子句可以在同一个查询中多次使用,这个查询将被视为子查询(来源:from clause (C# Reference))。如果第二个from
子句的range元素的子元素上使用,则它将执行交叉连接(源:from clause (C# Reference))。但是,我们在下面的左连接示例中看到from
子句没有给出相同的结果,那是怎么回事? linq查询是否执行某种关联?
来源How to: Perform Left Outer Joins (C# Programming Guide)
class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
class Pet
public string Name { get; set; }
public Person Owner { get; set; }
public static void LeftOuterJoinExample()
Person magnus = new Person { FirstName = "Magnus", LastName = "Hedlund" };
Person terry = new Person { FirstName = "Terry", LastName = "Adams" };
Person charlotte = new Person { FirstName = "Charlotte", LastName = "Weiss" };
Person arlene = new Person { FirstName = "Arlene", LastName = "Huff" };
Pet barley = new Pet { Name = "Barley", Owner = terry };
Pet boots = new Pet { Name = "Boots", Owner = terry };
Pet whiskers = new Pet { Name = "Whiskers", Owner = charlotte };
Pet bluemoon = new Pet { Name = "Blue Moon", Owner = terry };
Pet daisy = new Pet { Name = "Daisy", Owner = magnus };
// Create two lists.
List<Person> people = new List<Person> { magnus, terry, charlotte, arlene };
List<Pet> pets = new List<Pet> { barley, boots, whiskers, bluemoon, daisy };
var query = from person in people
join pet in pets on person equals pet.Owner into gj
from subpet in gj.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new { person.FirstName, PetName = (subpet == null ? String.Empty : subpet.Name) };
foreach (var v in query)
Console.WriteLine("{0,-15}{1}", v.FirstName + ":", v.PetName);
// This code produces the following output:
// Magnus: Daisy
// Terry: Barley
// Terry: Boots
// Terry: Blue Moon
// Charlotte: Whiskers
// Arlene:
class CompoundFrom2
static void Main()
char[] upperCase = { 'A', 'B', 'C' };
char[] lowerCase = { 'x', 'y', 'z' };
// The type of joinQuery1 is IEnumerable<'a>, where 'a
// indicates an anonymous type. This anonymous type has two
// members, upper and lower, both of type char.
var joinQuery1 =
from upper in upperCase
from lower in lowerCase
select new { upper, lower };
// The type of joinQuery2 is IEnumerable<'a>, where 'a
// indicates an anonymous type. This anonymous type has two
// members, upper and lower, both of type char.
var joinQuery2 =
from lower in lowerCase
where lower != 'x'
from upper in upperCase
select new { lower, upper };
// Execute the queries.
Console.WriteLine("Cross join:");
// Rest the mouse pointer on joinQuery1 to verify its type.
foreach (var pair in joinQuery1)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is matched to {1}", pair.upper, pair.lower);
Console.WriteLine("Filtered non-equijoin:");
// Rest the mouse pointer over joinQuery2 to verify its type.
foreach (var pair in joinQuery2)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is matched to {1}", pair.lower, pair.upper);
// Keep the console window open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
/* Output:
Cross join:
A is matched to x
A is matched to y
A is matched to z
B is matched to x
B is matched to y
B is matched to z
C is matched to x
C is matched to y
C is matched to z
Filtered non-equijoin:
y is matched to A
y is matched to B
y is matched to C
z is matched to A
z is matched to B
z is matched to C
我当然没有任何关于这个想法的参考,但这有意义,甚至可以解释为什么必须使用DefaultIfEmpty ()