无法使用我的客户端Javascript代码生成客户端令牌。但是,我能够与Braintree服务器进行通信,并能够在最终创建交易。但我的返回结果为空/ null。我可以让Braintree的一些开发人员帮我解决这个问题吗?
//This is the Braintree Gateway that we will use to post the transaction
//to. This is included here in the example but should be extracted out
//into some static class somewhere. Possibly in another layer.
BraintreeGateway Gateway = new BraintreeGateway
Environment = Braintree.Environment.SANDBOX,
PublicKey = "MY PUBLIC KEY",
PrivateKey = "MY PRIVATE KEY",
MerchantId = "MY MERCHANT ID"
string tokenID = Gateway.ClientToken.generate();
//Transaction Request
//This is the actual transaction request that we are posting to the
//Braintree gateway. The values for number, cvv, month and year have
//been encrypted above using the braintree.js. If you were to put a
//watch on the actual server controls their ".Text" property is blank
//at this point in the process.
TransactionRequest transactionRequest = new TransactionRequest
Amount = 100.00M,
//PaymentMethodNonce =
CreditCard = new TransactionCreditCardRequest
Number = number,
CVV = cvv,
ExpirationMonth = month,
ExpirationYear = year
//Transaction Result
//Here we are going to post our information, including the encrypted
//values to Braintree.
Result<Transaction> result = Gateway.Transaction.Sale(transactionRequest);
这里结果返回null null事务值,但我的事务是在Braintree结束时创建的。在我的沙箱帐户中,我可以看到我的交易已经创建,AUTHORIZED在那里。我无法获得确切的事务ID,整个事务属性返回NULL ..我错过了一些东西?