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$ /bin/ps -Axo pid,args|grep TextWrangler|grep -v grep
643 /Applications/TextWrangler.app/Contents/MacOS/TextWrangler
645 /Applications/TextWrangler.app/Contents/Helpers/Crash Reporter.app/Contents/Helpers/crash-catcher -targetPID 643 -targetBundlePath /Applications/TextWrangler.app -showEmailAddressField 1
std::string cmdline("/bin/ps -Axo pid,args|grep '");
cmdline += appName;
cmdline += "'|grep -v grep";
// The output will look like: "S 428 APPNAME ARGS" with one space between entries.
// popen creates a pipe so we can read the output of the program we are invoking.
FILE *instream = popen(cmdline.c_str(), "r");
if(instream) {
// read the output, one line at a time.
const int MAX_BUFFER = 1024;
char buffer[MAX_BUFFER];
while (!feof(instream)){
if (fgets(buffer, MAX_BUFFER, instream) != NULL) {
std::string temp(buffer);
temp.trim(); // Get rid of leading and trailing whitespace. (Exercise for the reader.)
if(!temp.empty()) {
// First col is the state.
std::string::size_type i = temp.find(" ");
std::string state = temp.substr(0, i);
// Skip zombies.
if("Z" != state) {
// Second col is the pid.
// Advance i to the next char after the space.
std::string::size_type j = temp.find(" ", i);
std::string pidStr = temp.substr(i, j - i);
// Here we know the pid for APPNAME. You can further parse for the command line arguments here.
// close the pipe.