
时间:2015-06-05 21:02:45

标签: java awt drawstring






CSC 211
                                    Example #3

                        P r e t t y   a s   a   p i c t u r e

    Purpose:    To demonstrate the graphic capability of Java.

public class Example03
    //  The main method is quite simple.
    //  We instantiate a (graphical) object, and we play with it.
    public static void main(String[] args) 

        System.out.println("Hi!"); //say hola

        Die myPicture = new Die(); //instantiate object Die

        myPicture.action(); //call type Die object myPicture's action method

        System.out.println("Bye!"); //say goodbye 

}   // end Example03 class


    File:   Die.java

    Defines and implements the class for our "graphical" object.

            //  To define a keyboard

import java.awt.*;                      //  AWT = "Abstract Window Toolkit"

public class Die extends Frame
    public final int WIDTH = 70;        //  Dimension of the rectangle
    public final int HEIGHT = 70;       //      to be drawn on the window
    private int xA = 200;               //  Coordinates of A (top left corner)
    private int yA = xA;                // trying to make the frame square 
    private int faceSide = 0;           // the die's face side 

    public Die() //public constructor Die to set initial stuff
        setTitle("Let's play some dice!");  //  We set the characteristics of our
        setLocation(200, 200);          //      drawing window: the location,
        setSize(400, 400);              //      the size, and
        setBackground(Color.lightGray); //      the color of the background

        setVisible(true);               //  And we make it appear

    //  The action method reads the position of the picture from the keyboard and validates the face side 
    public void action()
        BrainsOfTheOperation brains = new BrainsOfTheOperation(); //instantiate a new object of BrainsOfTheOperation

        brains.action(); //call object brain's, type of BrainsOfTheOperation, method's action

        xA = brains.returnXCoordinate(); //return object brain's  x coordinate
        yA = brains.returnYCoordinate(); //return object brain's  y coordinate
        faceSide = brains.returnFaceSide(); //return object brain's  dice face side position


    //  The only "graphical" method of the class is the paint method.
    public void paint(Graphics pane)
        pane.setColor(Color.cyan);      //  We use black paint to label
        pane.drawString("A", xA - 15, yA + 5);  //      the 2 opposite corners
        pane.drawString("B", 175 + 5, 175 + 5); //      of our rectangle

        pane.setColor(Color.blue);      //  Gray is darker than light gray
        pane.drawRect(175, 175, WIDTH , HEIGHT);    //  This is for the rectangle
//      drawBlank(pane);
    private void drawBlank (Graphics pane)

        pane.setColor(Color.cyan);      //  We use black paint to label
        pane.drawString("A", xA - 15, yA + 5);  //      the 2 opposite corners
//      pane.drawString("B", 175 + 5, 175 + 5); //      of our rectangle

        pane.setColor(Color.blue);      //  Gray is darker than light gray
        pane.drawRect(175, 175, WIDTH , HEIGHT);    //  This is for the rectangle

    private void drawDot (Graphics pane)

    private void drawOne (Graphics pane)
    private void drawTwo (Graphics pane)
    private void drawThree (Graphics pane)
    private void drawFour (Graphics pane)
    private void drawFive (Graphics pane)
    private void drawSix (Graphics pane)

}   // end class Die


import java.util.Scanner;

public class BrainsOfTheOperation  
    public int xA, yA;                       //coordinates of where the dice will play
    private int faceSide = 0;                //what side the dice is showing
    private boolean faceSideNotValid = true; //used in a while loop to ensure a correct side is chosen

    public BrainsOfTheOperation() //public constructor
        //left blank

    public void action() //action method to ask for a face side, valid it, and then ask for the dice's coordinates on a frame
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); //   Instantiating a keyboard scanner

    while ( faceSideNotValid )
        System.out.print("Enter the number on the face of the die: ");
        faceSide = keyboard.nextInt(); //take the next integer

        testIfValid(); //make sure its valid: if faceSide >= to 1 and faceSide <= 6, return false, to break out of while loop
        System.out.print("Enter the location of the die: ");
        xA = keyboard.nextInt();        //  Determines the upper left corner of
        yA = keyboard.nextInt();        //      the square AKA die  


    private void testIfValid() //declare method testIfValid to test if faceSide integer is a valid number for a die
        if ( faceSide >= 1 && faceSide <= 6 )
            faceSideNotValid = false; //set the faceSideNotValid to false to end the while loop
        else //otherwise, leave the boolean faceSideNotValid true as they haven't entered a correct number
            System.out.println("Number entered invalid please try again!");
            faceSideNotValid = true;


    public int returnXCoordinate() //returns the die's x Coordinate
        return xA;
    public int returnYCoordinate()//returns the die's y Coordinate
        return yA;
    public int returnFaceSide()//returns the die's face side (location)
        return faceSide;

}//end class BrainsOfTheOperation 

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