21-30'
             WHEN c.priority between 31 and 40 then '31-40'
             WHEN c.priority between 41 and 50 then '41-50'
             WHEN c.priority between 51 and 60 then '51-60'
             WHEN c.priority between 61 and 70 then '61-70'
             WHEN c.priority between 71 and 80 then '71-80'
             WHEN c.priority between 81 and 90 then '81-90'
             WHEN c.priority between 91 and 100 then '91-100' end as Priority,s.description
        from CountEntity c, SkillEntity s, SkillTypeEntity t
        where t.id=6 and t.id=s.skillType and c.skill=s.id )
               count(id) for description in ('Shelf Count' as Shelf

,'Notion Count'为Notion,'Tube Count'为Tube,'2nd Count'为Snd)                     )                 订购1]

ERROR msg在此结束****


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