我有圆形调色板的来源,问题是调色板有静态尺寸250px x 250px,我需要更小的200px x 200px。乍一看代码看起来很乱,但不需要分析转换器函数,如:HSB2RGB, RGB2HSB
function HSB2RGB(j, d, c) {
var e, g, l, h, k, b, a, m;
if (c == 0) {
return [0, 0, 0]
j *= 0.016666667;
d *= 0.01;
c *= 0.01;
h = Math.floor(j);
k = j - h;
b = c * (1 - d);
a = c * (1 - (d * k));
m = c * (1 - (d * (1 - k)));
switch (h) {
case 0:
e = c;
g = m;
l = b;
case 1:
e = a;
g = c;
l = b;
case 2:
e = b;
g = c;
l = m;
case 3:
e = b;
g = a;
l = c;
case 4:
e = m;
g = b;
l = c;
case 5:
e = c;
g = b;
l = a;
return [e, g, l]
function RGB2HSB(c, d, k) {
var j, h, e, g, b, a;
j = Math.min(Math.min(c, d), k);
a = Math.max(Math.max(c, d), k);
if (j == a) {
return [0, 0, a * 100]
h = (c == j) ? d - k : ((d == j) ? k - c : c - d);
e = (c == j) ? 3 : ((d == j) ? 5 : 1);
g = Math.floor((e - h / (a - j)) * 60) % 360;
b = Math.floor(((a - j) / a) * 100);
a = Math.floor(a * 100);
return [g, b, a]
function ColorSelector(a) {
ColorSelector.prototype = {
container: null,
color: [0, 0, 0],
hueSelector: null,
luminosity: null,
luminosityData: null,
luminositySelector: null,
luminosityPosition: null,
dispatcher: null,
changeEvent: null,
init: function(k) {
var m = this,
b1, g2, d3;
this.container = document.getElementById('mainDiv')
this.container.addEventListener("mousedown", l, false);
this.container.addEventListener("touchstart", f, false);
g2 = document.getElementById('g2');
g2.width = k.width;
g2.height = k.height;
b1 = g2.getContext("2d");
b1.drawImage(k, 0, 0, g2.width, g2.height);
d3 = b1.getImageData(0, 0, g2.width, g2.height).data;
this.luminosity = document.getElementById('luminosity');
this.hueSelector = document.getElementById('hue-selector');
this.hueSelector.style.left = ((g2.width - 15) / 2) + "px";
this.hueSelector.style.top = ((g2.height - 15) / 2) + "px";
b1 = this.hueSelector.getContext("2d");
b1.lineWidth = 2;
b1.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)";
b1.arc(8, 8, 6, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
b1.strokeStyle = "rgba(256, 256, 256, 0.8)";
b1.arc(7, 7, 6, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
this.luminosityPosition = [(k.width - 15), (k.height - 15) / 2];
this.luminositySelector = document.getElementById('luminosity-selector');
this.luminositySelector.style.left = (this.luminosityPosition[0] - 7) + "px";
this.luminositySelector.style.top = (this.luminosityPosition[1] - 7) + "px";
b1 = this.luminositySelector.getContext("2d");
b1.drawImage(this.hueSelector, 0, 0, this.luminositySelector.width, this.luminositySelector.height);
this.dispatcher = document.createElement("div");
this.changeEvent = document.createEvent("Events");
this.changeEvent.initEvent("change", true, true);
function l(n) {
window.addEventListener("mousemove", c, false);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", h, false);
e(n.clientX - m.container.offsetLeft, n.clientY - m.container.offsetTop)
function c(n) {
e(n.clientX - m.container.offsetLeft, n.clientY - m.container.offsetTop)
function h(n) {
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", c, false);
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", h, false);
e(n.clientX - m.container.offsetLeft, n.clientY - m.container.offsetTop)
function f(n) {
if (n.touches.length == 1) {
window.addEventListener("touchmove", a, false);
window.addEventListener("touchend", j, false);
e(n.touches[0].pageX - m.container.offsetLeft, n.touches[0].pageY - m.container.offsetTop)
function a(n) {
if (n.touches.length == 1) {
e(n.touches[0].pageX - m.container.offsetLeft, n.touches[0].pageY - m.container.offsetTop)
function j(n) {
if (n.touches.length == 0) {
window.removeEventListener("touchmove", a, false);
window.removeEventListener("touchend", j, false)
function e(o, t) {
var q, p, r, n, s;
q = o - 125;
p = t - 125;
r = Math.sqrt(q * q + p * p);
if (r < 90) {
m.hueSelector.style.left = (o - 7) + "px";
m.hueSelector.style.top = (t - 7) + "px";
m.updateLuminosity([d3[(o + (t * 250)) * 4], d3[(o + (t * 250)) * 4 + 1], d3[(o + (t * 250)) * 4 + 2]])
} else {
if (r > 100) {
n = q / r;
s = p / r;
m.luminosityPosition[0] = (n * 110) + 125;
m.luminosityPosition[1] = (s * 110) + 125;
m.luminositySelector.style.left = (m.luminosityPosition[0] - 7) + "px";
m.luminositySelector.style.top = (m.luminosityPosition[1] - 7) + "px"
o = Math.floor(m.luminosityPosition[0]);
t = Math.floor(m.luminosityPosition[1]);
m.color[0] = m.luminosityData[(o + (t * 250)) * 4];
m.color[1] = m.luminosityData[(o + (t * 250)) * 4 + 1];
m.color[2] = m.luminosityData[(o + (t * 250)) * 4 + 2];
getColor: function() {
return this.color
setColor: function(c) {
var a, e, f, d, b = Math.PI / 180;
this.color = c;
a = RGB2HSB(c[0] / 255, c[1] / 255, c[2] / 255);
e = a[0] * b;
f = (a[1] / 100) * 90;
this.hueSelector.style.left = ((Math.cos(e) * f + 125) - 7) + "px";
this.hueSelector.style.top = ((Math.sin(e) * f + 125) - 7) + "px";
d = HSB2RGB(a[0], a[1], 100);
d[0] *= 255;
d[1] *= 255;
d[2] *= 255;
e = (a[2] / 100) * 360 * b;
this.luminosityPosition[0] = (Math.cos(e) * 110) + 125;
this.luminosityPosition[1] = (Math.sin(e) * 110) + 125;
this.luminositySelector.style.left = (this.luminosityPosition[0] - 7) + "px";
this.luminositySelector.style.top = (this.luminosityPosition[1] - 7) + "px";
updateLuminosity: function(j) {
var d, f, l, g, p, b, a, o = 100,
h = 120,
k, n = 1080 / 2,
e = 1 / n,
c = Math.PI / 180,
m = (n / 360);
b = this.luminosity.width / 2;
a = this.luminosity.height / 2;
d = this.luminosity.getContext("2d");
d.lineWidth = 3;
d.clearRect(0, 0, this.luminosity.width, this.luminosity.height);
for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
f = k / m * c;
l = Math.cos(f);
g = Math.sin(f);
p = 255 - (k * e) * 255;
d.strokeStyle = "rgb(" + Math.floor(j[0] - p) + "," + Math.floor(j[1] - p) + "," + Math.floor(j[2] - p) + ")";
d.moveTo(l * o + b, g * o + a);
d.lineTo(l * h + b, g * h + a);
this.luminosityData = d.getImageData(0, 0, this.luminosity.width, this.luminosity.height).data
addEventListener: function(b, c, a) {
this.dispatcher.addEventListener(b, c, a)
dispatchEvent: function(a) {
removeEventListener: function(b, c, a) {
this.dispatcher.removeEventListener(b, c, a)
function Palette() {
var canvas, canvasCtx, canvasHalfWidth, canvasHalfHeight, n = 90,
m = 1080,
f = 1 / m,
l = m / 360,
c = Math.PI / 180,
j, h, k, g, canvasGradient;
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 250;
canvas.height = 250;
canvasHalfWidth = canvas.width / 2;
canvasHalfHeight = canvas.height / 2;
canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvasCtx.lineWidth = 1;
for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
h = j / l * c;
k = Math.cos(h);
g = Math.sin(h);
canvasCtx.strokeStyle = "hsl(" + Math.floor((j * f) * 360) + ", 100%, 50%)";
canvasCtx.moveTo(k + canvasHalfWidth, g + canvasHalfHeight);
canvasCtx.lineTo(k * n + canvasHalfWidth, g * n + canvasHalfHeight);
canvasGradient = canvasCtx.createRadialGradient(canvasHalfWidth, canvasHalfWidth, 0, canvasHalfWidth, canvasHalfWidth, n);
canvasGradient.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)");
canvasGradient.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)");
canvasCtx.fillStyle = canvasGradient;
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
return canvas
var SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth,
SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight,
COLOR = [0, 0, 0],
container, foregroundColorSelector, canvas, flattenCanvas, context;
function init() {
var hash, palette;
container = document.createElement("div");
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = 250;//SCREEN_WIDTH;
canvas.height = 250;//SCREEN_HEIGHT;
canvas.style.cursor = "crosshair";
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
palette = new Palette();
foregroundColorSelector = new ColorSelector(palette);
foregroundColorSelector.addEventListener("change", onForegroundColorSelectorChange, false);
function onForegroundColorSelectorChange(a) {
function fillBox(color) {
$('#selected-color').css('background-color', 'rgb('+color[0]+','+color[1]+','+color[2]+')');
#mainDiv {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 125px;
height: 125px;
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 3;
#luminosity {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
#hue-selector {
position: absolute;
#luminosity-selector {
position: absolute;
#selected-color {
background-color: #000000;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id='mainDiv'>
<canvas id='g2'></canvas>
<canvas id='luminosity' width='250' height='250'></canvas>
<canvas id='hue-selector' width='15' height='15'></canvas>
<canvas id='luminosity-selector' width='15' height='15'></canvas>
<div id='selected-color'></div>
答案 0 :(得分:1)
基本上,这里的主要问题是这段代码不是灵活编写的。它被编写为具有非常特定的大小,并且您的代码总是假设大小没有变化。要操纵调色板的大小,您必须替换与大小相关的硬编码值(或“幻数”)的 EVERY 实例。您需要更新代码以使其更具“动态性”。
示例:palette = new Palette(200);
function Palette(paletteSize) {
/* Previously *
canvas.width = 250;
canvas.height = 250;
/* Now it is */
canvas.width = paletteSize;
canvas.height = paletteSize;
var d, f, l, g, p, b, a, o = 100,
h = 120,
k, n = 1080 / 2,
e = 1 / n,
c = Math.PI / 180,
m = (n / 360);
b = this.luminosity.width / 2;
a = this.luminosity.height / 2;
d.moveTo(l * o + b, g * o + a);
d.lineTo(l * h + b, g * h + a);
分别是光度环的内半径和外半径。您必须将这些值更改为o = paletteSize*100/250
编辑:我有一个页面,展示了“动态调整大小的灵活性”。 Open this in a new window and Re-size the height and width.
答案 1 :(得分:1)
#mainDiv {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
width: 125px;
height: 125px;
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 3;
#luminosity {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
#hue-selector {
position: absolute;
#luminosity-selector {
position: absolute;
#selected-color {
background-color: #000000;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id='mainDiv'>
<canvas id='g2'></canvas>
<canvas id='luminosity'></canvas>
<canvas id='hue-selector'></canvas>
<canvas id='luminosity-selector'></canvas>
<div id='selected-color'></div>
var paletteSize = 100;
function HSB2RGB(j, d, c) {
var e, g, l, h, k, b, a, m;
if (c == 0) {
return [0, 0, 0]
j *= 0.016666667;
d *= 0.01;
c *= 0.01;
h = Math.floor(j);
k = j - h;
b = c * (1 - d);
a = c * (1 - (d * k));
m = c * (1 - (d * (1 - k)));
switch (h) {
case 0:
e = c;
g = m;
l = b;
case 1:
e = a;
g = c;
l = b;
case 2:
e = b;
g = c;
l = m;
case 3:
e = b;
g = a;
l = c;
case 4:
e = m;
g = b;
l = c;
case 5:
e = c;
g = b;
l = a;
return [e, g, l]
function RGB2HSB(c, d, k) {
var j, h, e, g, b, a;
j = Math.min(Math.min(c, d), k);
a = Math.max(Math.max(c, d), k);
if (j == a) {
return [0, 0, a * 100]
h = (c == j) ? d - k : ((d == j) ? k - c : c - d);
e = (c == j) ? 3 : ((d == j) ? 5 : 1);
g = Math.floor((e - h / (a - j)) * 60) % 360;
b = Math.floor(((a - j) / a) * 100);
a = Math.floor(a * 100);
return [g, b, a]
function ColorSelector(a) {
ColorSelector.prototype = {
container: null,
color: [0, 0, 0],
hueSelector: null,
luminosity: null,
luminosityData: null,
luminositySelector: null,
luminosityPosition: null,
dispatcher: null,
changeEvent: null,
init: function(k) {
var m = this,
b1, g2, d3;
this.container = document.getElementById('mainDiv')
this.container.addEventListener("mousedown", l, false);
this.container.addEventListener("touchstart", f, false);
g2 = document.getElementById('g2');
g2.width = k.width;
g2.height = k.height;
b1 = g2.getContext("2d");
b1.drawImage(k, 0, 0, g2.width, g2.height);
d3 = b1.getImageData(0, 0, g2.width, g2.height).data;
this.luminosity = document.getElementById('luminosity');
this.hueSelector = document.getElementById('hue-selector');
this.hueSelector.style.left = ((g2.width - paletteSize*15/250) / 2) + "px";
this.hueSelector.style.top = ((g2.height - paletteSize*15/250) / 2) + "px";
b1 = this.hueSelector.getContext("2d");
b1.lineWidth = 2;
b1.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)";
b1.arc(paletteSize*8/250, paletteSize*8/250, paletteSize*6/250, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
b1.strokeStyle = "rgba(256, 256, 256, 0.8)";
b1.arc(paletteSize*7/250, paletteSize*7/250, paletteSize*6/250, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
this.luminosityPosition = [(k.width - paletteSize*15/250), (k.height - paletteSize*15/250) / 2];
this.luminositySelector = document.getElementById('luminosity-selector');
this.luminositySelector.style.left = (this.luminosityPosition[0] - paletteSize*7/250) + "px";
this.luminositySelector.style.top = (this.luminosityPosition[1] - paletteSize*7/250) + "px";
b1 = this.luminositySelector.getContext("2d");
b1.drawImage(this.hueSelector, 0, 0, this.luminositySelector.width, this.luminositySelector.height);
this.dispatcher = document.createElement("div");
this.changeEvent = document.createEvent("Events");
this.changeEvent.initEvent("change", true, true);
function l(n) {
window.addEventListener("mousemove", c, false);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", h, false);
e(n.clientX - m.container.offsetLeft, n.clientY - m.container.offsetTop)
function c(n) {
e(n.clientX - m.container.offsetLeft, n.clientY - m.container.offsetTop)
function h(n) {
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", c, false);
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", h, false);
e(n.clientX - m.container.offsetLeft, n.clientY - m.container.offsetTop)
function f(n) {
if (n.touches.length == 1) {
window.addEventListener("touchmove", a, false);
window.addEventListener("touchend", j, false);
e(n.touches[0].pageX - m.container.offsetLeft, n.touches[0].pageY - m.container.offsetTop)
function a(n) {
if (n.touches.length == 1) {
e(n.touches[0].pageX - m.container.offsetLeft, n.touches[0].pageY - m.container.offsetTop)
function j(n) {
if (n.touches.length == 0) {
window.removeEventListener("touchmove", a, false);
window.removeEventListener("touchend", j, false)
function e(o, t) {
var q, p, r, n, s;
q = o - paletteSize/2;
p = t - paletteSize/2;
r = Math.sqrt(q * q + p * p);
if (r < paletteSize*90/250) {
m.hueSelector.style.left = (o - paletteSize*7/250) + "px";
m.hueSelector.style.top = (t - paletteSize*7/250) + "px";
m.updateLuminosity([d3[(o + (t * paletteSize)) * 4], d3[(o + (t * paletteSize)) * 4 + 1], d3[(o + (t * paletteSize)) * 4 + 2]])
} else {
if (r > paletteSize*100/250) {
n = q / r;
s = p / r;
m.luminosityPosition[0] = (n * paletteSize*110/250) + paletteSize/2;
m.luminosityPosition[1] = (s * paletteSize*110/250) + paletteSize/2;
m.luminositySelector.style.left = (m.luminosityPosition[0] - paletteSize*7/250) + "px";
m.luminositySelector.style.top = (m.luminosityPosition[1] - paletteSize*7/250) + "px"
o = Math.floor(m.luminosityPosition[0]);
t = Math.floor(m.luminosityPosition[1]);
m.color[0] = m.luminosityData[(o + (t * paletteSize)) * 4];
m.color[1] = m.luminosityData[(o + (t * paletteSize)) * 4 + 1];
m.color[2] = m.luminosityData[(o + (t * paletteSize)) * 4 + 2];
getColor: function() {
return this.color
setColor: function(c) {
var a, e, f, d, b = Math.PI / 180;
this.color = c;
a = RGB2HSB(c[0] / 255, c[1] / 255, c[2] / 255);
e = a[0] * b;
f = (a[1] / 100) * 90;
this.hueSelector.style.left = ((Math.cos(e) * f + paletteSize/2) - 7) + "px";
this.hueSelector.style.top = ((Math.sin(e) * f + paletteSize/2) - paletteSize*7/250) + "px";
d = HSB2RGB(a[0], a[1], 100);
d[0] *= 255;
d[1] *= 255;
d[2] *= 255;
e = (a[2] / 100) * 360 * b;
this.luminosityPosition[0] = (Math.cos(e) * paletteSize*110/250) + paletteSize/2;
this.luminosityPosition[1] = (Math.sin(e) * paletteSize*110/250) + paletteSize/2;
this.luminositySelector.style.left = (this.luminosityPosition[0] - paletteSize*7/250) + "px";
this.luminositySelector.style.top = (this.luminosityPosition[1] - paletteSize*7/250) + "px";
updateLuminosity: function(j) {
var d, f, l, g, p, b, a, o = paletteSize*100/250,
h = paletteSize*120/250,
k, n = paletteSize*1080/250 / 2,
e = 1 / n,
c = Math.PI / 180,
m = (n / 360);
b = this.luminosity.width / 2;
a = this.luminosity.height / 2;
d = this.luminosity.getContext("2d");
d.lineWidth = 3;
d.clearRect(0, 0, this.luminosity.width, this.luminosity.height);
for (k = 0; k < n; k++) {
f = k / m * c;
l = Math.cos(f);
g = Math.sin(f);
p = 255 - (k * e) * 255;
d.strokeStyle = "rgb(" + Math.floor(j[0] - p) + "," + Math.floor(j[1] - p) + "," + Math.floor(j[2] - p) + ")";
d.moveTo(l * o + b, g * o + a);
d.lineTo(l * h + b, g * h + a);
this.luminosityData = d.getImageData(0, 0, this.luminosity.width, this.luminosity.height).data
addEventListener: function(b, c, a) {
this.dispatcher.addEventListener(b, c, a)
dispatchEvent: function(a) {
removeEventListener: function(b, c, a) {
this.dispatcher.removeEventListener(b, c, a)
function Palette() {
var canvas, canvasCtx, canvasHalfWidth, canvasHalfHeight, n = paletteSize*90/250,
m = 1080,
f = 1 / m,
l = m / 360,
c = Math.PI / 180,
j, h, k, g, canvasGradient;
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = paletteSize;
canvas.height = paletteSize;
canvasHalfWidth = canvas.width / 2;
canvasHalfHeight = canvas.height / 2;
canvasCtx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvasCtx.lineWidth = 1;
for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
h = j / l * c;
k = Math.cos(h);
g = Math.sin(h);
canvasCtx.strokeStyle = "hsl(" + Math.floor((j * f) * 360) + ", 100%, 50%)";
canvasCtx.moveTo(k + canvasHalfWidth, g + canvasHalfHeight);
canvasCtx.lineTo(k * n + canvasHalfWidth, g * n + canvasHalfHeight);
canvasGradient = canvasCtx.createRadialGradient(canvasHalfWidth, canvasHalfWidth, 0, canvasHalfWidth, canvasHalfWidth, n);
canvasGradient.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)");
canvasGradient.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)");
canvasCtx.fillStyle = canvasGradient;
canvasCtx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
return canvas
var SCREEN_WIDTH = window.innerWidth,
SCREEN_HEIGHT = window.innerHeight,
COLOR = [0, 0, 0],
container, foregroundColorSelector, canvas, flattenCanvas, context;
function init(newPaletteSize) {
paletteSize = newPaletteSize || 250;
var mainDiv = document.getElementById('mainDiv');
mainDiv.width = paletteSize/2;
mainDiv.height = paletteSize/2;
var luminosity = document.getElementById('luminosity');
luminosity.width = paletteSize;
luminosity.height = paletteSize;
var hueselector = document.getElementById('hue-selector');
hueselector.width = paletteSize*15/250;
hueselector.height = paletteSize*15/250;
var luminosityselector = document.getElementById('luminosity-selector');
luminosityselector.width = paletteSize*15/250;
luminosityselector.height = paletteSize*15/250;
var selectedcolor = document.getElementById('selected-color');
selectedcolor.style.width = paletteSize*20/250;
selectedcolor.style.height = paletteSize*20/250;
var hash, palette;
container = document.createElement("div");
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = paletteSize;//SCREEN_WIDTH;
canvas.height = paletteSize;//SCREEN_HEIGHT;
canvas.style.cursor = "crosshair";
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
palette = new Palette();
foregroundColorSelector = new ColorSelector(palette);
foregroundColorSelector.addEventListener("change", onForegroundColorSelectorChange, false);
function onForegroundColorSelectorChange(a) {
function fillBox(color) {
$('#selected-color').css('background-color', 'rgb('+color[0]+','+color[1]+','+color[2]+')');