使用Itext的多个签名 - 现有签名块的问题

时间:2015-06-09 06:27:12

标签: java pdf itext







我错过了什么或旧版本的IText中是否有错误? 我目前正在使用IText版本4.2.0。



 * The method is used to sign a pdf document using a certificate, image of the signature as well as specified signature blocks
 * @param document the document to be signed
 * @param certificate the certificate to be used to do the signing
 * @param signature the image of the signature used to sign the document
 * @param signatureBlocks the blocks in the pdf document to sign
 * @return the signed document bytes
 * @throws Exception
public byte[] signPDFDocument(PDFDocument document, PKSCertificate certificate, SignatureImage signature, List<SigningBlock> signatureBlocks, boolean certifyDocument) throws Exception
    PDFDocument signedDocument = signPDFDocumentSignatureBlocks(document, certificate, signature, signatureBlocks, certifyDocument);
    return signedDocument.getDocumentBytes();

 * The method is used to sign a pdf document using a certificate, image of the signature as well as specified signature blocks
 * @param document the document to be signed
 * @param certificate the certificate to be used to do the signing
 * @param signatureBlocks the blocks in the pdf document to sign
 * @return the signed document bytes
 * @throws Exception
public byte[] signPDFDocument(PDFDocument document, PKSCertificate certificate, List<SigningBlock> signatureBlocks, boolean certifyDocument) throws Exception
    PDFDocument signedDocument = signPDFDocumentSignatureBlocks(document, certificate, null, signatureBlocks, certifyDocument);
    return signedDocument.getDocumentBytes();

 * The method is used to get the names of all signature fields
 * @param document the document to check for the signature fields
 * @return the list of signature field names used and unused
 * @throws Exception
public List<String> getAvailableSignatureBlocks(PDFDocument document) throws Exception
    PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(document.getDocumentBytes());
    ArrayList arrayList = reader.getAcroFields().getBlankSignatureNames();
    return Arrays.asList((String[]) arrayList.toArray(new String[arrayList.size()]));

 * This method is used to loop over the signature blocks and sign them
 * @param document the document to be signed
 * @param certificate the certificate to apply to the signature
 * @param signature the image of the client signature
 * @param signatureBlocks the signature blocks to create and sign
 * @param certifyDocument flag to indicate if the document should be signed
 * @throws Exception
private PDFDocument signPDFDocumentSignatureBlocks(PDFDocument document, PKSCertificate certificate, SignatureImage signature, List<SigningBlock> signatureBlocks, boolean certifyDocument) throws Exception
    for (int i = 0; i < signatureBlocks.size();i++)
        PDFDocument signedDocument = new PDFDocument(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
        PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(document.getDocumentBytes());
        PdfStamper stamper = createPDFStamper(signedDocument, reader);
        document = signPDFDocumentSignatureBlock(signedDocument, certificate, signature, signatureBlocks.get(i), stamper, certifyDocument && i == (signatureBlocks.size() - 1));

    return document;

 * The method is used to sign the pdf document, it also marks the signing process if it is the final signature process
 * @param signedDocument the signed document to be generated
 * @param certificate the certificate to be used to do the signing
 * @param signature the image of the signature used to sign the document
 * @param signingBlock the current block to sign in the document
 * @param stamper the current document stamper reference
 * @param certifyDocument indicate if this signing should certify the document
 * @return the signed document object
 * @throws Exception
private PDFDocument signPDFDocumentSignatureBlock(PDFDocument signedDocument, PKSCertificate certificate, SignatureImage signature, SigningBlock signingBlock, PdfStamper stamper, boolean certifyDocument) throws Exception
    PdfSignatureAppearance appearance = signWithSignatureImage(stamper, signature, signingBlock.getName(), certifyDocument);
    signWithCertificate(certificate, appearance);
    signWithTimeStampingAuthority(appearance, certificate);

    return signedDocument;

 * The method is used to get the instance of the PDF stamper to stamp the document
 * @param signedDocument the document that is currently being signed
 * @param reader the reader that is reading the document to sign.
 * @return the stamper instance
 * @throws Exception
private PdfStamper createPDFStamper(PDFDocument signedDocument, PdfReader reader) throws Exception
    return PdfStamper.createSignature(reader, signedDocument.getByteStream(), '\0', null, true);

 * The method is used to add the signature image to the signing block
 * @param stamper the current pdf stamping reference
 * @param signature the image to apply to the stamper
 * @param signingBlockName the block to sign
 * @param certifyDocument indicate if this signing should certify the document
 * @throws Exception
private PdfSignatureAppearance signWithSignatureImage(PdfStamper stamper, SignatureImage signature, String signingBlockName, boolean certifyDocument) throws Exception
    PdfSignatureAppearance signatureAppearance = stamper.getSignatureAppearance();

    setImageForSignature(signatureAppearance, signature);
    certifyDocumentSignature(signatureAppearance, certifyDocument);

    return signatureAppearance;

 * The method is used to add an image to the signature block
 * @param signatureAppearance the reference to the current document appearance
 * @param signature the image to apply to the signature
 * @throws Exception
private void setImageForSignature(PdfSignatureAppearance signatureAppearance, SignatureImage signature) throws Exception
    if(signature != null)
        signatureAppearance.setImage(Image.getInstance(signature.getSignatureImage(), null));

 * The method is used to mark the signature as the certification signature
 * @param signatureAppearance the reference to the current document appearance
 * @param certifyDocument indicates if the document should be certified
private void certifyDocumentSignature(PdfSignatureAppearance signatureAppearance, boolean certifyDocument)

 * The method is used to add the text containing information about the certificate to the signing appearance
 * @param certificate the certificate to be used to do the signing
 * @param signatureAppearance the appearance of the signature on the document
 * @throws Exception
private void signWithCertificate(PKSCertificate certificate, PdfSignatureAppearance signatureAppearance) throws Exception
    signatureAppearance.setLayer2Font(new Font(Font.COURIER, 9));

 * The method is used to encrypt the document using the certificate as well as a timestamping authority
 * @param appearance the appearance of the signature on the document
 * @param certificate the certificate to be used to do the signing
 * @throws Exception
private void signWithTimeStampingAuthority(PdfSignatureAppearance appearance, PKSCertificate certificate) throws Exception
    _timestampingService.signWithTimestampingAuthority(appearance, certificate);

 * The method builds the text that is used in the text representation of the signature
 * @param certificate the certificate to be used to do the signing
 * @return the text representation of certificate information
 * @throws Exception
private String buildTextSignature(PKSCertificate certificate) throws Exception
    String organization = certificate.getCertificateFieldByName("O");
    String commonName = certificate.getCertificateFieldByName("CN");
    String signDate = new SimpleDateFormat(_datetimeFormat).format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
    String expirationDate = new SimpleDateFormat(_datetimeFormat).format(((X509Certificate)certificate.getCertificateChain()[0]).getNotAfter());

    return  "Digitally signed by " + organization + "\nSignee: " + commonName + "\nSign date: " + signDate + "\n" + "Expiration date: " + expirationDate;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



正如在初步评论中已经推测的那样,这实际上是问题所在:只有文档的第一个签名可能是证书签名。以后签名可能(PDF 2.0)使用签名字段锁定条目限制访问权限, cf.规范:




最多一个认证签名(PDF 1.5)。 [...]签名字典应包含具有DocMDP转换方法的签名参考字典(参见表253)。 [...]




ISO 32000-1的第12.8.1和12.节)



P 号码(可选; PDF 2.0)为此文档授予的访问权限。有效值如下:
















(表格“PDF 2.0草案的签名字段锁定词典中的条目”)

这已经得到Adobe Reader / Acrobat以及iText的支持(因为某些版本为5.3'ish版本IIRC)并且似乎允许OP效应,即在最终签名字段后不允许任何更改。