
时间:2015-06-09 10:04:04

标签: c++ qt




struct etikettInfo{
    QString userName;
    QList<struct properties_content *> inhalte;

class Lagerverwaltung : public QMainWindow
    ... and so on


#ifndef ETIKETT1_H
#define ETIKETT1_H

#include "lagerverwaltung.h" // for struct etikettInfo
class Lagerverwaltung;
//struct etikettInfo;

namespace Ui {
class Etikett1;

class Etikett1 : public QMainWindow
    explicit Etikett1(Lagerverwaltung *mainwindow,
                      etikettInfo etikettData,  // <- struct etikettInfo has not been declared
                      QWidget* parent = 0);

    Ui::Etikett1 *ui;
    Lagerverwaltung *lgrvw;
    etikettInfo etikettData;   // <- struct etikettInfo does not name a type

#endif // ETIKETT1_H



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



你的错误。您在etikett1.h中加入了lagerverwaltung.h,其中包括etikett1.h,其中包含lagerverwaltung.h,依此类推。换句话说,您有一个循环依赖。您的包含防护可以防止无限包含,但也会导致其中一个标头包含在另一个标头之前。在这种情况下,lagerverwaltung.h首先包含在定义任何内容之前 - 特别是etikettInfo - 它包括etikett1.h ...这取决于尚未定义的etikettInfo

如果lagerverwaltung.h真正取决于etikett1.h而且etikett1.hlagerverwaltung.h所依赖的唯一内容是etikettInfolagerverwaltung.h中的任何内容都取决于etikettInfo etikettInfo然后最简单的解决方案是将etikett1.h的定义拆分为另一个标头,并将其包含在lagerverwaltung.h而不是require 'spec_helper' describe file('/home/ravendra/backup.sh') do its(:content) { should match /^ip=[$]1/ } its(:content) { should match /^ssh_port=[$]2/ } its(:content) { should match /^user=[$]3/ } its(:content) { should match /^TIMESTAMP=`date \S%y-%m-%d\w%H-%M-%S`/ } its(:content) { should match /^sh \/root\/backup_scripts\/openstack_backup.sh/ } its(:content) { should match /^sh \/root\/backup_scripts\/dashboard_backup.sh/ } its(:content) { should match /^tar -czvf musashi_backup-[$]TIMESTAMP.tar.gz \/musashi_backup/ } its(:content) { should match /^backup_remote_server \(\) {/ } its(:content) { should match /^rsync -rvaz --progress -e "ssh -p [$]ssh_port" musashi_backup-[$]TIMESTAMP.tar.gz [$]user@(.*?).(.*?).(.*?):(~)\// } its(:content) { should match /^rsync -rvaz --progress -e "ssh -p [$]ssh_port" \/root\/backup_scripts\/restore.sh [$]user@(.*?).(.*?).(.*?):(~)\// } its(:content) { should match /^}/ } its(:content) { should match /^if \[ "[$]#" -eq 3 \]; then/ } its(:content) { should match /^backup_remote_server/ } its(:content) { should match /^fi/ } its(:content) { should match /^rsync -rvaz --progress musashi_backup-[$]TIMESTAMP.tar.gz \/musashi_backup\// } its(:content) { should match /^rsync -rvaz --progress \/root\/backup_scripts\/restore.sh \/musashi_backup\// } end describe file('/home/ravendra/backup_server.sh') do its(:content) { should match /^ip=[$]1/ } its(:content) { should match /^ssh_port=[$]2/ } its(:content) { should match /^user=[$]3/ } its(:content) { should match /^TIMESTAMP=`date \S%y-%m-%d\w%H-%M-%S`/ } its(:content) { should match /^is_IP \(\) {/ } its(:content) { should match /^local stat=1/ } its(:content) { should match /^if \[\[ [$]ip =~ ^\[0-9\]{1,3}\\.\[0-9\]{1,3}\\.\[0-9\]{1,3}\\.\[0-9\]{1,3}[$] \]\]; then/ } its(:content) { should match /^OIFS=[$]IFS/ } its(:content) { should match /^IFS='.'/ } its(:content) { should match /^ip=\([$]ip\)/ } its(:content) { should match /^IFS=[$]OIFS/ } its(:content) { should match /^\[\[ [$]{ip\[0\]} -le 255 && [$]{ip\[1\]} -le 255 \\/ } its(:content) { should match /^&& [$]{ip\[2\]} -le 255 && [$]{ip\[3\]} -le 255 \]\]/ } its(:content) { should match /^stat=[$]?/ } its(:content) { should match /^echo [$]stat/ } its(:content) { should match /^fi/ } its(:content) { should match /^return [$]stat/ } its(:content) { should match /^}/ } its(:content) { should match /^ip_ping \(\) {/ } its(:content) { should match /^if \[\[ [$]\(ping -q -c3 [$]ip\) == @\(*100% packet loss*\) \]\]; then/ } its(:content) { should match /^echo "Unable to Ping the given Host"/ } its(:content) { should match /^echo "Note : Please check the value of 'kernel parameter net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all' at the location '\/proc\/sys\/net\/ipv4\/'.\\/ } its(:content) { should match /^If it's value is 1 then it will prevent other host from successfully pinging your server.In such case change it's \\/ } its(:content) { should match /^value to 0 for successful pinging. Please try again."/ } its(:content) { should match /^else/ } its(:content) { should match /^ssh_validation/ } its(:content) { should match /^fi/ } its(:content) { should match /^}/ } its(:content) { should match /^is_ssh_port \(\) {/ } its(:content) { should match /^nc -z -w 3 [$]ip [$]ssh_port/ } its(:content) { should match /^if \[ "[$]?" -ne 0 \]; then/ } its(:content) { should match /^echo "Connection to" [$]ip "on port" [$]ssh_port "failed. Please try again."/ } its(:content) { should match /^else/ } its(:content) { should match /^echo "Connection to" [$]ip "on port" [$]ssh_port "succeeded"/ } its(:content) { should match /^backup_server/ } its(:content) { should match /^fi/ } its(:content) { should match /^}/ } its(:content) { should match /^backup_server \(\) {/ } its(:content) { should match /^tar -czvf musashi_backup-[$]TIMESTAMP.tar.gz \/musashi_backup/ } its(:content) { should match /^rsync -rvaz --progress -e "ssh -p [$]ssh.port" musashi_backup-[$]TIMESTAMP.tar.gz [$]user@(.*?).(.*?).(.*?):(~)\// } its(:content) { should match /^rsync -rvaz --progress -e "ssh -p [$]ssh.port" \/root\/backup_scripts\/restore.sh [$]user@(.*?).(.*?).(.*?):(~)\// } its(:content) { should match /^create_cron/ } its(:content) { should match /^}/ } its(:content) { should match /^ip_validation \(\) {/ } its(:content) { should match /^return_val=[$]\(is_IP\)/ } its(:content) { should match /^if \[ "[$]return_val" == 0 \]; then/ } its(:content) { should match /^ip_ping/ } its(:content) { should match /^elif \[ "[$]return_val" == 1 \]; then/ } its(:content) { should match /^echo "IP address should be in range of 0 to 255"/ } its(:content) { should match /^else/ } its(:content) { should match /^echo "Please put a valid IP addres"/ } its(:content) { should match /^fi/ } its(:content) { should match /^}/ } its(:content) { should match /^is_ssh \(\) {/ } its(:content) { should match /^local stat=1/ } its(:content) { should match /^if \[\[ [$]ssh_port =~ ^\(\[0-9\]{1,4}\|\[1-5\]\[0-9\]{4}\|6\[0-4\]\[0-9\]{3}\|65\[0-4\]\[0-9\]{2}\|655\[0-2\]\[0-9\]\|6553\[0-5\]\)[$] \]\]; then/ } its(:content) { should match /^stat=[$]?/ } its(:content) { should match /^echo [$]stat/ } its(:content) { should match /^fi/ } its(:content) { should match /^return [$]stat/ } its(:content) { should match /^}/ } its(:content) { should match /^ssh_validation \(\) {/ } its(:content) { should match /^return_val=[$]\(is_ssh\)/ } its(:content) { should match /^if \[ "[$]return_val" == 0 \]; then/ } its(:content) { should match /^is_ssh_port/ } its(:content) { should match /^else/ } its(:content) { should match /^echo "Please put a valid SSH port number. It should be in range of 0 to 65535."/ } its(:content) { should match /^fi/ } its(:content) { should match /^}/ } its(:content) { should match /^ create_cron \(\) {/ } its(:content) { should match /^\( crontab -l \| grep -v \/root\/backup_scripts\/backup.sh \) \| crontab -/ } its(:content) { should match /^crontab -l \| { cat; echo "0 1 * * * \/root\/backup_scripts\/backup.sh [$]ip [$]ssh_port [$]user"; } \| crontab -/ } its(:content) { should match /^}/ } its(:content) { should match /^if \[ "[$]#" -eq 3 \]; then/ } its(:content) { should match /^ip_validation/ } its(:content) { should match /^else/ } its(:content) { should match /^echo "Please provide valid number of arguments."/ } its(:content) { should match /^fi/ } end 中。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


struct etikettInfo{
    QString userName;
    QList<struct properties_content *> inhalte;


#include <QString>
#include <QList>
