
时间:2015-06-05 16:38:34

标签: javascript html canvas

对于某些练习,我决定做一个蛇游戏。但是有一个问题:如果你吃了一个水果,它就不会在蛇身上添加一个身体部位!(l 41以及更多)我有一个画布所以不要担心这个和我将在以后优化我的代码。我知道还有其他方法可以做到,但我这样做了,我需要你的帮助来解决这个问题。因此,当你吃水果时,它应该添加一个身体部分,但它会收缩一个并添加一个,所以它保持不变。 (第一次出现,然后加一个!)我不知道为什么它第一次工作而不是其他时间。如果你想测试,复制代码并添加这个HTML行:(使用html标签!!!)

var ctx = document.getElementById("ctx").getContext("2d"); //get the canvas
var WIDTH = 600;
var HEIGHT = 600;
var framecount = 0;
var fruitList = {};
var bodyparts = {};
var bodyparts2 = {};
var score = 0;
var bodyLenght = 1;
var bodyLenght2 = 0;
ctx.font = '30px Arial';
var head = { //head of snake
  x: 300,
  y: 300,
  spdX: 10,
  spdY: 5,
  color: 'blue',
  width: 20,
  lastX: 0,
  lastY: 0,
var body1 = {
  x: 300,
  y: 320,
  color: 'blue',
  width: 20,
  lastX: null,
  lastY: null,
var tail = {
  x: 300,
  y: 340,
  color: 'blue',
  width: 20,
  lastX: null,
  lastY: null,

bodyparts[1] = body1;
bodyparts2[1] = tail;
Body = function() { // snake's body
  var body = {
    x: null,
    y: null,
    id: bodyLenght,
    color: 'blue',
    width: 20,
    lastX: null,
    lastY: null,
  bodyparts[bodyLenght] = body;
  bodyparts2[bodyLenght2] = body;
Fruit = function(id, x, y, color) { // fruits 
  var fruit = {
    x: x,
    y: y,
    id: id,
    color: 'orange',
    width: 20,
  fruitList[id] = fruit;
setbodyPos = function(id1, id2) {
  id1.lastX = id1.x;
  id2.x = id1.lastX;
  id1.lastY = id1.y;
  id2.y = id1.lastY;
randomFruit = function() { // random coordinates for fruit
  var x = Math.random() * (WIDTH - 20);
  var y = Math.random() * (HEIGHT - 20);
  var id = Math.random;
  Fruit(id, x, y);
testCollisionRectRect = function(rect1, rect2) {
  return rect1.x <= rect2.x + rect2.width && rect2.x <= rect1.x + rect1.width && rect1.y <= rect2.y + rect2.width && rect2.y <= rect1.y + rect1.width;
updatePosition = function() {
  document.onkeydown = function(event) { //check if key is pressed
    if (event.keyCode === 68) //d
      head.pressingRight = true;
    else if (event.keyCode === 83) //s
      head.pressingDown = true;
    else if (event.keyCode === 81) //q
      head.pressingLeft = true;
    else if (event.keyCode === 90) // z
      head.pressingUp = true;
  if (head.pressingRight) { //move head
    setbodyPos(bodyparts[bodyLenght], tail);
    for (var key in bodyparts) {
      for (var key2 in bodyparts2) {
        setbodyPos(bodyparts[key], bodyparts2[key2])
    setbodyPos(head, body1);
    head.x += head.width;
  if (head.pressingLeft) {
    setbodyPos(bodyparts[bodyLenght], tail);
    for (var key in bodyparts) {
      for (var key2 in bodyparts2) {
        setbodyPos(bodyparts[key], bodyparts2[key2])
    setbodyPos(head, body1);
    head.x -= head.width;
  if (head.pressingDown) {
    setbodyPos(bodyparts[bodyLenght], tail);
    for (var key in bodyparts) {
      for (var key2 in bodyparts2) {
        setbodyPos(bodyparts[key], bodyparts2[key2])
    setbodyPos(head, body1);
    head.y += head.width;
  if (head.pressingUp) {
    setbodyPos(bodyparts[bodyLenght], tail);
    for (var key in bodyparts) {
      for (var key2 in bodyparts2) {
        setbodyPos(bodyparts[key], bodyparts2[key2])
    setbodyPos(head, body1);
    head.y -= head.width;
  if (head.x > (WIDTH - head.width)) { // checks if it is a valid position
    head.x = WIDTH - head.width;
  if (head.x < 0) {
    head.x = 0;
  if (head.y > (HEIGHT - head.width)) {
    head.y = HEIGHT - head.width;
  if (head.y < 0) {
    head.y = 0;

  head.pressingDown = false; // no key is pressed
  head.pressingUp = false;
  head.pressingLeft = false;
  head.pressingRight = false;

drawEntity = function(id) { // draw rectangle in canvas
  ctx.fillStyle = id.color;
  ctx.fillRect(id.x, id.y, id.width, id.width);

update = function() { //update canvas
  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
  if (framecount % 125 === 0) { // 5 sec
  for (var key in fruitList) {
    if (testCollisionRectRect(head, fruitList[key]) === true) {
      delete fruitList[key];
      tail.x = tail.lastX;
      tail.y = tail.lastY;
  for (var key in bodyparts) {
  ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
  ctx.fillText('Score:' + score, 0, 30)

setInterval(update, 40);
<canvas id="ctx" width="600" height="600" style="border:1px solid #000000;"></canvas>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)





这是非常古老的代码(当我还是初级/中级开发人员和整个js noob时),但希望你能从中收集答案。